3rd Term Examination KG and Pre School

3RD TERM EXAMINATION  Mathematics Count numbers 1 – 50  Write number 1 – 40  Fill in the missing gaps:  1 ________  3 _________ 5 __________ 7 ________ 9 ________11 _________ 13 _________ 15 _________ 17 __________ 19 __________ Identify the following numbers:             35 16 12 18 22 20 62  

1st Term Examination KG , Nursery , Primary and Secondary Schools

1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE JSS 1     1st Term Examination SSS 1 Biology SSS 1      1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE JSS 2     1st Term Examination AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE JSS 3     1st Term Examination ECONOMICS SSS 1   1st Term Examination SOCIAL STUDIES JSS 1     1st Term

Key Subjects Areas For Kindergarten

PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT         (PSED) The goals of this subject area are: To help the children to develop positive feelings about themselves and people around To build and nurture positive relationships and respect among the children To develop positive skills, cultivate appropriate habits and build their self confidence To help the children to manage

KG Second Term Examinations

SUBJECT: C.R.K CLASS: K.G Who is God? (a) daddy and mummy (b) Heavenly father (c) sister and brother Mention 2 things created by God i. ________________________________ ii. _______________________________ Who were our first parents (a) Adam and Eve (b) Joseph and Mary (c) Mummy and daddy Do you love father Abraham (a) yes (b) No Say

Numeracy. CLASS: K.G.

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION.    SUBJECT: Numeracy. CLASS: K.G.   DATE: ________________________________.   TIME: 1 HOUR.   NAME: ___________________________________________ Count and write numbers 0 to 20 Count and write the correct number of these objects . Fill in the missing number 1 _____ _____ 4 _____ ______ ______ ____ 8 9 ______ _______ _______ _______ ______

Health Science. CLASS K.G 1

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION. SUBJECT: Health Science. CLASS: K.G. DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _______________________________________________ Which part of the body can we find the nose ? ————————————————- We ——– with our eyes (a) see (b) sing (c) smell. We use handkerchief or tissue paper to cover our —— (a) eye (b) nose (c) ear.

Numeracy KG Second Term Examination

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION.  SUBJECT: Numeracy CLASS: K.G. DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _______________________________________________   Count and write numbers 1 – 40   Addition of objects Turn it inside ———————————— Turn it up, down ——————————- 5 2 = 7 4 = 6 4 = 3 5 = 4 6 = 2 4 = Fill

Basic Science. CLASS K.G ONE

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION. 2014/2015. SUBJECT: Basic Science. CLASS: K.G. DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _______________________________________________ Dirty clothes should be worn everyday. ( Yes / No ) Blowing the nose keeps it ————— (a) clean (b)dirty (c) dusty. Farm animals live in the ———— (a) toilet (b) farm (c) radio. The baby of dog