Tag: JSS 1

Forgiveness To Pardon

Subject : LEADERSHIP STUDIES Term : Second Term Week : Week 2 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic :  Forgiveness Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Content   WEEK 2 Date:………………………………. Topic:  Forgiveness Forgiveness is the act of pardoning, that is, setting free from punishment or cancelling of debts. As we interact together,


  Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Week : Week 9 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic : Uses of farm animals Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Référence Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 1 by Are Content WEEK 9 TOPIC: USES OF FARM ANIMALS CONTENT: (1) Definition of farm

Breeds of cattle ,sheep goat, pig and rabbit.

    Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Week : Week 8 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic : Forms of Farm animals based on functions on the farm, uses or food supply. Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Référence Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 1 by Are et al.


Subject : Agricultural Science Class : JSS 1, Year 7 Term : Second Term WEEK 4 TOPIC: FORMS OF FARM ANIMALS. CONTENT: (i) Meaning of Farm Animals (ii) Forms of Farm Animals (iii) characteristics of farm animals. Sub –Topic 1: Meaning of farm animals Farm animals are animals that are reared by man for different


  DISTRIBUTION OF CROPS IN NIGERIA CONTENT Meaning of Distribution of Crops in Nigeria Distribution of Crops of Nigeria Factors Affecting the Distribution of Crops   Distribution of Crops of Nigeria As you move from the south to the north of the country, the vegetation gradually changes from forest to savanna. There is, of course,

Classification of Crops Based on Their Uses

Agricultural Science Year 7 JSS 1 Second Term WEEK: 2 TOPIC: Classification of crops (based on uses): (a) Food and Feed crops (b) Industrial crops: Oil, Spices, Latex, Beverages, Fibre ,etc Content: (i) Classification of crops based on food and feed crops (ii) Classification of crops based on industrial crops. Sub-Topic 1: Food and Feed


WEEK 1 TOPIC: CLASSIFICATION OF CROPS CONTENT: CLASSIFICATION OF CROPS SUB-TOPIC 1: Classification of Crops Crops can be classified based on their life cycle or lifespan: Thus crops are classified into Annual, Biennial and Perennial Crops. ANNUAL CROPS: These are crops, which complete their life cycle (length of life) within one year or in one

Jss 1 Basic 7 Agricultural Science Scheme of work Second Term

SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Classification of crops based on the life cycle Classification of crops based on uses (a) food crops (b) oil, spices, latex beverages, fibre ,etc. (c) As sources of nutrient: Carbohydrates, proteins, fat/oil, minerals and vitamins Ecological distribution of crops/factors