Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 CRS



1.In the creation story the job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by

A. God

B. Adam and Eve

C. Eve

D. Man

E. The angels of God


Reuben advised his brothers to kill Joseph but to cast him into a pit because he

A. he did not want them to shed the blood of the innocent

B. wanted to rescue him afterwards and bring him safely to their father

C. wanted to bury him alive in the pit

D. wanted them to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites

E. loved his brother dearly


Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites for …….. Shekels of silver

A. forty

B. thirty-five

C. thirty

D. ttwenty-five

E. twenty


when the children of Israelite came to the wilderness of Sin, they murmured against Moses and Aaron because

A. Egyptians were in hot pursuit

B. they were hungry

C. there was neither dew nor rain for seven years

D. both men neglected them to their suffering

E. there were thirsty


at the time Deborah became a judge in Israel , she was a

A. seer

B. prophetess

C. priestess

D. medium

E. sorcerer

the leader of the Jews who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem after the exile was

A. Ezra

B. Nehemiah

C. Ezekiel

D. Jeremiah

E. Zedekiah


Jonah was swallowed by a fish because he

A. fail to pray to God

B. fell into the water

C. could not swim

D. disobeyed God

E. was thrown into the sea


Jesus came to be baptized by John in order to

A. show his faith in John’s power

B. show that He was the Son of God

C. Please the Jews

D. fulfill all righteousness

E. Be forgiven of His sins


i will be clean. This statement was made by Jesus at the healing of

A. Bartimaeus

B. The paralytic

C. the woman with the issue of blood

D. The leper

E. the Gerasene demonic


In the Gospel of Mathew Jesus sent the twelve disciples to

A. the Jews

B. the Gentiles and Samaritans

C. Tyre and Sidon

D. The region of Gadara

E. The Greeks and the Samaritans

At the death of Lazarus in Bethany, many Jews came to console his sisters,The two sisters were

A. Martha and Mary

B. Elizabeth zand Martha

C. Elizabeth and Salome

D. Mary and Joanna

E. Martha and Salome


Peter proved that the Pentecost was a fulfillment of the prophecy of

A. Micah

B. Hosea

C. Amos

D. Joel

E. Isaiah


Two of the seven Deacons who later became evangelist were

A. Stephen and Nicolaus

B. Stephen and Nicanor

C. Stephen and Philip

D. Philip and Nicolaus

E. Philip and Nicanor


During the first missionary journey Paul was stoned at

A. Lystra

B. Iconium

C. Derbe

D. Antioch in Pisidia

E. Antioch in Syria


which of the following decision was not one of those taken at the first Christian Council in Jerusalem?

A. Gentile christians should abstain from the pollution of idols

B. Gentile christians should avoid unchastity

C. Gentile christians should not eat meat that has been strangled

D. Gentile christians should avoid blood

E. Gentile christians should all be circumcised

[26] All the three wise men came from………………… to Jerusalem. [a] East [b] West [c] Bethany [d] Nairi

[27] The higher power who does all things is from… [a] robot [b] God [c] angel [d] God

[28] Why did God create man?………….. [a] to be fruithful [b] to bless [c] to share and continue God’s work of creation [d] to develop natural resources

[29] The Prophet who announced the birth of Jesus was…… [a] Daniel [b] Isiah [c] Amos [d] Jeremiah

[30] Who was the King of Judea at the time of birth of the Jesus………… [a] King Pharaoh [b] Herod the great [c] King Antipas [d] King Angrippa

[31] What brought about the fail of a man ? [a] pride [b] gossip [c] hunger [d] sin

[32] ……….. is when a person is being punished and killed his religious beliefs [a] persecution [b crucifixion [c] hanging [d] martyrdom

[33] The Holy Bible is made up of……… books [a] 20 [b] 65 [c] 28 [d] 66

[34] The prodigal son asked for his share of inheritance because he was……………. [a] happy [b] greedy [c sad [d] faithful

[35] Who built the first Ark [a] Moses [b] Joseph [c] Noah [d] Jesus

[36]Which of the following means ‘ the going up of Jesus into heaven’ [a] inspiration [b] ascension [c] transfiguration [d] crucifixion

[37] A missionary that stopped the killing the twins in Nigeria [a] Henry Townsend [b] Thomas Bowen [c] Mary Slessor [d] Olu Adewumi

[38] Which of the following means ‘the suffering and death of Jesus’ [a] crucifixion [b] hanging on a tree [c] passion [d] torture

[38] All these are social evil except one…………… [a]fraud [b] bribery [c] cultism [d] honesty

[40] ………… .was the person commanded to destroy the Amalekites [a]Isaac [b] Job [c] Saul [d] Timothy

[41] Jonah cried to the Lord from the belly of Sheol , Sheol here implies the region of…………….. [a] darkness [b] deep sea [c] belly of the sea [d] house

[42] In order to escape from the presence of God,Jonah boarded a ship at…………. [a] Jerusalem [b] Samaria [c] Joppa [d ] Percia

[43] ……………were the three men threw into the fire. [a] Shadrak, Meshark and Abeddinigo [b] Peter, Paul and John [c] Taoffek, Samuel and Chined [d] none of the above

[44] Jesus used of an ass during the triumphal entry signifies that he was [a] a humble messiah [b] the all conquering [c] a politician [d] none of the above

[45] Who is the mother of Jesus Christ [a] Mary [b] Mariam [c] Marian [d] Mum Mary



Answer any five questions

[1] Discuss any Paul’s teaching on civic responsibilities and show how we can apply three of these instances in our daily living.

[2]What was Paul’s advices on the right attitude to civil authority. State any three ways Christians can demonstrate qualities of a good citizens.

[3]. According to St. James teaching in what ways can Christian reflectreflect their faith in their work.

[4]a What is impartiality

[b] List four ways Christians show impartiality in the society

[5] Enumerate four effects of partiality in the society

[6]Mention five ways Christians should live their daily lives according to Peter.

[7] Discuss in details the disobedience of Saul and state three consequences of his action.








