Examination Computer Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 12
Data Processing
- Data processing means converting raw data into _______ information. a) Useless
b) Meaningful
c) Basic
d) Hard - An example of data processing is using a _______ to add numbers. a) Book
b) Calculator
c) Pen
d) Paper
Information and Its Uses
- Information is data that is _______ and useful. a) Raw
b) Processed
c) Stored
d) Hidden - A _______ shows your grades and is an example of information. a) Notebook
b) Report card
c) Newspaper
d) TV show
Sources of Information
- A source of information that shows news and educational shows is _______. a) Radio
b) Newspaper
c) Television
d) Social media - Music and news are often heard on the _______. a) Newspaper
b) Radio
c) Book
d) Social media - Daily news and articles are found in a _______. a) Television
b) Social media
c) Radio
d) Newspaper - Updates and interactions are common on _______. a) Radio
b) Social media
c) Newspaper
d) Television
Microsoft PowerPoint Tool Bar
- The _______ tab is used to add slides and change fonts. a) Insert
b) Home
c) Design
d) View - To add pictures and charts, you use the _______ tab. a) Home
b) Design
c) Insert
d) Slide Show - Changing the slide layout is done in the _______ tab. a) View
b) Design
c) Home
d) Insert
Microsoft Excel Basics
- To launch Excel, click ‘Start’ and then _______. a) Word
b) Paint
c) Excel
d) Calculator - The boxes where you enter data in Excel are called _______. a) Pages
b) Cells
c) Books
d) Slides - _______ are used in Excel to calculate sums and averages. a) Pictures
b) Cells
c) Formulas
d) Charts
Introduction to Programming Languages
- Programming languages are used to write _______ for computers. a) Pictures
b) Books
c) Instructions
d) Stories - An example of a programming language is _______. a) French
b) Python
c) English
d) Math
Visual and Text-Based Programming Languages
- _______ programming languages use graphics. a) Text-based
b) Visual
c) Script
d) Code - _______ programming languages use text. a) Visual
b) Drawing
c) Text-based
d) Image - An example of a visual programming language is _______. a) Python
b) Scratch
c) Java
d) HTML - An example of a text-based programming language is _______. a) Scratch
b) Blocky
c) Python
d) Paint
Scratch Programming
- The 3S of Scratch are Sprites, Scripts, and _______. a) Settings
b) Stage
c) Styles
d) Slides - In Scratch, _______ are characters that perform actions. a) Scripts
b) Blocks
c) Sprites
d) Stages - Instructions for sprites are written in _______. a) Stories
b) Scripts
c) Pages
d) Slides - The background where the action happens in Scratch is called the _______. a) Screen
b) Page
c) Stage
d) Block - The _______ Palette in Scratch is where you get code blocks. a) Block
b) Color
c) Shape
d) Text - The area where you place code blocks in Scratch is called the _______ Area. a) Script
b) Stage
c) Sprite
d) Action - The _______ is where sprites perform their actions. a) Block
b) Script
c) Stage
d) Area
General Review
- _______ processing means converting raw data into meaningful information. a) Text
b) Data
c) Image
d) Word - Your grades are shown on a _______ card. a) Birthday
b) Report
c) Holiday
d) Game - Television, radio, newspaper, and social media are all _______ of information. a) Colors
b) Books
c) Sources
d) Types - The _______ tab in PowerPoint is used to add pictures and charts. a) Home
b) Insert
c) Design
d) View - Excel _______ are boxes where you enter data. a) Pages
b) Cells
c) Slides
d) Pictures - Python is an example of a _______ programming language. a) Visual
b) Text-based
c) Painting
d) Game - Scratch uses _______ for programming. a) Text
b) Images
c) Blocks
d) Cells - The area in Scratch where you place code blocks is called the _______ Area. a) Stage
b) Script
c) Sprite
d) Code - News and music can be heard on the _______. a) Newspaper
b) Radio
c) Book
d) TV - To launch Excel, click ‘Start’ and then _______ in the search bar. a) Excel
b) Word
c) Paint
d) Browser - _______ are used in Excel to calculate sums and averages. a) Words
b) Pictures
c) Formulas
d) Colors - _______ programming languages use graphics and are easier to understand for beginners. a) Text-based
b) Visual
c) Drawing
d) Image - _______ programming languages use text and are more detailed. a) Visual
b) Image
c) Text-based
d) Drawing - The _______ tab in PowerPoint is used to change slide layout. a) Home
b) Design
c) Insert
d) View - Information is data that is _______ and useful. a) Raw
b) Processed
c) Hidden
d) Stored - The _______ Palette in Scratch is where you get code blocks. a) Block
b) Color
c) Text
d) Shape - Television shows _______ and educational shows. a) Ads
b) News
c) Music
d) Games - The _______ is where sprites perform their actions in Scratch. a) Script
b) Stage
c) Block
d) Code - _______ are characters that perform actions in Scratch. a) Sprites
b) Scripts
c) Pages
d) Stages - _______ card shows your grades. a) Report
b) Greeting
c) Holiday
d) Birthday - In Scratch, _______ are instructions for sprites. a) Scripts
b) Blocks
c) Stories
d) Pictures - Excel _______ are boxes where you enter data. a) Slides
b) Cells
c) Pages
d) Pictures - Data processing means converting raw data into _______ information. a) Basic
b) Meaningful
c) Useless
d) Hard - The area in Scratch where you place code blocks is called the _______ Area. a) Stage
b) Script
c) Sprite
d) Block - Music and news can be heard on the _______. a) Radio
b) Newspaper
c) TV
d) Book - An example of a text-based programming language is _______. a) Scratch
b) Python
c) JavaScript
d) Blocky - The 3S of Scratch are Sprites, Scripts, and _______. a) Settings
b) Stage
c) Styles
d) Slides - _______ are used in Excel to calculate sums and averages. a) Pictures
b) Formulas
c) Cells
d) Charts - News and music can be heard on the _______. a) Book
b) Radio
c) Newspaper
d) TV - In Scratch, _______ are instructions for sprites. a) Scripts
b) Blocks
c) Stories
d) Pictures - The area in Scratch where you place code blocks is called the _______ Area. a) Block
b) Stage
c) Script
d)action - The _______ tab in PowerPoint is used to add slides and change fonts. a) Insert b) Home c) Design d) View
- A source of information that shows news and educational shows is _______. a) Radio b) Newspaper c) Television d) Social media
Part B
- What is data?
- Name one use of data.
- What is information?
- Give one example of a source of information.
- How do you launch Microsoft Excel?
- What is a toolbar in Microsoft PowerPoint?
- Name one tool found on the PowerPoint toolbar.
- What does the “Home” tab in PowerPoint do?
- What is a visual programming language?
- Name a text-based programming language.
- What is Scratch used for?
- Name one of the 3S’s in Scratch.
- What does the “Scripts” area in Scratch do?
- What does the “Stage” area in Scratch show?
- What is the “Blocks” area in Scratch used for?
- What is the function of the “Insert” tab in PowerPoint?
- What tool in PowerPoint is used to change font size?
- What does the “Slide Show” tab in PowerPoint do?
- Name one difference between visual and text-based programming languages.
- What type of programming language is Python?
- How can you add a new slide in PowerPoint?
- What is the use of the “File” tab in Microsoft Excel?
- What does the “View” tab in PowerPoint allow you to do?
- How do you start a new project in Scratch?
- What is the function of the “Data” tab in Excel?
- What tool in Excel is used to create charts?
- Name one way to format text in PowerPoint.
- What is the “Stage” in Scratch?
- How can you run a script in Scratch?
- What is the purpose of using a programming language?
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