Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Civic Education Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
Mid-Term Assessment: Basic 3 Civics Education
General Instructions for Students:
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- Write your answers clearly and neatly in the space provided.
- Do your best and avoid guessing.
- Work independently and do not cheat.
- If you don’t know an answer, skip it and return to it later.
Part A: Objective Questions (20 Questions)
Fill in the blank with the correct answer by choosing one of the options (a, b, c, or d).
- The Nigerian National Flag has _______ and white colors.
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Yellow - The _______ represents Nigeria’s identity and values.
a) National Anthem
b) Mace
c) Coat of Arms
d) Constitution - National symbols are used to show _______ for the country.
a) Disrespect
b) Love
c) Anger
d) Fear - The _______ is a symbol of authority used in the National Assembly.
a) Flag
b) Coat of Arms
c) Mace
d) Eagle - The _______ Anthem expresses the love and loyalty of Nigerians to their country.
a) National
b) School
c) Religious
d) Local - The _______ includes an eagle, a black shield, and two horses.
a) Coat of Arms
b) Mace
c) National Flag
d) Anthem - _______ help keep the environment clean for everyone.
a) Teachers
b) Students
c) Waste Collectors
d) Drivers - The _______ is a set of laws that guides how the government should work.
a) National Anthem
b) Constitution
c) Flag
d) Mace - _______ is important because it guides how we live and work together.
a) Flag
b) Constitution
c) Anthem
d) Mace - The _______ provides essential services like health and education.
a) Family
b) Government
c) Teacher
d) Police - _______ is used in the National Assembly to signify that the meeting is official.
a) Flag
b) Coat of Arms
c) Mace
d) Constitution - _______ should be protected from destruction to help our country.
a) Government property
b) Private property
c) Animals
d) Parks - We respect _______ to show love for our country.
a) Animals
b) Personal property
c) National symbols
d) Trees - The _______ symbolizes the unity of Nigeria.
a) National Anthem
b) National Flag
c) Coat of Arms
d) Constitution - The _______ is a symbol that includes green and white colors.
a) Mace
b) Flag
c) National Anthem
d) Eagle - The _______ represents the eagle as a symbol of strength in Nigeria.
a) Coat of Arms
b) Mace
c) National Anthem
d) Constitution - We must not _______ government property because it belongs to everyone.
a) Protect
b) Destroy
c) Clean
d) Build - The _______ is used to represent the people and government of Nigeria.
a) Mace
b) Flag
c) Coat of Arms
d) Constitution - Elders help the younger generation by offering _______.
a) Anger
b) Disrespect
c) Wisdom
d) Fear - We respect _______ to preserve Nigeria’s values and identity.
a) Friends
b) Elders
c) National symbols
d) Teachers
Part B: Theory Questions (20 Questions)
Write short answers to the following questions.
- What is the Nigerian National Flag and what does it represent?
- Explain the meaning of the Nigerian National Anthem.
- What does the Nigerian Coat of Arms represent?
- Why should we respect the Nigerian National Flag?
- What role does the constitution play in Nigeria?
- Explain the importance of respecting government property.
- What is the function of the mace in the National Assembly?
- How can you show respect for the national anthem?
- What is the role of elders in society?
- How does the Nigerian National Anthem unite Nigerians?
- Explain what the National Flag stands for.
- Why do we need to protect government property?
- What does the National Anthem remind us about our duties as Nigerians?
- What is the importance of the National Coat of Arms?
- Why is it important to respect the rules in Nigeria?
- How does the Nigerian Constitution help guide the country?
- What is the meaning of “respect for constituted authority”?
- Why should we care for government buildings like schools?
- What should you do if you see someone destroying government property?
- Why is it important to show respect for elders in society?
Part C: True or False Questions (20 Questions)
Answer “True” or “False” for each statement.
- The Nigerian National Flag is blue and white. (True/False)
- National symbols represent the country’s unity. (True/False)
- The Mace is a decoration used in the National Assembly. (True/False)
- Elders do not need to be respected. (True/False)
- The Nigerian National Anthem calls for unity and peace. (True/False)
- Government properties belong to the people. (True/False)
- The Constitution guides the government in Nigeria. (True/False)
- We should destroy government property to show our anger. (True/False)
- The Coat of Arms is part of the national symbols. (True/False)
- The National Flag represents Nigeria’s strength. (True/False)
- The Mace is a symbol of leadership in the National Assembly. (True/False)
- Respecting the Constitution is important in maintaining order. (True/False)
- The National Anthem is only sung in schools. (True/False)
- Elders should be listened to because of their wisdom. (True/False)
- The Nigerian National Flag is green and red. (True/False)
- National symbols must be respected at all times. (True/False)
- The Constitution is only important for politicians. (True/False)
- Destroying government property can lead to punishments. (True/False)
- The Nigerian National Anthem should be sung at national events. (True/False)
- The Mace is only used in the Nigerian National Assembly. (True/False)
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (20 Questions)
Complete the sentences with the correct answers.
- The Nigerian National Flag has _______ and white colors.
- The _______ is a symbol of authority in the National Assembly.
- The Nigerian _______ represents the country’s identity.
- We must respect national symbols to show _______ for our country.
- The _______ protects the laws in Nigeria.
- Elders should be treated with _______.
- Government properties include _______ and schools.
- The Nigerian _______ Anthem is a sign of unity.
- We should protect _______ because they belong to everyone.
- The _______ is a set of laws that guide Nigeria.
- The _______ is a national symbol of authority in the National Assembly.
- Respect for national symbols shows _______ for our country.
- Nigeria’s _______ symbolizes its strength.
- The _______ is used to protect the country’s laws.
- Elders in Nigeria are valued for their _______.
- The _______ reminds Nigerians of their duties to the nation.
- The Nigerian _______ is green and white.
- The _______ helps guide how government works.
- It is important to respect the _______ to avoid punishment.
- The _______ symbolizes the unity of Nigeria.
End of Mid-Term Assessment
This assessment covers key concepts and facts from the term, with a balanced mix of factual recall, analytical thinking, and conceptual understanding. Each section tests different aspects of students’ knowledge, encouraging clarity and critical thought.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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