Elephant and Tortoise Trick Comprehension English Studies Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Lesson Plan Presentation: Comprehension Lesson on “The Clever Tortoise and the Trapped Elephant”

Grade: Primary 3

Duration: 45 minutes

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Read and understand the comprehension passage.
  • Identify the main characters and the setting of the story.
  • Summarize the story’s plot.
  • Extract and explain the moral lessons from the passage.
  • Answer fill-in-the-blank questions based on the comprehension passage.

Materials Needed:

  1. A whiteboard and markers
  2. The comprehension passage printed on paper or displayed on a screen.
  3. Copies of the comprehension passage for each student.
  4. Chalk or a marker for the whiteboard


Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Begin by asking students if they have heard or read any interesting stories about animals.
  2. Introduce the topic: “Today, we are going to read a fascinating story about two animals, an elephant, and a tortoise. Let’s see what happens in their adventure!”

Title: The Clever Tortoise and the Trapped Elephant

Once upon a time, in a lush Yoruba forest, there lived an elephant named Efe and a cunning tortoise named Tunde. Efe was proud and always bragged about becoming the king of all animals.

One sunny day, Tunde heard about Efe’s desire to become the king. He decided to play a clever trick on the boastful elephant. Tunde dug a massive pit deep into the ground and covered it with sticks and leaves.

Tunde approached Efe with a sly smile. “Efe,” he said, “I know a way you can prove your strength and become the king. Follow me.”

Efe, excited by the prospect, followed Tunde deep into the forest. They reached the concealed pit, and Tunde pretended to be uncertain. “Efe,” he said, “jump into this pit to show your bravery. Once you do, you will become the king.”

Without a second thought, Efe leaped into the pit with a mighty thud. He realized too late that he had been deceived by the clever tortoise. Efe was trapped in the pit and could not escape.

Tunde, with a mischievous grin, shouted, “I am now the king of the animals!” He danced around the pit while Efe could only watch helplessly.

Moral Lessons:

  1. Pride often leads to downfall.
  2. Cleverness can outwit strength

Reading the Comprehension Passage (15 minutes):

  1. Distribute copies of the comprehension passage to each student.
  2. Read the passage aloud as a class, encouraging students to follow along.
  3. Ask students to pay attention to the characters, setting, and what happens in the story.

Discussion (10 minutes):

  1. Engage the class in a discussion about the passage:
    • “Who are the main characters in the story?”
    • “Where does the story take place?”
    • “What did the tortoise, Tunde, want to achieve in the story?”
    • “How did Tunde deceive the elephant, Efe?”
    • “What happened to Efe in the end?”


Identifying Moral Lessons (5 minutes):

  1. Discuss the moral lessons of the story:
    • “What do you think the author wants us to learn from this story?”
    • “Can you identify any lessons about pride from the story?”
    • “What lesson does the story teach us about cleverness?”

Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise (10 minutes):

  1. Display the fill-in-the-blank questions on the whiteboard.
  2. Read each question aloud and ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases.
  3. Allow students to work individually or in pairs to complete the exercise.
  4. Tunde pretended to be uncertain when they reached the concealed ________. a) river b) cave c) pit d) mountain
  5. Efe leaped into the pit with a ________ thud. a) gentle b) loud c) soft d) quick
  6. Efe realized too late that he had been deceived by the ________ tortoise. a) clever b) friendly c) sleepy d) colorful
  7. Efe was ________ in the pit and could not escape. a) free b) trapped c) happy d) flying
  8. Tunde shouted, “I am now the ________ of the animals!” a) leader b) king c) follower d) explorer
  9. What did Tunde cover the pit with? a) Stones and water b) Sticks and leaves c) Sand and leaves d) Sticks and sand
  10. Why did Efe jump into the pit? a) To show his strength b) To catch Tunde c) To hide from Tunde d) To rest
  11. What was the moral lesson about Efe’s pride? a) Pride leads to happiness b) Pride often leads to downfall c) Pride makes you stronger d) Pride is important
  12. What was the moral lesson about Tunde’s cleverness? a) Cleverness is not useful b) Cleverness can outwit strength c) Cleverness is not important d) Cleverness makes you weak
  13. Who became the king of the animals in the end? a) Efe b) Tunde c) The lion d) The giraffe
  14. How did Efe feel when he realized he was trapped? a) Happy b) Angry c) Helpless d) Excited
  15. Once upon a time, in a ________ Yoruba forest, there lived an elephant named Efe and a cunning tortoise named Tunde. a) dense b) dark c) lush d) noisy
  16. Efe was proud and always bragged about becoming the ________ of all animals. a) jester b) king c) servant d) teacher
  17. Tunde decided to play a clever trick on the boastful ________. a) giraffe b) lion c) elephant d) monkey
  18. Tunde dug a massive pit deep into the ground and covered it with ________ and leaves. a) stones b) sand c) sticks d) water

Review and Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Review the correct answers to the fill-in-the-blank questions as a class.
  2. Summarize the key points of the lesson:
    • “Today, we read a story about a clever tortoise and a proud elephant.”
    • “We learned that pride can lead to downfall and that cleverness can outwit strength.”

Homework (optional): Assign students a short writing task where they can describe their favorite character from the story and explain why they like them.


  • Assess students’ participation in the discussion.
  • Evaluate the completion of the fill-in-the-blank exercise.
  • Observe students’ understanding of the moral lessons from their responses during the discussion