Fun and Easy Vocabulary for Kids: English and French Learning Made Simple

Fun and Easy Vocabulary for Kids: English and French

Welcome to our fun and easy vocabulary guide! 🌟 Here, you’ll learn new words in English and French. We have everything from animals to everyday objects. Let’s get started!

English and French Words

Animals 🐶🐱

English French
Dog Chien
Cat Chat
Cow Vache
Fish Poisson
Rabbit Lapin

Food 🍎🍔

English French
Apple Pomme
Bread Pain
Milk Lait
Cheese Fromage
Banana Banane

Everyday Objects 🏠✏️

English French
Book Livre
Chair Chaise
Table Table
Pen Stylo
Pencil Crayon

Clothes 👕👗

English French
Shirt Chemise
Socks Chaussettes
Hat Chapeau
Dress Robe
Jacket Manteau

Fun and Play 🎈🎉

English French
Toy Jouet
Game Jeu
Ball Balle
Bike Vélo
Play Jouer

Useful Phrases and Actions

Here are some useful phrases you can use in both English and French.

Basic Needs

English French
I am hungry J’ai faim
I am thirsty J’ai soif
I like J’aime
I don’t like Je n’aime pas
I’d like Je voudrais


English French
I live Je vis
I listen to J’écoute
I play Je joue
I am watching Je regarde
I am working Je travaille

Fun Examples

  • Apple (Pomme): You can eat an apple. 🍎
  • Dog (Chien): A dog is a furry friend. 🐶
  • Ball (Balle): You play with a ball. ⚽
  • Shirt (Chemise): A shirt goes on your body. 👕
  • Bike (Vélo): Riding a bike is fun. 🚲

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What does “la pomme” mean in English?
    • A: “La pomme” means “apple” in English.
  2. Q: How do you say “cheese” in French?
    • A: “Cheese” in French is “le fromage.”
  3. Q: What is the French word for “sun”?
    • A: The French word for “sun” is “le soleil.”
  4. Q: How do you say “car” in French?
    • A: “Car” in French is “la voiture.”
  5. Q: What does “le stylo” mean in English?
    • A: “Le stylo” means “pen” in English.
  6. Q: What is the English word for “le livre”?
    • A: “Le livre” means “book” in English.
  7. Q: How do you say “bread” in French?
    • A: “Bread” in French is “le pain.”
  8. Q: What is the French word for “shirt”?
    • A: The French word for “shirt” is “la chemise.”
  9. Q: What does “la famille” mean in English?
    • A: “La famille” means “family” in English.
  10. Q: How do you say “teacher” in French?
    • A: “Teacher” in French is “le professeur.”
  11. Q: What is the English word for “le chocolat”?
    • A: “Le chocolat” means “chocolate” in English.
  12. Q: What does “la chambre” mean in English?
    • A: “La chambre” means “bedroom” in English.
  13. Q: How do you say “milk” in French?
    • A: “Milk” in French is “le lait.”
  14. Q: What is the French word for “sea”?
    • A: The French word for “sea” is “la mer.”
  15. Q: What does “le pain” mean in English?
    • A: “Le pain” means “bread” in English.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. The French word for “apple” is __________.
    • a) la pomme
    • b) le pain
    • c) la maison
    • d) la table
  2. The English word for “cheese” is __________.
    • a) le fromage
    • b) le pain
    • c) le lait
    • d) le chocolat
  3. In French, “cat” is __________.
    • a) le chien
    • b) le chat
    • c) le poisson
    • d) le cheval
  4. “Sun” in French is __________.
    • a) la lune
    • b) le soleil
    • c) la neige
    • d) la pluie
  5. The English word for “la voiture” is __________.
    • a) bus
    • b) car
    • c) train
    • d) bike
  6. In French, “book” is __________.
    • a) le livre
    • b) la table
    • c) le stylo
    • d) la chaise
  7. The French word for “bread” is __________.
    • a) le pain
    • b) le fromage
    • c) la pomme
    • d) le jus
  8. The English word for “le stylo” is __________.
    • a) pencil
    • b) pen
    • c) notebook
    • d) ruler
  9. In French, “family” is __________.
    • a) la famille
    • b) la maison
    • c) les amis
    • d) le jardin
  10. “Teacher” in French is __________.
    • a) le médecin
    • b) l’élève
    • c) le professeur
    • d) le directeur
  11. The English word for “le chocolat” is __________.
    • a) cheese
    • b) chocolate
    • c) bread
    • d) juice
  12. In French, “shirt” is __________.
    • a) la jupe
    • b) le pantalon
    • c) la chemise
    • d) le pull
  13. The French word for “bedroom” is __________.
    • a) la chambre
    • b) la cuisine
    • c) le salon
    • d) la salle à manger
  14. “Milk” in French is __________.
    • a) le lait
    • b) le miel
    • c) le jus
    • d) le pain
  15. The English word for “la mer” is __________.
    • a) sea
    • b) sky
    • c) river
    • d) lake

Remember, learning new words can be exciting! Try using these words in your daily conversations. The more you practice, the better you get! 🎉😊

Enjoy learning and have fun! 🌟

This table covers various categories to help with learning and translation.

English French
Aeroplane Avion
Apple Pomme
Arm Bras
Back Dos
Ball Balle
Banana Banane
Beach Plage
Bed Lit
Bike Vélo
Birthday Anniversaire
Body Corps
Book Livre
Bread Pain
Brother Frère
Butterfly Papillon
Carrot Carotte
Cheese Fromage
Chicken Poulet
Clothes Vêtements
Coffee Café
Cow Vache
Desk Bureau
Dog Chien
Dress Robe
Egg Œuf
Family Famille
Father Père
Fish Poisson
Flower Fleur
Food Nourriture
Friend Ami
Hair Cheveux
Hand Main
Happy Heureux
Hobby Passe-temps
Home Maison
Homework Devoirs
House Maison
Husband Mari
Ice Cream Glace
Key Clé
Leg Jambe
Library Bibliothèque
Milk Lait
Money Argent
Mother Mère
Movie Film
Music Musique
Name Nom
Nose Nez
Pen Stylo
Pencil Crayon
Pencil Sharpener Size-crayon
Pizza Pizza
Play Jouer
Rabbit Lapin
Ruler Règle
Sister Sœur
Sock Chaussette
Sun Soleil
Table Table
Teacher Enseignant(e)
Time Temps
Toy Jouet
Tree Arbre
Vegetable Légume
Water Eau
Window Fenêtre
Yogurt Yaourt

French Phrases and Verbs

English Phrase French Phrase
I am hungry J’ai faim
I am thirsty J’ai soif
I like J’aime
I don’t like Je n’aime pas
I’d like Je voudrais
I live Je vis
I listen to J’écoute
I play Je joue
I am watching Je regarde
I am working Je travaille