Subtraction of Numbers (within 10) Mathematics Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subtraction of Numbers (within 10)

Comprehensive Lesson Plan: Mathematics Primary 1 Second Term, Week 3

Subject: Mathematics
Class: Primary 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 3
Age: 6 years

Topic: Introduction to Subtraction
Sub-Topic: Subtraction of Numbers (within 10)
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Count and identify numbers from 81-90 and 91-100.
  2. Write numbers 1-90 in numerals.
  3. Explain subtraction and its sign (-).
  4. Recognize other terms for subtraction such as minus, take away, fewer, and reduce.
  5. Subtract two 1-digit numbers within 10.
  6. Subtract zero from any number and describe its effect.
  7. Use a number line to subtract numbers.
  8. Solve subtraction problems in real-life situations.


Subtraction, Minus, Take away, Reduce, Number line, Minuend, Subtrahend

Set Induction

Begin the lesson by singing the song “10 Green Bottles”, which introduces subtraction in a fun and engaging way. Use a visual display of 10 green bottles on the board or as props.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have learned how to count and write numbers up to 80 and add two numbers within 10.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Number charts (1-100)
  • Flashcards with subtraction problems
  • Objects (e.g., bottle caps, sticks, seeds)
  • Number line charts
  • Subtraction worksheets

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask the pupils to count forward from 1 to 80, then count backward from 80 to 1. Revise the addition of numbers within 10 and relate it to subtraction (e.g., “If 7 + 3 = 10, what is 10 – 3?”).

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Personal Development

Reference Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Mathematics
  • Mathematics textbook for Primary 1
  • Educational websites (e.g.,

Instructional Materials

  • Number line chart
  • Real objects for counting and subtraction
  • Flashcards with subtraction problems


  1. Definition of Subtraction:
    • Subtraction means taking away or removing a part from a whole.
    • The sign for subtraction is “−”.
  2. Key Terms Related to Subtraction:
    • Minus
    • Take away
    • Fewer
    • Reduce
  3. Subtraction Process:
    • Subtracting zero from a number keeps the number the same.
    • Subtracting a number from itself always gives zero.
  4. Using a Number Line for Subtraction:
    • To subtract using a number line, start at the first number and count backward the number of steps to be subtracted.
  5. Examples:
    • 8 − 5 = 3
    • 6 − 0 = 6
    • 7 − 7 = 0
    • 9 − 4 = 5
    • 5 − 2 = 3

Presentation Structure

Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic

  • Revise counting from 1 to 80.
  • Solve simple addition problems with the pupils.

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic

  • Explain subtraction as “taking away” and demonstrate with objects.
  • Introduce subtraction terms and signs.

Step 3: Guided Practice

  • Show how to subtract using the number line.
  • Demonstrate subtraction with real objects.

Step 4: Independent Practice

  • Pupils solve subtraction problems using number lines and objects.

Step 5: Real-Life Application

  • Use examples like subtracting pencils or removing chairs from a group.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Sing a subtraction song to engage the pupils.
  2. Demonstrate subtraction with real-life objects.
  3. Show pupils how to use a number line for subtraction.
  4. Guide pupils in solving subtraction problems.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Count forward and backward from 81-100.
  2. Practice subtracting objects from a group.
  3. Solve subtraction problems on the number line.
  4. Share examples of subtraction from their daily lives.

Evaluation Questions

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. 9 − 5 = ___
    (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
  2. Subtract: 6 − 0 = ___
    (a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
  3. What is the sign for subtraction?
    (a) + (b) − (c) × (d) ÷
  4. 8 − 2 = ___
    (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
  5. Subtract: 7 − 7 = ___
    (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 6 (d) 5
  6. Which number is the minuend in 10 − 4 = 6?
    (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 0
  7. 3 − 1 = ___
    (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4
  8. Subtract: 5 − 2 = ___
    (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
  9. Subtract zero from 9. The result is ___
    (a) 0 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 8
  10. Which term does not mean subtraction?
    (a) Minus (b) Take away (c) Add (d) Fewer

Class Activity Discussion: 15 FAQs with Answers

  1. Q: What is subtraction?
    A: Subtraction means taking away.
  2. Q: What is the subtraction sign?
    A: It is “−.”
  3. Q: What is 9 − 9?
    A: It is 0.
  4. Q: How do you subtract using objects?
    A: Remove some objects from a group and count the remaining.
  5. Q: What happens when you subtract 0 from 8?
    A: The result is 8.


The teacher goes around to check pupils’ work and provides feedback. Pupils sing the subtraction song one more time.

SEO Elements

  • Captivating Title: Introduction to Subtraction for Kids
  • Focus Keyphrase: Subtraction for Kids
  • SEO Title: Learn Subtraction for Kids: Fun and Easy Steps!
  • Slug: subtraction-for-kids
  • Meta Description: Learn subtraction for kids with easy steps and fun activities. Count, subtract, and solve real-life problems with this lesson plan!


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Subtract: 5 − 3 = ___
    (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1
  2. Subtract zero from 8. The result is ___
    (a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 0 (d) 8
  3. What is 9 − 6?
    (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
  4. If you take away 2 from 7, you get ___
    (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 3
  5. 6 − 6 = ___
    (a) 6 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2
  6. Subtract: 10 − 8 = ___
    (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
  7. Which number is the minuend in 7 − 4 = 3?
    (a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1
  8. 2 − 0 = ___
    (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 3
  9. Subtract: 4 − 1 = ___
    (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
  10. What does the subtraction sign (−) mean?
    (a) Multiply (b) Take away (c) Add (d) Divide
  11. If 9 green bottles are on the wall and 3 fall down, how many are left?
    (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
  12. Subtract: 8 − 5 = ___
    (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
  13. When you subtract 0 from 10, the result is ___
    (a) 10 (b) 0 (c) 9 (d) 11
  14. Subtract 1 from 9. The answer is ___
    (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 6
  15. Which number is the subtrahend in 6 − 3 = 3?
    (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 0 (d) 9

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What is subtraction?
    A: Subtraction means taking away from a group or number.
  2. Q: What is the subtraction sign?
    A: The subtraction sign is “−”.
  3. Q: What is the answer to 5 − 3?
    A: The answer is 2.
  4. Q: What happens when you subtract 0 from a number?
    A: The number stays the same.
  5. Q: What do we call the number we subtract from?
    A: It is called the minuend.
  6. Q: What do we call the number that is subtracted?
    A: It is called the subtrahend.
  7. Q: How do you subtract using objects?
    A: Take away some objects and count what remains.
  8. Q: What does 7 − 7 equal?
    A: It equals 0.
  9. Q: How can you use a number line to subtract?
    A: Start at the first number and count backward.
  10. Q: What does subtraction help us do in real life?
    A: It helps us solve problems like sharing, shopping, and trading.
  11. Q: What is the answer to 6 − 4?
    A: The answer is 2.
  12. Q: What happens when you subtract a number from itself?
    A: The answer is always 0.
  13. Q: What is the opposite of subtraction?
    A: The opposite is addition.
  14. Q: If you have 10 apples and eat 3, how many are left?
    A: You have 7 apples left.
  15. Q: What is the answer to 9 − 2?
    A: The answer is 7.

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. What is 8 − 4?
  2. Subtract zero from 7. What is the result?
  3. Identify the minuend in 10 − 5 = 5.
  4. Subtract: 6 − 2 = ?
  5. What is 3 − 1?
  6. If you take away 5 from 9, how many are left?
  7. What happens when you subtract 4 from 4?
  8. Subtract: 7 − 6 = ?
  9. Use a number line to subtract 5 − 3. What is the answer?
  10. Subtract: 2 − 0. What is the result?

These questions and activities are designed to reinforce the concepts of subtraction and help pupils practice and apply their learning in meaningful ways.