Explain five (5) factors that helped to serve the basis for Nigeria’s educational policies as recommended by the commission on colonial educational policies in Africa

Explain five (5) factors that helped to serve the basis for Nigeria’s educational policies as recommended by the commission on colonial educational policies in Africa After the reports of two Phelps- Stoke’s committees that visited West Africa in 1920 and East and Central Africa in 1924, criticized the system of education being given to Africans

Explain the nature of Roman Educational system before the advent of the Greeks.

Sequel to the coming of the Greek influence, there are fundamental things to understand about the nature of Roman Educational system. The first significant fact was that traditional Romans were predominantly agrarian, mostly farmers. Thus, much of the education for boys was geared towards farming. This involved learning about farming itself as well as farm

Discuss four (4) problems in Technical and Vocational Education in Nigeria.

Financial Constraints: Many people want to study vocational and technical subjects, but they can’t afford the fees. The government also struggles to provide financial support, making it hard for many to get this education. Lack of Quality Facilities: Schools that offer vocational education don’t have enough money to build or update modern facilities. This makes

Explain the developmental trends in provision of Primary Education in Nigeria.

Explain the developmental trends in provision of Primary Education in Nigeria. Ashby Recommendations: After gaining independence, Nigeria followed the recommendations of the Ashby report for education development. Northern Region’s Focus: In the Northern Region, the primary goal was to rapidly expand primary schools. They aimed to have 25% of school-age children in school by 1970,

The earliest systems of education were characterized by religion and tradition Discuss this in relation to the educational systems of ancient Egypt

Religious Instruction: Religion played a central role in Egyptian society, and education was no exception. The ancient Egyptians believed that education was a means to connect with the divine. Priests were often the primary educators, and they imparted religious knowledge, rituals, and moral values to the students. Temples as Centers of Learning: Temples were not

Identify the five formal steps in teaching as advocated by John Herbert.

Identify the five formal steps in teaching as advocated by John Herbert. Preparation: This step involves connecting new information to what students already know, making the topic interesting and relevant. Presentation: It’s about introducing new material using real objects or practical experiences to help students understand better. Association: Here, students absorb the new idea by

Discuss the major contributions of Pestalozzi to educational development.

Pestalozzi was a Swiss educator who made significant contributions to education. Let’s discuss some of his key ideas and examples of how they’ve influenced education. Hands-On Learning: Pestalozzi emphasized learning by doing. For instance, he believed students should use objects like apples to understand math concepts like addition and subtraction. This hands-on approach is still

Corporal punishment is counterproductive in the teaching-learning process. Do you agree? Give three reasons for your answer.

Corporal punishment is counterproductive in the teaching-learning process. Do you agree? Give three reasons for your answer. In line with the views of Quintilian, corporal punishment is counterproductive for in teaching-learning process because; A. Corporal punishment affects the academic performance of students: Whipping a leamer in effect generates fear in him, fear for the teacher