Outline and explain five (5) major threats facing the development of Education in Nigeria today

Outline and explain five (5) major threats facing the development of Education in Nigeria today



  1. Inadequate Funding:
    • Explanation: One of the most significant challenges is the insufficient funding of the education sector. This leads to a lack of resources, outdated infrastructure, and inadequate teacher salaries, ultimately impacting the quality of education.
  2. Poor Infrastructure:
    • Explanation: Many schools in Nigeria lack proper infrastructure, including classrooms, libraries, and laboratories. This hinders effective teaching and learning and can result in overcrowded and uncomfortable learning environments.
  3. Teacher Shortage and Quality:
    • Explanation: There is a shortage of qualified teachers in Nigeria, particularly in rural areas. Additionally, the quality of teacher training varies, leading to disparities in the quality of education provided across different regions.
  4. Security Challenges:
    • Explanation: Security issues, such as kidnappings and attacks on schools, have disrupted education in several regions. These incidents create fear among students and parents, leading to a decline in school attendance and educational progress.
  5. Curriculum Relevance:
    • Explanation: The curriculum in many Nigerian schools is often seen as outdated and not aligned with the needs of the modern job market. This can result in graduates lacking the skills required for employment, contributing to youth unemployment

These threats collectively hinder the development of education in Nigeria by limiting access, quality, and relevance, which are crucial factors for the country’s educational progress and economic growth.




1. One major threat to education in Nigeria is inadequate _______.
a) Teachers
b) Funding
c) Sports facilities

2. Poor _______ in schools is a significant challenge to education development.
a) Food quality
b) Infrastructure
c) Student uniforms

3. Many regions in Nigeria face a shortage of _______ teachers.
a) Skilled
b) Musical
c) Artistic

4. Security issues like kidnappings and attacks on schools disrupt _______ in Nigeria.
a) Transportation
b) Education
c) Social gatherings

5. Inadequate curriculum relevance can result in graduates lacking _______ skills.
a) Job-related
b) Musical
c) Cooking

6. _______ funding is a significant challenge facing education development in Nigeria.
a) Insufficient
b) Abundant
c) International

7. The shortage of _______ teachers in rural areas affects education quality.
a) Unqualified
b) Qualified
c) Strict

8. Security challenges create _______ among students and parents.
a) Joy
b) Fear
c) Confidence

9. Many schools in Nigeria lack proper _______.
a) Uniforms
b) Infrastructure
c) Textbooks

10. The quality of teacher _______ varies across regions.
a) Uniforms
b) Training
c) Playground equipment

11. Outdated _______ can hinder education progress.
a) Curriculum
b) Technology
c) Music

12. _______ on schools disrupts education in some regions.
a) Attacks
b) Praises
c) Parades

13. Insufficient funding can lead to a lack of _______ for schools.
a) Desks
b) Cafeterias
c) Art supplies

14. Many regions in Nigeria face a shortage of qualified _______.
a) Doctors
b) Engineers
c) Teachers

15. Poor infrastructure can result in _______ classrooms.
a) Crowded
b) Empty
c) Colorful