Rewards of community leaders Civic Education Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Discovering Rewards: How Community Leaders Are Appreciated. Subject: Civic Education Class: Primary 2 Term: Third Term Week: 5 Topic: Rewards of Community Leaders Sub-topic: Understanding what rewards are, why they are important, and how community leaders are rewarded. Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will be able to define the term “reward.” Students will understand

Revision of Test Civic Education Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Week: One Topic: Revision Date: Class: Basic Two Subject:Civic Education Topic: Civic Education Period: Duration: 40 minutes   Civic education helps us to understand our ___________ (a) rights, (b) hobbies, (c) sports.  Civic education helps us to understand our ___________ (a) responsibilities, (b) favorite movies, (c) pets.  Civic education helps us to practice ___________ (a) democracy,

Social Studies Primary 2 Third Term Revision

……….. is the study of man and his environment . (social studies , Geography) …… the head of the family (Father , Mother) We can see birds, and pets in our …………(environment, atmosphere)  The family is made up of father ,mother or mothers and their ………(children,pets) Who is the head of the family,,,,,(father,mother) Who pays

Trusting God: A Lesson from Matthew 6:31-34

Help kids learn to trust God with this simple lesson from Matthew 6:31-34. Explore how God cares for birds and flowers, teaching us not to worry but to focus on what’s important. Trust God: Trust that God will take care of you like he takes care of the birds and flowers. 🕊️ God takes care

Revision Computer Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Third Term Week: 11 Topic: Understanding Computer Functions Sub-topic: Introduction to Shutting Down the Computer Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Students will be able to identify different ways of shutting down a computer. Students will understand the purpose of shutting down a computer. Students will differentiate between sleep,

Exploring Different Ways to Turn Off Your Computer Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9 & 10

Subject: Computer Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Third Term Week: 9 & 10 Topic: Shutting Down the Computer Sub-topic: Exploring Sleep, Hibernate, Restart, and Shutdown Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Identify and demonstrate different ways of shutting down a computer: Sleep, Hibernate, Restart, and Shutdown. Distinguish between the various methods of shutting down the computer.