OWE ILE YORUBA. Proverbs in Yoruba Land

  Class: Pry three Subject: Yoruba Studies Akole: OWE ILE YORUBA   Eni ti yoo je oyin inu apata,koni wo enu aake   Oju ti yoo baa ni kale, kin ti owuro sepin   ile ti afi to omo,iri ni yoo wo   kekere la ti npeka iroko,toba dagba tan apa kii nka   Bi


  Class: Pry five Subject: Yoruba Studies Akole:OWE ILE YORUBA   Aso koba omoye mo, omoye ti rin ihoho woja   2.Bi okete ba dagba,omu omo re ni yoo mu   Ati gbe iyawo kotejo,owo obe lo soro   4.ile ti afi to mo,iri ni yoo wo   5.kekere lati npeka iroko,toba dagba tan apa


  Class: Pry six Subject: Yoruba Studies Akole: OGE SISE NI ILE YORUBA   Orisi risi ona ni angba se oge ni ile Yoruba, oge sise ni aye atijo ati oge sise ni aye ode oni   OGE SISE NI AYE ATIJO Awon ona wonyii ni a ngba se oge ni ile yoruba ni aye

Revision of Second Term’s Work On Civic Education For Primary 4

Subject : CIVIC Education   Topic : Revision of second term’s work on civic education   Class :Primary 4   Term :Third Term   Week :Week 1   Instructional Materials : Wall charts, cardboard, online materials Previous Knowledge : Revision of previous term’s work on civic education   Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of

Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4   Third Term Scheme of Work   Civic Education   Weekly Lesson Notes Civic Education Primary 4   Revision of Second term’s work / Students Readiness Assessment Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Meaning, Problems, and Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week

Basic Science and Technology Revision 2nd Term

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology Class :Primary 6/ Basic 6 Topic : Revision of second Term work Week :Week 10 and 11 Content What is safety Mention five causes of accident Mention five safety devices What are simple machines Define lever Mention the parts of a lever What is a Pulley Mention two application of

Revision of First Term Work

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology   Topic :Revision of First Term Work   Class :Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term :Third Term   Week :Week 8 and Week 9   Instructional Materials : Textbooks, online materials Previous Knowledge : They have been taught magnetism, and some other topics in science and technology Behavioural Objectives

Magnetism. Types of Magnets

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology   Topic : Magnetism Meaning of Magnet Properties of Magnet Uses of Magnet Making of Magnet   Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6 Term : Third Term Week : Week 7 Instructional Materials : Pieces of magnet, iron materials Previous Knowledge : The pupils must have seen dark pieces