Factors of Numbers (Continuation)

Subject : Mathematics Topic : Factors of Numbers (Continuation) Factors are numbers that can divide a given number perfectly without any remainder.   Examples 1. Write out two factors of 14 Solution 14 ÷ 1 = 14 14 ÷ 2 = 7 14 ÷ 3 = 4 R 3 14 ÷ 4 = 3 14

Using Conjunctions in Sentences English Grammar JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Lesson Plan: Making Sentences with Conjunctions Subject: English Grammar Class: JSS 2 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 12-13 years Topic: Making Sentences with Conjunctions Sub-topic: Understanding and Using Conjunctions in Sentences Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define conjunctions and identify their types. Use

Set work on Capacity Measure

  Mathematics Set Work 1. 245 litres + 252 litres 2. Calculate the prime factors of 12.. 3. 500 ml — 150 ml 4. Find the product of 126 and 32 Assignment 1. Subtract 273 litres from 543 litres. 2. Is number 8 a prime number? 3. Write out the factors of number 18. 4.

Factors of a number               

    Subject : Mathematics Topic : Factors of a number Content What is a factor? A factor is a figure that will divide any given number perfectly without a remainder.   Note : One is a universal factor because it will divide any given number without any remainder.     Example 1 Write out

Usefulness of water

Class: Nursery 1   Subject: health habit   Topic: Usefulness of water Water is good We use water everyday We use water for drinking We use water for washing We use water for cleaning We play with water in the swimming pool Homework 1. What do you use water for (a) sleeping (b) drinking  

Nigeria Law Enforcement Agencies

  CLASS:::: Primary 3. SUBJECT::: Social-Studies . TOPIC:::::::Law Enforcement Agencies.   Content——     What are laws?? Laws are rules that guide and instruct people on how to live in their country or community.   What are Law Enforcement Agencies???? Law enforcement agencies are government organizations that are set up to ensure that people obey

Stop Playing with sharp Objects

  Class: k g 2 Subject: Science Topic: Playing with sharp Objects. Sharp objects: Is an egde that can cut, and that is harmful to our body. Examples of sharp objects are: pin Blade Scissors Knife Bottle Nails How can you avoid playing with sharp objects. 1) by not playing with blade. 2) by not

Writing of Numbers from 101 to 200

  Class: Nursery 1   Subject: Number readiness   Topic: writing of number (100 — 200) 101.        102.   103.       104.   105.    106.   107.         108.       109.     110.     111.   112.         113.           114.       115.     116. 

spelling of number (11–15)

  Class: Nursery 1   Subject: Number readiness   Topic: spelling of number (11–15)   11=eleven 12=twelve 13=thirteen 14=fourteen 15=fifteen     Homework Write in words Number (10–15) 10= 11= 12= 13= 14= 15=