First Term Examination Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Computer Studies Primary 5 First Term Examination – Week 12 Examination Instructions For Teachers: Ensure a Quiet Environment: Make sure the examination room is quiet and free from distractions. Distribute Papers Properly: Hand out exam papers and any additional materials to each student before starting the exam. Explain the Instructions Clearly: Read the exam instructions

formatting a text Primary 6 Computer Review Questions

CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY TOPIC: REVIEW QUESTIONS   1. In formatting a text one must _____________________? (a) highlight (b) high jump (c) high dark   2. A program used to fight virus on our computer system is called _________ (a) anti-computer (b) anti-natal (c) anti-virus   3. Word processing package is an example

Verb : Action word or doing word

  Class:Basic 2 Subject: EnglishLanguage Topic: Verb. A Verb is an action word or a doing word.The verb tells the action of the noun,pronoun,or other words.Examples of a verbs are go, do, eat, fall, give, write, run, sing, etc. 1) I go to school everyday. 2) My mother gave me a gift. 3) Always write

fill in the gap using a or an

Class:Nursery2 Subject:English language Topic:fill in the gap using a or an. Examples a cup 1.—–apple 2.——elephant 3.——basket 4. ——-umbrella 5.——orange 6.—-chair 7.—–onion 8.—–book 9.—–ruler 10.—-fan


    Class: Basic 2   Subject:Verbal Reasoning   Topic:Spelling   Examples   Choose any of these letters to complete the words   Cloth(es) (es, ev) Cutla(ss) (ss, vv)   1.DOCT___ ___ (OR, ER)   2.WOM___ ___ (AS, AN)   3.BEN___ ___ (SH, CH)   4.PARR___ ___ (AT, OT)   5.NUR___ ___ (SE, EV)  

If i have a wing like a dove

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Rhymes.   Topic: If i have a wing like a dove   -) I have an apple.   If I have a wink like a dove,I will fly, fly away oh by thy mountain oh by thy sea my lord is waiting for me.     I have an

Counting of figure 1-50,

  Class: k g 2 Subject: Number- Readiness Topic: Counting of figure 1-50, writing of figure 1-30. Writing of figure 1-30. 1 _____ 3 _____ 5 ____ 7 ____ 9 ____ 11 ____ 13 ____ 15 ____ 17 ____ 19 ____ 21 ____ 23 ____ 25 ____ 27 ____ 29 _____.    

Post Planting Operations Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5 Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 9 years Topic: Post-Planting Activities Sub-topic: Irrigation, Mulching, Thinning, Supplying, Application of Manure/Fertilizer, and Weeding Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain post-planting

Uses of Furniture in the Home

  Class: Basic 2   Subject:Home Economics Topic:Uses of Furnitures in the Home Content: Class: Basic 2   Subject:Home Economics Topic:   Uses of Furniture in the Home Content: Uses of Furniture in the Home 1.Tables:They have different shapes and sizes according to their uses.they are used for reading,eating and keeping kitchen utensils and equipment. 2.Chairs:They

Word Making and word formation

  Class: Basic 1 Subject: Verbal Reasoning Topic: Word Making   Examples   d g b _______ bag   u p c _____ cup   Class Work   1. o t b t l e. ———   2. t a n —————   3. l l b a ————–   4. n h e ———_——