Write (10) two letter words.

  Class: k g 2   Subject: Reading Readiness   Topic:Reading of letter a__z and Write (10) two letter words.     Write (10) two letter words.   1) ____   2) ____   3) ____   4) ____   5) ____   6) ____   7) ____   8) ____   9) ____  

How do we clean our home.

    Class: k g 2   Subject: Health Habits   Topic: Cleaning of our home.     How do we clean our home.   1) by sweeping the floor   2) by Mopping the floor with water and soap.   3) by washing the dirty plates.   4) by removing the cobwebs   5)by

Uses of Input Devices

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Basic Science and Technology TOPIC:  Uses of Input Devices   CONTENT:   KEYBOARD:   The keyboard has letter keys, number keys and symbol keys. It also has other keys to move around the screen and perform other things. The keys are used to type numbers, letters and words into the

TOPIC:  Weight (Revision

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Mathematics TOPIC:  Weight (Revision)   CONTENT:   Weight describes how light or heavy an object is.   STANDARD UNITS OF WEIGHT (i) The kilogram (kg) is used as a unit when we weigh heavy objects like bag of rice, bag of cement, etc. (ii) The gram (g) is used when

Ways of preventing drug Abuse self medication:

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Civic Education TOPIC:  Ways of preventing drug Abuse   CONTENT:   These are some ways of preventing drug abuse:   1. Discourage self medication:   Do not take drugs on your own but only what is given to you by your parents, doctor or nurse.   2. Take prescribed drugs

Mathematics Topic : Review Questions

  Class :Primary 6 Date : Tuesday 7th July, 2020 Subject : Mathematics Topic : Review Questions Content : Solve the following questions. Show all workings 1.) Write 698,217 in words ________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Write out three prime numbers _______________________________________________ 3.) Write out all factors of 12 ______________________________________________________ 4.) Express fifty three million, twelve thousand

Taking care of plants

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Social norms Topic: Taking care of plants Homework Rewrite the sentences 1. We must not pluck flowers _________________________ 2. We must plant more trees _________________________ 3. We must water plants __________________________ 4. We must look after our environment ___________________________

Types Of Pronouns

  Class :Primary 6 Subject :English Grammar Topic : Pronouns (Types) Content What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence Pronouns replace nouns in sentences Examples of pronouns are you, me, him, them, who, that, etc Examples in sentences You can replace a noun

The Cunning Fox And the Wise Crane.

  Class: Basic 4   Subject: English Studies   Topic: Comprehension The Cunning Fox And the Wise Crane.   There once lived a Cunning Fox. He would often make fun of others. One day , the Fox invited a crane to his house. He said, “Mr” Crane why don’t you come home for dinner tonight?”