Jss 3 Social Studies Second Term Week 9

Subject  Social Studies

Class : Jss 3 Year 9 

Term :  Second Term




CONTENT: 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of the transport systems

2.Impact of science and technology on world’s transport system

Sub-Topic 1:Advantages of TransportationSystems


  1. It is the most universal means of transport
  2. It compliments other means of transport
  3. It employs a large number of people
  4. It is the only means of transport that can take passengers to their doorsteps
  5. It facilitates the movement of people within short distances
  6. It connects places very well
  7. Unlike air transport, road transport allows children to travel to school using a door to door service
  8. Roads can be built to remote locations as well as to busy urban areas unlike rail and air routes
  9. Road transport offers high flexibility in terms of transport jobs and changed plans.


  1. Trains conveys more passengers than most vehicles
  2. It is safe
  3. It offers the cheapest and most convenient way of transporting bulky goods
  4. It reduces road traffic congestion
  5. It operates on schedule
  6. Canteen services are provided


  1. The inland water ways promote easy transportation among communities in the riverine.
  2. It also helps to convey bulky goods
  3. It is not as expensive as air transport travel
  4. It supports international trade
  5. Accident is relatively low.


  1. It offers the fastest means of transport
  2. Usually very reliable since travels are on schedule
  3. It provides a very good means of long distance travel
  4. It is a major contributor to global economic prosperity.
  5. It is the most comfortable and luxurious means of transport


  1. Mention 5 (five) advantages of road transportation over the other means of transportation
  2. List three major advantages of road transport
  3. Water transport is very important. State three importance of water transport
  4. One mode of transportation which offers the fastest means of conveyance over a long distance is ………..….

Sub-Topic 2:Impact of Science and Technology on World’s

Transportation System

  1. The modern means of transportation such as water craft, air crafts, vehicles etc are manufactured and maintained through science and technology
  2. The construction of good and motorable roads, railways, airways and bridges are the brain work of scientist and technologist.
  3. Science and technology has improved air transport through fabrication of faster and bigger aircraft like airbus A380, Double- decker Behemoth etc.


  1. Mention two impacts of science and technology on world’s

transportation system.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Read up your note from the beginning of the term to the end.


Objective Test:[mediator_tech]

1. The following are advantages of road transportation except

a) It is the most universal means of transportation (b) It compliments other means of transport

(c)It is the fastest means of transportation (d) It is the only means of

Transport that can take passengers to their doorsteps

  1. One of these is an advantage of air transport
  1. It is the only means of transport that can take passengers to their doorsteps
  2. It facilitates the movement of people within short distances
  3. It promote easy transportation among communities in the riverine
  4. It provides a very good means of long distance travel.
  1. The means of transportation that offers the cheapest and most convenient way of transporting bulky goods is _________ (a) rail (b)air (c) water (d) wind
  2. The most universal means of transportation is ________________

a) Road transport (b) air transport (c) water transport (d) rail transport

  1. One of these is not an impact of science and technology on world’s transport
  1. The modern means of transportation such as water craft, air crafts, vehicles etc are manufactured and maintained through science and technology.
  2. Science and technology has created natural resources like petroleum used to fuel vehicles.
  3. The construction of good and motorable roads, railways, airways and bridges are the brain work of scientist and technologist.
  4. Science and technology has improved air transport through fabrication of faster and bigger aircrafts.