SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE    CLASS: SS THREE (3)     Time: 



Answer one question from this section. Your answer should not be more than 450 words.

  1. Write your contribution for or against the proposition: women deserves to be given more opportunities in government.
  2. You have been awarded a scholarship by your school to go overseas for your undergraduate studies for being the first science student to have invented a machine in the history of the school. Write a letter to your friend in another school, telling him/her about this development and how you feel about it.
  3. Write a story that perfectly illustrates the aptness of the saying: “where there is a will, there is a way”




You are advised to read the passage below carefully and answer the questions on it.

Ade coker was a small round laughing man. Every time I saw him, I tried to imagine him writing those editorials in the standard. I tried to imagine him defying the soldiers, and I could not. He looked like a small doll and because he was always smiling, the deep dimples in his pillowy cheeks looked like permanent features as though someone had sunk a stick into his cheeks. Even his glasses looked dollish. They were thicker than window louvers, tinted a strange bluish shade, and framed in white plastic. He was throwing his baby, a perfectly round copy of himself, in the air when we came in. his little daughter was standing close to him, asking him to throw her in the air too.

         “Jaja, kambili, how are you?” he said, and before we could reply, he laughed a tinkling laugh and gesturing to the baby said, “You know they say the higher you throw them when they are young, the more likely they are to learn to fly!” The baby gurgled, showing pink gums, and reached out for his father’s glasses. Ade coker tilted his head back, threw the baby up again.

        His wife, yewande, hugged us, asked how we were, then slapped ade coker’s shoulder playfully and took the baby from him. I watched her and remembered her loud, choking cries to papa. “Do you like coming to the village?” ade coker asked us. We looked at papa at the same time, he was on the sofa, reading a Christmas card smiling. “Yes”, we said. “Eh? You like coming to this bush place?” his eyes widened theatrically. “Do you have friends here? “No, we said.

          “So what do you do in this back of beyond then? He teased. Jaja and I smiled and said nothing. “They are always saying so quiet,” he said, turning to papa. “So quiet”. They are not like those loud children. People are raising these days, with no home training and no fear of God, papa said, and I was certain that it was pride that stretched papa’s lips and lightened his eyes.

  “Imagine what the standard would be if we were all quiet”. It was a joke. Ade coker was laughing so was his wife, yewande. But papa did not laugh. jaja and I turned and went back upstairs, silently.



  1. What was ade cokers profession and what organization did he work for?
  2. Describe the character of ade coker.
  3. Who is papa and how is he different from ade coker?
  4. Give reasons why jaja and kambili might have not enjoyed the village.
  5. “……….silently”
    • What grammatical name is given to this word?
    • What is the function in this sentence?
  1. Why did jaja and kambili turn and go back silently?
  2. ……..pride that stretched papas lips….

What figure of speech is used by the writer here?

  1. Find one word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to and can at the same time replace each of the following words as used in the passage.
  1. Defying
  2. Reply
  3. Gurgled
  4. Sofa
  5. Theatrically
  6. Always



Read the following passage and answer the questions on it.


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are crucially important for sustainable development in developing countries. For the past two decades, most developed countries have witnessed significant changes that can be traced back to ICT. These multi-dimensional changes have been observed in almost all aspects of life. Economic, aviation, agriculture, communication etc. in a technology-driven society, transmitting information quickly is important to both senders and receivers. ICT have made it possible to quickly find and disseminate information.

    Efficient use of ICT result in a society in which the quality of life as well as prospects for societal advancement and economic development depend increasingly on information and its exploitation. In such a society, living standards, patterns of work and leisure, as well as education system and commerce are all influenced by advances in information and technology. The ICT-driven society creates a way for human capacity to be expanded, built up, nourished and liberated by giving people access to tools and technologies with education and training to use them effectively. ICT also creates a unique opportunity to connect with and assist those living with the poorest and isolated regions of the world.

      Thus, one of the agents through which the world will constantly experience change is technology. The need to make information available in the right form, to the right users and at the right time has led to a more sophisticated way of handling information. For example, in agriculture, small scale farmers always face threats from pests, drought, poor soil and erosion. ICT has helped to improve o this by providing up-to-date information about pest and disease control, new varieties of seedlings, and ways to optimize productions and regulations for quality control. Technology has moved crop production from a high labor and low capital intensive industry to a low labor and high capital intensive venture. Availability of high powered well-designed equipment and improved animal health care have all contributed to the revolution in plant production.

    In addition, ICT has bought about the evolution of information screens in aviation. There is now ease of operations of planes on the apron, planes can now land and take off easily, increased traffic can be handled more efficiently, self-service check-in is now available to avoid queues. Also electronic passport readers can now read passports more easily and metal detectors can stop illegal items passing through the security checkpoint.

   Indeed, ICT has impacted positively on human existence.



  1. In four sentences, one for each, summarize the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) to the society.
  2. In two sentences, one for each, summarizse the role of ICT in agriculture and aviation.




Choose from the options lettered A-E, the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word or expression in italics.

  1. Only a few of the lost and found parcels were claimed.(a) Auctioned b. disclaimed c. disregarded. Sold e. unclaimed
  2. He raised an important point at the meeting. (a) Adequate b. illegal c. irrelevant d. obscene d. suitable
  3. John was so sickly in his youth that no one thought he could outlive his parents  (a) Precede b. predecease c. supersede d. survive e. survive
  4. The plane flew above the clouds so that the passengers could see nothing on the ground. (a) Before b. behind c. beneath. d. Beyond.  e. through
  5. The impact of ICT on the society is enormous (a).  big (b) huge (c) irrelevant (d) significant (d) small

Completes each of the following sentences with the most appropriate of the options lettered A-D

  1. Soyinka is such a ________ playwright that he is known throughout the world.(a) Celebrated (b) celestial (c) certificated (d) selected (d) qualified
  2. It appears the _______ between the rich and the poor is getting wider in Nigeria.(a) Gap (b) gorge (c) gutter (d) opening (e) pit
  3. As an optimist, he has always been _____ in his views.(a) Negative (b) obsessive (c) passive (d) positive (e) pragmatic
  4. Okoro worked hard but in the end all his efforts were _______(a) Abnormal (b) abortive (c) fruitless (d) helpless (d) successful
  5. I couldn’t see clearly, something was _________ my view. (a) Blinking (b) blotting (c) blurring (d) closing (d) covering
  6. The principal and his students _________ eating.(a) Are (b) is (c) isn’t (d) was (e) wasn’t
  7. We were instructed to look up the meaning of the word in the ________(a) Theasurus (b) thesarus (c) thesaurus (d) theseraus (e) thesirus
  8. The members of the schools disciplinary committee are eager to hear the truth from the __________ mouth. (a) Horse (b) horse’ (c) horses (d) horse’s (e) horse’
  9. The headmaster wants either Patrick __________ sule as the head boy. (a) And (b) but (c) nor (d) or (e) with
  10. The quarrelsome women _________ to the party, as they weren’t invited. (a) Needn’t go (b) needn’t going (c) needn’t have gone (d) needn’t to be going (e) needn’t to go



In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below each passage, five options are offered in columns lettered A-E. Fill each numbered gap with the most appropriate of the options (Nos 16-25) 


    Every health problem serious enough to require ___16__ attention requires a ___17___. The __18__ uses tools or skills to help identify disease or damage. __19___ provide the doctor with a ___20____m by answering questions about their general conditions and past illnesses. Doctors may also use their hand to press and probe organs beneath the skin for changes in shape or size, or for unusual hardness or softness. They tap the chest to listen for sounds of the lung disease.

   Simple instruments yield other kinds of information. The __21__ magnifies the sound made by the heart and lungs while the ophthalmoscope enables the doctor to examine the interior of the __22__. After the history and physical examination, the doctor decides what __23__ are needed. The simplest ones can be carried out in a surgery or health Centre. Samples of blood, urine or throat swabs are sent to a __24__ for more scientific analysis.

  Sometimes, the doctor needs to see inside the body. Ultra sound __25__are used to achieve this.

16 clinical medical personel professional surgical
17 diagnosis prescription prognosis symptom treatment
18 consultant doctor nurse pharmacist scientist
19 clients complaints patients staff visitors
20 brief graph history lecture Study 
21 barometer computer horoscope stethoscope thermometer
22 ear eye mouth nose teeth
23 drugs examinations instrument plans tests
24 darkroom laboratory theatre ward workshop
25 cameras detectors scanners timers viewers