Question Tags in Past Tense (Continuation)primary 2

Subject :English Grammar


Topic : Question Tags in Past Tense (Continuation)



Question tags are groups of words that are used at the end of sentences to ask questions


Today we shall look at question tags in past tense





Example 1. Olu was happy, wasn’t he?



Example 2. Ade was absent, wasn’t he?



Example 3. James ate apples, didn’t he?



Example 4. Mummy was not around yesterday, was she?



Example 5. She did not steal the book, did she?





Set Work


Write out the question tags for the following sentences.


  1. They were there



  1. She was absent



  1. Mike did not do his homework



  1. The queen saw the hunter








  1. What are question tags



Write out the question tags for the following sentences


  1. The man was tired




  1. The woman slept off


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