Everybody should frown at domestic violence and discourage it.
Subject : Security Education
Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3
Week 5
Topic :
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to
- Say the meaning of domestic violence.
- Explain the causes of domestic violence.
- List out the effects of domestic violence on victims.
- Discuss the necessary punishment for offenders.
Previous Knowledge : Learners have prior knowledge of
in their previous class
Content :
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting. Domestic violence also refers to the physical abuse of a spouse or intimate partner.examples of domestic abuse or violence includes name calling,keeping a partner from contacting the family or friends,withholding money,intimidation,sexual assault,etc.
Physical form: This involves threatening to hurt or actually hurting someone,it includes kicking,slapping,rape,beating,etc
Social form: This involves teasing,insulting and embarrassing one in front of other people
Economic form: This involves psychological torture,
Spiritual Form : This involves someone hindering you from having personal opinion,ideas about cultural and religious beliefs and values
Causes of Domestic Violence;
1. Joblessness,particularly the head of the family
2. Drug addiction
3. Childlessness
4. Infertility
5. Influence of friends and relations
Effects of domestic violence:
1. Broken home
2. Psychological trauma
3. Wayward children
4. Injury may cause permanent damage
5. Stigmatization
Section 36 of Nigeria criminal code imposes a 2years imprisonment for unlawful and indecent assault of a woman or a girl while section 353 of the code also imposes a 3year imprisonment on unlawful and indecent assault of a male person,There is also a 10years jail term for rape,
Presentation: The topic is presented step by step.
Step 1 : The subject teacher revises the previous topics with the young learners
Step 2 : The instructor introduces the new topic by asking these learners the questions that are related to the topic
What do you understand by domestic violence ?
state five reasons why people engage in domestic violence.
List four ways of preventing domestic violence
state the punishment for domestic violence
Step 3 : The teacher allows the learners to give out their own contributions and he corrects them when the needs arise
Evaluation :
- What is domestic violence
- Write out two causes of domestic violence .
- What are the reasons for domestic violence . Mention two reasons why people get themselves involved in domestic violence
- List out four effects of domestic violence
- Discuss three necessary punishment for domestic violence perpetrators.
- What do you understand by children and women trafficking?
- state four causes of children and women trafficking
- what can be done to stop children and women trafficking?
The subject teacher goes round to mark and does the necessary corrections. He or she uses the opportunity to reteach the same topic to learners that didn’t quiet get it right the first time.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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