Subject : Agricultural Science

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 3

Class : jss 3, Year 9

Topic : Cooperatives Societies in Agriculture:

Average age :  12

Reference Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 3 by Are et al.

Behavior Objectives :  At the end of the lesson. Pupils should be able to


b) Say the  Qualities of a good cooperative member.

c) Explain  How Cooperatives societies are formed  In Nigeria

Instructional materials : Wall charts, textbooks, pictures on card boards, flash cards

WEEK:        3



CONTENT: 1.  How Cooperatives societies are formed

  1. Management of Cooperative societies
  2. Problems of Agricultural Cooperatives Societies


There are great differences between prices received by producers and those paid by consumers when they operate individually or as individual farmers.

Cooperative societies are managed and controlled by the members. A management committee is elected on a one-member one-vote basis to direct the affairs of the cooperative. It can appoint a manager or president but he or she would be responsible to the committee by-laws or constitution that will guide the cooperative in its activities is developed. A bank account is opened with three signatories drawn from the committee member. Then it is registered with the appropriate body to operate in Nigeria as a cooperative. All members should be involved in the activities of the cooperative society. Meetings are held regularly to take decision on how to improve the activities of society.

These differences make people having common interest seek protection by gathering together and pooling their resources to form a cooperative society.

Steps in forming a cooperative society

step  1:  Individuals having common interest come together.

step  2:  Such individuals identify their common goal or interest.

step 3:  They agree to form a society.

step 4:  They constitute a management committee and develop a bye-law or                       constitution to guide their activities.


Importance of Cooperatives Societies in Agriculture:



List the steps for forming agricultural cooperative societies.


After the formation of the society, the next step is management, that is:

1         To constitute a management committee. This committee (5 – 9 members) will then see to           the day-to-day running of the activities and welfare of the society.

  1. A constitution or bye-law for members will be drafted by appointed members.
  2. A bank account will be opened for the society with about three signatories to the account.
  3. The cooperative then registers with the Corperate Affairs Commission after due process. It is ready for registration when it has at least 10 members.
  4. All members are then involved in the activities of the organization. They have equal voting             right.
Management committee chosen by members
Elected President
Appointed Secretary
Unit Managers
Other members


Management structure of a cooperative society

Principles or features of Cooperative Societies

  1. Membership is open to those who fulfill the terms and conditions stated in the constitution of the society
  2. In the principle of democracy is applied to say or suggest how the society should be organized, equal right to vote and to be voted for
  3. Trading surpluses are distributed to members as dividends on purchases
  4. Fixed interests are paid to member on the basis of capital invested
  5. There is political and religious neutrality


Qualities of a good cooperative member.

  1. He must have team spirit,
  2. He must show dedication to the cause of the group.
  3. He must operate team player having good relationship with other members.
  4. He must show selfless service and dedication.
  5. He must be honest.
  6. He must be fair but firm in his decision making.
  7. A good member should have team spirit. He should be able to cooperate and work with others to achieve the objective of the society
  8. He must be dedicated to the course of the society
  9. He must be responsible and loyal to the society
  10. He must show selfless attitude. He mustn’t be selfish
  11. He must be honest. Others should be able to trust him and place confidence in him
  12. He must be tolerant and ready to respect the view of others
  13. He must be fair in his decision making
  14. He must be humble and obedient




Despite the qualities of leaders and members of the cooperative societies, there are challenges facing the cooperative which include;

  1. Inadequate capital.
  2. Poor management resulting from lack of needed skills and experience.
  3. Poor marketing system.
  4. Embezzlement of the fund of the society by some dishonest leaders.
  5. There is problem of repayment of loans by the beneficiaries.
  6. Unstable policies and programmes of financial institutions and government.


  1. Explain how an agricultural cooperative society is managed.
  2. List four qualities of a good cooperative member.
  3. Enumerate four problems of Agricultural Cooperative Societies.

Reading Assignment:

Read about export promotion in agriculture.

Text:   Spectrum Agricultural Science for Junior Secondary Schools pages (45 – 48)

Weekend Assignment:

Objective Test:

  1. The quality which makes a member of the team to always place the overall interest of the team above personal interest is known as ————
  2. group thinking B. teachable spirit C. team spirit      D. dedication
  3. —– grants the cooperative society the right to exist and also be subject to the laws of the country.
  4. ownership of an office B. Registration C communication    D. selling of shares
  5. Which of the following is not a desirable character attribute for a member of a cooperative society?
  6. honesty B. loyalty C. frugality      D. deceitfulness
  7. Management is a ——- of production.
  8. factor B. labour C. capital         D. time
  9. A document containing the fundamental laws and basic principles through which an organization is governed or run is called =========
  10. ledger B. diary C. constitution          D. minutes

Essay Test:

  1. List three qualities of a good cooperative member.
  2. (a) List 4 problems of Agricultural cooperative societies.

(b)Suggest solutions to these problems.


Step one :The class teacher revises the previous topics

Step two : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step three : He or she arouse the pupils interest by making the class alive, warm and interesting by making use of various instructional materials like pictures on books or cardboard or making online reference with phones, laptop or desktop computers

Problems of Agricultural Cooperative Societies

  1. Embezzling of the society’s fund by some officials is common
  2. Most members are illiterate and they do not understand the principles and benefit of the society
  3. Lack of capital has hindered the development and expansion of cooperative societies
  4. Individuals may be denied personal initiative which may hinder development of entrepreneurship
  5. Poor management resulting from lack of business experience
  6. Problem of repayment of loans from beneficiaries
  7. The appointment of officials may be influenced by more powerful members
  8. Cooperatives sometimes involves themselves with politics which leads to wasteful expenditure

Practice Questions

  1. State 4 problems of cooperative societies
  2.  List 5 qualities of a good cooperative member