Examination Questions Social Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes

Social Studies Primary 6 Second Term Examination

Week 12: Examination Questions on Topics Covered Throughout the Second Term

General Instructions for Teachers and Students

  1. For Teachers:
    • Supervise the examination fairly and ensure all students are comfortable.
    • Avoid giving hints or answers to students during the examination.
    • Mark the scripts honestly, using the marking scheme provided later.
  2. For Students:
    • Read each question carefully before answering.
    • Answer all questions independently and honestly.
    • Avoid all forms of malpractice. Remember, integrity is important!
    • Use a blue or black pen to write your answers neatly.
  3. Duration:
    • This exam is to be completed within 2 hours.
  4. Grading:
    • Part A (Objective Questions): 30 marks
    • Part B (Theory Questions): 30 marks
    • Part C (True or False Questions): 20 marks
    • Part D (Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions): 20 marks

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Marks)

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. Peace education teaches people how to __________ conflicts.
    a) Start
    b) Resolve
    c) Avoid
    d) Cause
  2. The Nigerian flag is __________ in color.
    a) Green and yellow
    b) White and green
    c) Blue and red
    d) White and black
  3. Drug abuse harms the __________.
    a) Mind and body
    b) Society
    c) Environment
    d) Economy
  4. Cooperation means __________ together.
    a) Fighting
    b) Working
    c) Arguing
    d) Ignoring
  5. A synthetic drug is made __________.
    a) Naturally
    b) In factories
    c) From plants
    d) At home
  6. Unity means people __________ as one.
    a) Live
    b) Divide
    c) Work
    d) Argue
  7. The __________ on the Nigerian flag stands for peace.
    a) Green
    b) Yellow
    c) Red
    d) White
  8. Aloe vera is an example of a __________ drug.
    a) Manufactured
    b) Synthetic
    c) Natural
    d) Dangerous
  9. The Nigerian national anthem promotes __________.
    a) Patriotism
    b) Disunity
    c) Violence
    d) Hatred
  10. __________ is a value that promotes peace.
    a) Greed
    b) Honesty
    c) Anger
    d) Dishonesty
  11. Drug abuse can cause __________.
    a) Good health
    b) Accidents
    c) Education
    d) Happiness
  12. Ginger is an example of a __________ drug.
    a) Synthetic
    b) Naturally occurring
    c) Artificial
    d) Manufactured
  13. Tolerance helps people __________ one another.
    a) Respect
    b) Ignore
    c) Mock
    d) Blame
  14. National unity is important for __________.
    a) Disagreement
    b) Division
    c) Peace
    d) Hatred
  15. __________ drugs are made from plants or animals.
    a) Synthetic
    b) Natural
    c) Manufactured
    d) Artificial
  16. Cooperation helps people __________ their goals.
    a) Achieve
    b) Avoid
    c) Forget
    d) Destroy
  17. Drug abuse can lead to __________.
    a) Success
    b) Poor health
    c) Wealth
    d) Education
  18. The green on the Nigerian flag stands for __________.
    a) Peace
    b) Agriculture
    c) Unity
    d) Respect
  19. The Nigerian currency is a __________ of unity.
    a) Symbol
    b) Problem
    c) Cause
    d) Consequence
  20. The Nigerian national anthem encourages __________.
    a) Hatred
    b) Division
    c) Unity
    d) Violence
  21. Honesty is a __________ that promotes peace.
    a) Skill
    b) Value
    c) Problem
    d) Consequence
  22. Ginger and aloe vera are __________ drugs.
    a) Artificial
    b) Manufactured
    c) Synthetic
    d) Natural
  23. Drug abuse is the __________ use of drugs.
    a) Proper
    b) Improper
    c) Normal
    d) Regular
  24. The national flag is a __________ of national unity.
    a) Symbol
    b) Sign
    c) Problem
    d) Law
  25. The __________ color on the Nigerian flag represents agriculture.
    a) Green
    b) Yellow
    c) Blue
    d) White
  26. The national anthem helps people to __________ their country.
    a) Hate
    b) Disrespect
    c) Love
    d) Mock
  27. __________ is an important value for unity.
    a) Greed
    b) Tolerance
    c) Dishonesty
    d) Anger
  28. A __________ drug is made in laboratories.
    a) Natural
    b) Herbal
    c) Synthetic
    d) Local
  29. The Nigerian national pledge encourages __________.
    a) Patriotism
    b) Hatred
    c) Conflict
    d) Dishonesty
  30. __________ education teaches people how to live peacefully.
    a) Social
    b) Peace
    c) Physical
    d) Moral

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Marks)

Answer the following questions in simple sentences:

  1. What is peace education?
  2. Name two characteristics of peace education.
  3. Define drug abuse.
  4. List two examples of synthetic drugs.
  5. Give two examples of natural drugs.
  6. What does the green on the Nigerian flag represent?
  7. What does the white on the Nigerian flag represent?
  8. What is national unity?
  9. Mention two values that promote peace.
  10. Why is honesty important in promoting peace?
  11. Name two consequences of drug abuse.
  12. Define tolerance.
  13. Mention two symbols of national unity.
  14. What is the purpose of the national anthem?
  15. List two reasons why cooperation is important.
  16. What is the Nigerian national pledge?
  17. How does tolerance promote unity?
  18. Mention one way to avoid drug abuse.
  19. What is the importance of the Nigerian currency as a symbol?
  20. Why is unity important in a country?

Part C: True or False Questions (20 Marks)

Write True or False for the following statements:

  1. Peace education teaches people how to fight.
  2. The Nigerian flag is green and white.
  3. Cooperation means working together.
  4. Drug abuse is good for health.
  5. Aloe vera is a synthetic drug.
  6. The national pledge encourages patriotism.
  7. Tolerance helps people respect each other.
  8. Drug abuse harms the body and mind.
  9. The green on the flag stands for peace.
  10. The Nigerian anthem promotes hatred.
  11. Honesty is a value that promotes unity.
  12. Ginger is a naturally occurring drug.
  13. Synthetic drugs are made in factories.
  14. National unity is not important for peace.
  15. The Nigerian currency is a symbol of unity.
  16. Drug abuse helps people succeed.
  17. Tolerance can prevent conflicts.
  18. The white color on the flag represents agriculture.
  19. Unity is important in a family.
  20. Peace education promotes understanding.

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (20 Marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

  1. __________ education teaches people to live peacefully.
  2. The Nigerian flag is __________ and white.
  3. Drug abuse harms the __________ and mind.
  4. Ginger is an example of a __________ drug.
  5. Cooperation means __________ together.
  6. The green on the Nigerian flag represents __________.
  7. Aloe vera is a __________ drug.
  8. __________ helps us respect others.
  9. Drug abuse leads to __________ health.
  10. The Nigerian anthem promotes __________.
  11. The white color on the flag represents __________.
  12. National unity promotes __________ in a country.
  13. Honesty is a __________ that promotes peace.
  14. Synthetic drugs are made in __________.
  15. The Nigerian currency is a __________ of unity.
  16. Tolerance is important for __________.
  17. Drug abuse can cause __________.
  18. Peace education teaches conflict __________.
  19. The national pledge encourages __________.
  20. __________ is when people work as one.

This exam covers all the essential topics taught during the second term. Good luck!