Underline the correct answer
1. Jesus is the only way to ____and _____ (a) school and farm (b) God and father (c) care and table
2. Sin ______ us from God . (a) separated (b) joined
(c) builder
3. Jesus says, I am the way, the ____ and the ____
(a) truth & life (b) money & house (c) father & mother
4. Jesus told the ___ to fill six pots with water
(a) Grooms (b) servants (c) teachers
5. Jesus turn water into ______(a) wine (b) food
(c) cake
6. We should always be ____to help (a) weak (b) afraid (c) willing
7. The Iame was sick for ______ years(a) twenty
(b) thirty-eight (c) sixty-eight
8. _____prayed for the people who were stoning him.
(a) Sunday (b) James (c) Stephen
9. When we suffer for what is right we should _____
(a) cry (b) sleep (c) rejoice
10. Nicodemus was one of the rulers of the _____
(a) Jews (b) Elias school (c) senate
11. Jesus our ____ knows all our needs. (a) good shepherd (b) bad enemy (c) good parent
12. _____ planned to kill the baby Jesus (a) king Jaja
(b) King Herod (c) King David
13. The ______ followed the new star until it should over the place where baby Jesus was laid (a) sheep
(b) farmers (c) wise men
14. _____ appeared to the shepherds in a great light and they were afraid. (a) An angel (b) a soldier (c) an officer
15. There was a marriage feast in a town called _____
(a) Ghana south (b) south Africa (c) Cana of Galilae
16. Which of the disciples of Jesus asked him to show them the way to God? (a) Isaiah (b) Thomas (c) Victor
17. Jesus was a _____from God. (a) trader (b) painter (c) teacher
18. When we are born again we would have a deeper ____with God . (a) relationship (b) separation (c) dislike
19. The lame man lied down by a pool of water called ______ (a) London (b) Niger (c) Bethsaida
20. The bread which is the word of God is the ____ (a) textbook (b) Holy Bible (c) document
Complete These With The Right Words.
1. Jesus fed five thousand people with _______loaves of bread and _____________ fishes
2. The parents of Jesus are _______________ and __________
3. _________________ came to Jesus by night and said, that, Jesus was a teacher from God.
4. At the same time Jesus was born, three wise men saw a ____________________
5. Jesus told Nicodemus, You must be ______________
6. ______ appeared to Mary and told her that she would give birth to a son whom to be called Jesus.
7. God warned the wise men in a _______not to return to King Herod.
8. The bread of life is the _____________________
9. Light represent ___________________________
10. Darkness represent __________________________
Supply the correct answer to the following questions.
1. Mention two state of a Christians as the salt of the earth when he/she joins bad people
a. _________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
2. List three qualities of a good shepherd
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
3. How an we become a member of God’s family?
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
4. State three Characteristic of light
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
Attempt all the questions.
Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction’s to make meaningful sentences.
1. Would you like something to eat ________ drink?
(and , or)
2. I will go to the party ____you come with me (if, and)
3. Taiwo is kind ____helpful (and, but)
4. She was extremely careful ________she made mistakes (but, yet)
Fill in the simple past tense of the verbs in the brackets
5. He ________ his toy (break)
6. We _____ not like the food yesterday (do)
7. I ______ the rubbish into the dust bin just now (throw
Rewrite the following sentences in the future continuous tense.
8. We shall paint the house before shifting in
9. He will help us to pack out things.
10. They will do their homework after school.
Use your own words to form compound words below.
1. moon _________________ = moonlight
2. rain _________________ = raincoat
11. traffic ___________________
12. note = _____________________
13. net = _____________________
14. tea = ______________________
15. key = _____________________
complete the sentences below with the correct
16. ____________________ book do you want?
17. ____________________ is your birthday?
18. _____________________ is your ambition?
Fill in the blanks with the present continuous tense of the verb given in brackets.
19. My neighbours _____(make) a lot of noise.
20. They _______(go) to india
Fatima was walking to school when she heard a loud noise. She turned to look. She saw an old car and some men.
They were wearing masks. One was holding a gun.
Fatima was afraid . She hide behind a lorry and waited.
While Fatima was waiting behind the lorry, she saw the door of a bank open quickly.
It was the men again. The were running out of the bank. They were bank robbers! They jumped into a car.
She read the number of the car. She said the number. She said it again and again. She didn’t want to forget the number.
While she was saying the number the car drove away quickly.
21. Where was Fatima going when she heard the loud noise? __________________________________________
22. What was one man holding?
23. What did Fatima do when she saw the men?
24. Why did Fatima think they were bank robbers.
25. How did she remember the number of the car?
Choose and write on one of the following (Ten sentences).
1. My classroom
2. My class teacher
3. My best friend
Underline the correct answer
1. One who works on a ship (farmer, sailor)
2. One who tests eyesight and prescribes spectacles
(optician , nurse)
3. One who sell meat in a market (seamistress, butcher)
4. One who sells fish (fishmonger, fishdriver)
5. One who serves in an army (teacher, soldier)
Underline the correct answers
1. The need for constituted authority is to ____law and order (a) fight (b) bell (c) maintain
2. Drug education involve s teaching people on the ____(a) way of making drugs (b) proper use of drugs
(c) cooking and selling of drugs
3. ______ means a person or group of persons that at on behalf of the people and baked by law
(a) constituted power (b) constituted authority
(c) constituted soldier
4. Taking care of oneself and the surroundings is known as ___(a) personal hygiene (b) personal love (c) healing our body
5. Traditional toilet is ___(a) costly to build (b) cheaper to construct (c) is higher to climb
6. Some drugs are useful to the body while some are ______ to health (a) rich (b) beautiful (c) dangerous
7. Taking care of the body and surroundings will prevent ____________ and _________________
(a) head & leg pain (b) sickness & diseases (c) fatness & eye sight
8. We must only take _____given to us by our doctor
(a) drugs (b) clothes (c) houses
9. Regular exercise will make us ____________
10. To control the way we eat, drink and the type of clothes we put on is known as (a) pride (b) self discipline (c) self will
11. Traditional toilet facilities are usually constructed in ____area (a) rural (b)offices (c) airport
12. We maintained toilet facilities by ______ (a) drawing (b) sitting (c) flushing
13. Drugs education helps to protect the people against _____ (a) wealth (b) untimely death (c) wisdom
14. The prohibited drugs by the government are ________ and _____(a) sweet & biscuit (b) yam & rice (c) cocaine & heroine
15. India hemp is known as _____(a) nice hemp (b) hard drugs (c) expire drugs
16. For us to be hygienic, we must take our bath and brush our teeth ____(a) daily (b) sometimes (c) monthly
17.____ toilet reduces smell and flies (a) traditional (b) pit (c) modern
18. Constituted authority promote good ______among the members of the community (a) roar (b) flower (c) relationship
19. An Oba is a _____type of constituted authority (a) religious (b) traditional (c) political
20. _______ and ________ are used to clean our toilets to prevent flies and bad odour (a) broom & sand (b) Dettol & Harpic (c) papers & wood.
Fill in the gaps with the correct words
1. Those drugs that causes drowsiness are called _____
2. We should _____________our toilet facilities everyday.
3. Traditional toilet encourages ________________
4. Modern toilets are __________________
5. ________________ leaders are ___________ to maintain
6. Constituted authority direct members of their organisations in order to achieve their _______________
7. Government agencies in controlling the uses of drugs arrest and prosecute those found with __________________
8. Which of the toilet is difficult to maintain?
9. ____________ are rules and regulations that guard against the production and use of drugs
10. The school is another ______________ that can help in the control and regulation of the use of drugs
Answer the following questions correctly.
1. List three (3) roles of the family in controlling the use if drugs.
a. ____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________
2. What is drug law? _____________________________
3. Mention three (3) ways of maintaining toilets
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
4. State three (3) factors that promote personal hygiene
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
Answer all the questions
Underline the correct answer
1. Cat is to steal as dog is to ____ (run, leap)
2.Snail is to crawl as monkey is to ____ (climb, run)
3. Owl is to flit as ducks is to ____(waddle , lope)
4. Man is to house as king is to _____(mouse, palace)
5. As mangoes to mangoes as sheep is to ____(sheeps, sheep)
6. Pigeon is to coo as nightingale is to ______(hoot , sing)
7. Ass is to bray as horse is to _____ (hiss, neight)
8. Crow is to cow as cock is to (crow, howl)
Choose answers from the rectangular box below.
9. As easy as ________________________
10. As hard as ________________________
11. As green as a _____________________
12. As feeble as a ______________________
13. As cool as ________________________
14. As brave as __________________________
15. Pawpaw is to fruit as dog is to _________________
16. Aeroplane is to air as ship is to ________________
17. Water is to drink as food is to _________
18. Cat is to kitten as dog is to __________________
Animals and their sound
Underline the general term from the following on common member.
Orange, Guava, fruit, apple
1. Envelope, stationary, pen, ink
2. Ant, bettle, insect, locust
3. Petrol, fuel, kerosene , diesel
4. Football, cricket , sport, handball
5. carpenter, occupation, lawyer, vendor
6. foodstuff, yam, rice
7. vehicle, car, lorry
8. Blue, green, colour
Animals and their homes
Circle the wrong member in each group
1. Ibadan , Akure, Ghana
2. plantain , meat, stone
3. Rug, carpet, stove
4. February, December, Friday
Formation of words
Form words by adding or dropping a letter of each word.
1. racket, bracket ; and band; lock, block
2. win, wind; seed; her, herd
5. hark, shark; line, sline; peak, _______________
6. Flight, light ; danger, anger; frail, __________
Observe the pattern of the following words and complete the blank spaces provided;
8. sold , told; bend, tend, nest, _____________
9. Go, goes; church, churches; box , ________________
10. cat, at; know, Now, Ghost, ________________
Underline the correct answer
1. Segun made ______ near mummy Yetunde’s shop
(a) car (b) tree (c) kiosk
2. How many weeks did it take segun to get kiosk?
(a) less than two week (b) Just one year (c) about four month
3. Who was not happy? (a) Sola (b) Micheal (c) segun
4. Where did segun sat for his ____university matriculation examination ? (a) sokoto (b) ogbomoso
(c) Ibadan
5. What is the name of the lady segun married?
(a) Kemi (b) David (c) Ojo
6. Where did the wedding take place? (a) Redeemed zonal church in Dugbe (b) Oke-Odo town hall (c) ansarudeen mosque
7. Where is Yetunde’s friend living (a) sabo (b) sango
(c) Ojo
8. What is the name of Yetunde’s friend (a) Motunrayo (b) Ayomide (c) chidera
9. Where did Yetunde sleep that night? (a) at her friend’s (b) at her parent’s house (c) at her friend’s house
10. What is the name of yetunde’s and segun son?
(a) Femi (b)Adebayo (c) Kalu
11. Mention segun’s other name (a) Okoro (b) lola (c) Alabi
12. What happenend to Bayo that Yetunde wanted to report to her husband? (a) the son was sick (b) the son celebrating birthday (c) he was sleeping
13. What is Yetunde’s Muslim name? (a) Fatima (b) Taiwo (c) seri
14. What happenend to Segun’s aunty? (a) she was dead (b) she is wedding (c) she doing birthday
15. What is the work of Yetunde’s mother? (a) she is a hair dresser at Oke-oyi (b) sheis a seller of enamel plate’s and ceramics at Ayobo (c) she is a seller of clothes
Write out the meaning of the following words
1. Haggard:- ______________________________________
2. Ceramics:______________________________________
3. UME:_________________________________________
4. Rancour: ______________________________________
5. illiterate:-_____________________________________
6. Prostitute: _____________________________________
7. Welfare:-_____________________________________
8. Converted:-____________________________________
9. Comfrontation:-_________________________________
10. Compatible:___________________________________
11. What are the two reasons Segun having a rethink about marrying Yetunde
i. __________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________
12. What is the title of the literature book for silver term?_______________________________________
13. List three names of the characters in the literature book.
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ____________________________________________
14. Who is the author of the literature book that you read for silver term?
15. Write out three four letter words from chapter four under “family Rancour”
1. Air is a mixture of _____________(a) gases (b) food (c) rice
2. ____ is air in motion (a) air (b) wind (c) blow
3. Wind can have good and __________ effect (a) bad (b) oxygen (c) market
4. A good drinking _______has no colour (a) air (b) hot (c) water
5. Which of the following is not a quality of good water (a) it must not has colour (b) it must not smell (c) it must be dirty
6. ______ is not a source of water (a) tap (b) river (c) glass
7.It is good for water to smell (a) true (b) false
8. _______ can make water unfit for drinking (a) sand (b) book (c) library
9. Contaminated water is ____to our health (a) dangerous (b) water (c) wind
10. One of the following is not a substance that make water unfit for drinking (a) urine (b) dust (c) chlorine
11. Drinking ______can be dangerous to health (a) bad water (b) good water (c) empty water
12. Drinking bad water can cause one of the following (a) sickness (b) dust (c) effect
13. Colours are used for ___(a) eating (b) sleeping (c) safety
14. One of the following is not a colour (a) yellow (b) blue (c) iron
15. ______ are used for beautification (a) colours (b) blue (c) green
16. Nigeria colour is ___(a) green and red (b) green and white
17. Colour red in the traffic light symbolizes (a) green (b) white (c) danger
18. Air occupies ____(a) space (b)light (c) leaf
19. Human being cannot do without ______ and _____
(a) rice and beans (b) pencil and biro (c) air and water
20. Dirty can be removed from water by ____ (a) boiling (b) toilet (c) paper
1. ______________ is a mixture of gases
2. Wind is air in ________________________
3. When wind blows, it carries substances on the surface of the _________________________
4. Wind is _________________ to man
5. A _____________________ water has no taste
6. A good water must not have _____________________
7. Water contained in sachets is called ______________
8. when water contain sand, urine, dust and chemical. It is said to be ______________________
9. Drinking bad __________________ can be dangerous to health
10. Colours are used for ______________________
1. What do you understand by air ________________
b. Mention two effect of wind
i. _______________________________
2. List three source of water
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
b. Mention two qualities of good water
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
3a. Mention three substances that can contaminate water
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ______________________________________
b. Mention two dangers of drinking bad water
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
4a. Mention three importance of colours
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. _______________________________________
b. Mention four different colours you know
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. _______________________________________
iv. ________________________________________
5. Design Nigeria flag with the right or appropriate colours.
1. ___________ are substances used to cure or prevent illnesses (a) drugs (b) sick (c) diseases
2. One of the following is not a body illnesses (a) headache (b) stomach ache (c) rice
3. Drugs are used to _____ the body (a) kill (b) disease (c) strengthen
4. Which of the following is not a drug (a) paracetamol
(b) Panadol (c) beans
5. Those who produce drugs and give the right drug for each illness are called ____(a) market (b) pharmacists (c) accountant
6. One of the following cannot administer drugs (a) mad man (b) doctor (c) nurse
7. ____means taking drugs for wrong reasons or in the wrong quantity (a) sickness (b) disease (c) drug abuse
8. The means of keeping our environment clean is called _____(a) sanitation (b) poison (c) odour
9. We can keep our environment clean by ____(a) cutting the grasses around our houses (b) littering the house (c) littering the toilet
10. We must wash our _____to prevent bad odour and germ (a) fan (b) book (c) toilets
11. One of the following is not a type of toilet (a) water system (b) pit toilet (c) class toilet
12. We can make our community to be cleaned by ___
(a) cleaning the gutter (b) killing people (c) sleeping
13. The cleaning of the environment where someone live is called ____(a) personal hygiene (b) school (c) market
14. Disease can be ___(a) cholera (b) sand (c) dustbin
15. The disease that make someone to be vomiting and stooling is called ___(a) headache (b) diabetes (c) cholera
16. _____ is a disease that make you force air out of your throat or lung often through the mouth (a) food (b) leg (c) cough
17. One of the following is not a home appliance or gadget (a) shoe (b) television (c) refrigerator
18. Electrical gadget are the equipment we use with the aid of _____(a) water (b) electricity (c) biro
19. ___is the movement of people , goods and services from one place to another. (a) lorry (b) okada (c) transportation
20. _____ can cause road accident (a) bad road (b) kitchen (c) school
1. Transportation is the ________________of people, goods and services from one place to another.
2. The accident caused by fire is called _____________ accident
3. Electric _________________ is used for cooking in the kitchen.
4. Television is an example of electric _______________ used at home
5. Water can be put inside __________________ to make it cold
6. __________________ and ____________ are the symptom of cholera disease
7. Dirty toilet can lead to _____________________
8. _________________ are substances used to cure or prevent illness and also used to improve the physical or mental well-being of a person.
9. __________________prescribes the right drugs for a particular illness.
10. Taking drugs for wrong reasons or in the wrong quantity is called ___________________
Section C
1a. What do you understand by drug
b. What is drug abuse ? __________________________
2a. Mention 3 different drug used for curing illness/disease
i. _____________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________
iii. ______________________________________________
b. Mention 2 ways of preventing drug abuse.
i. __________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
3a. what is sanitation? __________________________
b. Mention two ways by which we can maintain our toilets
i. ____________________________________
ii. ____________________________________
4a. What is road accident? _______________________
b. mention three causes of road accident
i. ___________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
4. What is transportation? ________________________
b. Mention three types of transportation you know.
i. ______________________________________________
1. Oil can be used for ____(a) cooking (b) stealing
(c) fighting
2. Oil and fats give ______ to man and animal
(a) vomiting (b) cholera (c) energy
3. Oil is a major ____in soap making (a) ingredient (b) pepper (c) light
4. A _________ is a food eaten by man and animal which contains all the necessary classes of food in the right proportion (a) food (b) protein (c) balanced diet
5. A good balance diet must contain ____(a) stone (b) protein (c) solid
6. We need to eat a balanced diet to get chemicals called ____(a) oil (b) nutrient (c) fat
7. There are ______different types of nutrients that must be present in any given balanced diet (a) five (b) ten (c) fifteen
8. _____are body’s main source of energy (a) carbohydrate (b) rider (c) bus
9. ______build and repair body tissues. (a) Okro (b) rice (c) protein
10. Balanced diet makes man and ______ to grow and develop well (a) stone (b) animal (c) tree
11.Balanced diet nourishes the ____(a) stem (b) food
(c) skin
12. ____helps in mental development (a) balanced diet (b) curie (c) fan
13. A diet that does not contain all the classes of food in the need as proportion is called ____(a) sandine
(b) fish (c) unbalanced diet
14. Unbalanced diet can lead to_____ (a) fat (b) stunted growth (c) stealing
15. _________ is a condition caused by inadequate protein in the diet. (a) kwashiorkor (b) hereditary
(c) tortoise
16. ____ crops are crops grown for their grain seeds for feeding man and animals (a) grain (b) school (c) office
17. Which of the following is not an example of grain crops (a) maize (b) millet (c) cassava
18. Local grain crop can be ____(a) yam (b) grain cereals (c) oil
19. Grain crops are used in preparation of _____ feeds (a) livestock (b) feed (c) office
20. Grain crops serve as ______for man (a) food
(b) poison (c) leaf
1. Oil is a major ingredient in _________ making
2. ____________ is rubbed on metal tools to prevent rushing .
3. Oil is put into machine parts to make them work easily. This is called ______________
4. Palm oil is ______________ in colour.
5. We need to eat a ________________ to get chemicals called nutrients.
6. A balanced diet should not contain items that are _________________________
7. ________________ are chemicals that help our body to use carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
8. A child that eats a ______________ grows and develops well.
9. Unbalanced diet makes people weak and sometimes ___________________________
10. Grains are small and ________________ of food plants
1a. Mention two uses of oils and fats food
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
b. Give two examples of oils and fats food
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
2a. What do you understand by balanced diet
b. Mention three different types of nutrients that must be present in the balanced diet.
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
3a. Mention two importance of a balanced diet
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
b. Mention two effect of eating understand diet
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
4a. Mention five most commonly cultivated grain crops you know
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
v. _____________________________________________
b. What do you understand by grain crops
5a. Mention the two classification of local grain crops
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
b. Mention two uses of grain crops
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
1. The tool used to play table tennis is called ___
(a) bat (b)boat (c) hand
2. Which of the following is not table tennis skill
(a) fighting (b) grip (c) fore hand serving
3. The skill in table tennis that involve returning or playing the ball with the forehand to the opponent is called ____(a) left (b) right (c) forehand serving
4. The skill in table tennis that involve playing the ball with the backhand to the opponent is called ___
(a) speed (b) backhand serving (c) slow
5. ____is the process of being free from danger and accidents while physical activities are being performed (a) right (b) real (c) safety in physical education
6. Safety in physical education helps to ____(a) save lives (b) kill lives (c) feed lives
7. Safety in physical education can ____(a) destroy
(b) trouble (c) promotes good health
8.Safety rules in physical education class says ___
(a) fight (b) drink (c) avoid throwing objects carelessly
9. Mental health is the state of ________ well being of an individual (a) school (b)mental (c) being
10. Lack of rest can lead to _____illness (a) mental (b) leg (c) laugh
11. Good rest can prevent ______(a) food (b) savior (c) premature death
12. ____is the ability to relate well with others in the family workplace etc. (a) local (b) International (c) social health
13. Social health promotes ____(a) effective communication (b) ulcer (c) sickness
14. Which of the following is a sign of mentally sick person (a) happiness (b) joy (c) depression
15. Mentally sick person always ____to himself, family and his immediate environment (a) dancing
(b) misbehave (c) eat
16. One of the signs and symptoms of a socially sick person is _____(a) denial (b) self reproach (c) old
17. A mentally sick person can be taken care by ____
(a) provision of adequate medical services (b) onion
(c) bournvita
18. Which of the following is not a part of the body
(a) head (b) leg (c) school
19. ____ is the unpleasant sound and noise that occur in our environment (a) work (b) noise pollution (c) faith
20. Which of the following is not a type of pollution
(a) noise pollution (b) chemical pollution (c) chair pollution
Section B
1. Table tennis __________________ is used to play the ball
2. ________involves returning or playing the ball with the forehand to the opponent.
3. Safety in physical education is the process of being free from ______________ and ________________ while physical activities are being performed
4. warm up before any physical activity is an example of safety _________ in a physical education class.
5. ___________ is the state of mental well-being of an individual
6. _________________ is the ability to relate well with others in the family, workplace and school
7. Depression is a symptoms of a __________________
8. Self reproach is a symptom of a __________________
9. Provision of a conducive environment is a way of taking care of a ________________________
10. __________________ can be defined as the release of chemicals intentionally or accidentally into the environment
1a. Mention 2 basic table tennis skills
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
b. What is safety in physical education
2a. Mention two rules in physical education class
i. ______________________________________
ii. ______________________________________
b. Mention two importance of safety in physical education
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
3a. What do you understand by mental health?
b. Mention two importance of rest for good mental health
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
4a. Mention two symptoms of a mentally sick person
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
b. Mention two ways of taking care of a mentally sick person
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
5a. What do you understand by the noise pollution
b. Mention three examples of noise pollution.
i. _________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
25 30 =
18 22 =
16 18 =
Do the following
1. 600 605 = ______ _____ _____ ______
2. 764 769 = ______ ____ ____ ______
3. 751 756 = ______ ______ ______ ____
Sample: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
21, 23, 25, 27, 29
Even: 6 8 10 12 14
42 44 46 48 50
4. 14, 16 , _________ 20 _________
5. 33 _______ 37 _________ 41
6. 66, 68, ________,_________, 74
7. 40 , 42 ________, _________
8. 147 ________, 151, _________155
23. 24
1. Find the missing number 4 x ___= 28 (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 13 (d) 14
2. 3 x 9 = ____(a) 49 (b) 39 (c) 27 (d) 104
3. 6 boys have ____legs (a) 6 (b) 20 (c) 31
(d) 12
4. Multiply four by nine the answer is ___(a) 36 (b) 49 (c) 39 (d) 99
5. 15 3 = ___(a) 15 (b) 5 (c) 20 (d) 3
6. 16 ____ = 2 (a) 20 (b) 8 (c) 25 (d) 5
7. 27 divided by 3 is equal to ___(a) 9 (b) 27 (c) 30 (d) 4
8. Find the sum of N3.42 and N1.62 (a) N5.04 (b) N15.35 (c) N3.42 (d) N1.62
9. N8.00 – N3.29 = ___(a) N8.00 (b) N4.71 (c) N3.29 (d) N43.27
10. Add together N0.98, N1.21 and N3.11 (a) N5.30 (b) N98.50 (c) N3.11 (d) N1.21
11. The area of the shape below is ____
(a) 53cm (b) 15cm (c) 35cm (d) 40cm
12. If an egg cost N15, what is the cost of 4eggs? (a) N60 (b) N154 (c) N15.00 (d) N20.00
13. Change 2m 40cm to centimetre (a) 24 (b) 4000 (c) 240 (d) 30
14. N . K
3 . 14
X 2 (a) N6.28k (b) 40k (c) N40.00
(d) N390.00
15. 4 32 = ____ (a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 32
16. 28 ___ = 4 (a) 7 (b) 28 (c) 4 (d) 40
17. 36 = ______ x 9 (a) 20 (b) 5 (c)13 (d) 4
18. What is 16 4 (a) 40 (b) 4 (c) 16 (d) 35
19. 9/3 = ____ (a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 41 (d) 14
20. 2 x 9 x 2 = _____ (a) 40 (b) 53 (c) 12 (d) 36
21. 2 x 5 x 7 = ____ (a) 700 (b) 70 (c) 257 (d) 57
22. A car has 4 tyres, how many tyres do 3 cars have? (a) 4tyres (b) 3tyres (c) 45tyres (d) 12tyres
Use the shape below to answer question 23-25
3cm 3cm
23. The name of the shape is _____(a) square
(b) rectangle (c) circle (d) triangle
24. The perimeter of the shape is _____(a) 3cm
(b) 12cm (c) 48cm (d) 33cm
25. The area of the shape is ____cm2 (a) 33 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 14
26. 269cm is the same as ____(a) 2m 69cm (b) 200m, 48cm (c) 240cm (d) 2.69cm
27. Find the value of ( 4 x 7) + (3 x 5) (a) 43 (b) 57 (c) 47 (d) 105
28. 5 tables has _____legs (a) 54 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 20
29. (5 x 6) – (3 x 4) = ___(a) 35 (b) 56 (c) 18 (d) 34
30. 5 x ___ = 30 (a) 3 (b) 10 (c) 50 (d) 6
1. 2.
4. One macton tea = N82 . 75
One tea cup = N74 . 25
Total cost =
5. 4 20 = ________
6. 3 12= _________
6. 3 x _____ = 21
4 x _____= 24
7. 4 x 5 x 6 = _________
8. 6 teachers have _______ x ______= ____legs
9. (16 + 24) + (8 + 4 ) =
10. 8 x 3 = ________
4 x 5 = ________
1. Multiply 47 by 5
2. 85 x 6
3. Find the perimeter of the triangle below
4cm 4cm
The following items cost:
Bread N50.00
tea cup N10.00
sugar N15.00
Butter N25.10
4. Find the total cost of tea cup and bread
5. Find the total cost of bread, tea cup and sugar
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