Category: SS 1

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Agricultural Science

CLASS: S S 1 SUBJECT: Agricultural INSTRUCTION: Answer all 1. ___________are simple handy tools used mainly by peasant farmers a. Hoe b. Garden fork c. Shovel d.Farm tools 2. All of the following required power except a. stumping b. land preparation c. storage d. Incubating 3. ________is the type of power derived from same animals

Exam Questions Third Term SSS 1 Financial Accounting

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Edu Delight Tutors (1) Which of the following is the book of original entry for all payments and receipt whether by cash or cheque (a) Sales day book (b) Purchase day book (c) Cash book (d) journal book (2) Which of the following fixed asset is not depreciable (a) Building (b) Budding (c)

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Literature In English

CLASS: S.S.S 1 Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH SECTION A. 1. Poetry is written in ____________ a. chapter b. paragraphs c. scenes d. lines 2. Soliloquy is a __________ a. poetry b. descriptive c. dramatic d. narrative. 3. The_____________ produces comic relief drama a. protagonist b. antagonist c. chorus 4. A short play is also

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 English Grammar

CLASS: S.S.S 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES SECTION A. INSTRUCTION:- Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows. We all have serious personal problems at some time in our lives and can be dealt with fairly easily, especially if counseling is available. Counselors are trained professionals who are there to advise and assist. Some

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Civic Education

CLASS: S.S.1                       SUBJECT:          Civic Education INSTRUCTION:    Underline the correct answer Democracy can promote national development if there is Good governance       promotion of culture    c. immunity for leaders Registration of parties Cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria was originally introduced to Perpetuate the use of local gin and alcohol harass opponents of

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1 Marketing

CLASS: S. S. S. 1 SUBJECT: MARKETING SECTION A Pick the correct option from the alternatives A – C Branding of a product has three main purposes. The most important is _______(a) product identification (b) repeat sales (c) new product sales When a company uses a low pricing strategy to maximize sales, it is using

Exam Questions Second Term SS 1

CLASS: S.S.S. 1 Second Term Examination SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS What is the additive inverse of -11/12? (a) 11/12 (b)5.5/6 (c)(-12)/11 Simplify ((8a)^o)/(8a^o ) (a) 1/8 (b) 1 (c) 0 Express 72 as a product of its prime factors in index form. (a) 23 x 32 (b) 22 x 33 (c) 2 x 36 Factorize 10a2 +

Physics Exams Questions Second Term SS 1

Class: SSS 1 Subject: Physics Name: Section A: Objective Questions Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the correct option from the choices lettered a – d. Which of the following is not an effect of heat? a. Expansion b. Contraction c. Change of state d. Increase in weight Temperature can be measured in the

1st Term Commerce SS1

FIRST TERM E – LEARNING NOTES SUBJECT: COMMERCE CLASS: SS1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Introduction to commerce(a)Meaning(B)Scope(C)Functions (d)Characteristics of commerce(e) e commerce-(i)Meaning (ii)Functions History of commerce(a)Historical background(b)Factors affecting the growth of commerce(c)The barter system Occupation:(a)Meaning of occupation(b)Classification of occupation(i)industrial occupation(ii)commercial occupation(iii)services occupation Occupation:(a)Factors that determine types of occupation and employment1 Production, (a) Meaning (b)Classification


Edu Delight Tutors  Subject : Civic Education Term : First Term Week: Week 2 Class : SSS 1 Previous lesson : Revision on previous lesson Topic : Our Values Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to mention what are those things that we cherish, honour, respect and