Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work


SUBJECT: LEADERSHIP STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK WEEK  TOPIC You and the Law Forgiveness The Cost of Academic Success Skill Acquisition Building Up Your Vocabulary. Never Give Up Achieving Excellence with Available Resources A Neighbour Indeed Freed Conscience 10.The Foresighted Student.    


  DISTRIBUTION OF CROPS IN NIGERIA CONTENT Meaning of Distribution of Crops in Nigeria Distribution of Crops of Nigeria Factors Affecting the Distribution of Crops   Distribution of Crops of Nigeria As you move from the south to the north of the country, the vegetation gradually changes from forest to savanna. There is, of course,

School Fee Policy

School logo stays here.   SCHOOL FEES POLICY   Introduction This document contains our policy on fee payment. Please read through to have full understanding about our school fees culture. 1.1 The prompt payment of school fees is integral and the life blood of the school. We cannot overemphasize its importance, smooth administrative running hinges

Clothing and Textile Scheme For Senior Secondary School SS

    SUBJECT: CLOTHING AND TEXTILE CLASS: SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 FIRST TERM WK TOPICS SUB-TOPICS CONTENT 1&2 Introduction Definition &brief History of textile – Measures of textile production 3 Materials Materials used in textile production such Cutting table, Chair of appropriate Height and Ironing Board 4 Element of Design Basic element of design Dot

Other Activities or Programmes That Pupils May Perform During Christmas Party

News Reporting Segment: Design a news reporting segment where students act as news anchors, reporting on positive achievements within the school, fostering a sense of pride and community spirit. Talk Show Discussion: Organize a talk show where students can discuss relevant topics such as teamwork, leadership, and academic achievements, encouraging open dialogue and critical thinking.

WhatsApp Hackers Working More Tirelessly. Beware

IMPORTANT INFORMATION This is to inform every members of this platform that, the hackers are now working more tirelessly ever than before and this is the way they hack your number for fraudulent activities. You will be called with a number you’re not familiar with. They will mention a group on WhatsApp where you’re a

Getting Parents More Involved

  Getting more Involved _Love your parents…._ You see people don’t leave organisation but they leave people. Humans are versatile and likewise is our relation with each others. When parents are not well treated or respected, they tend to complain and complain the more. When appropriate answers or solutions are not given to these complains,