Category: Nursery 2

Personal Hygiene The use of The Toilet

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Personal Hygiene The use of The Toilet Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 7 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of     Care of the Body Personal Hygiene   that was taught in the last lesson  

Care of the Body Personal Hygiene

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Care of the Body Personal Hygiene  ( 2  ) Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 5 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of     Personal Hygiene Care of the Body   that was taught in the last

Personal Hygiene Care of the Body

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Personal Hygiene Care of the body (1) Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 4 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of     Drug Use ( 2 )   that was taught in the last lesson    

Drug Use ( 2 )

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Drug Abuse ( 2 ) Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 3 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of Drug Abuse that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Ways People Take And Drug Abuse

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Drug Abuse Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 2 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of Health Habits Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term ) that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the

Health Habits Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term )

Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term ) Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1     Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term (2nd Term )   Health Habits     Weekly Topics .   Week 1 Revision   Week 2 Drug Abuse (I)   Week 3

Health Habits Nursery 1 First Term

Health Habits Nursery 1 First Term Nursery One  Age 1 to 3 years  First Term Week 1 Illness / Diseases Week 2 Causes of Diseases Week 3 Taking Care of Ourselves to Prevent Diseases Week 4 Prevention of Diseases Week 5 Immunization Week 6 Mid Term Break Week 7 Good Healthy Habits Week 8 Poor


1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES CLASS: NURSERY 2 NAME:__________________________ Computer is an __________ machine (a)electronic (b)electrical (c)light We use our ____________ to control mouse (a)hand (b)leg (c)mouth Letter A stands for ________ (a)abacus (b)a head (c)a brain Letter B stands for ________ (a)bucker (b)boxfile (c)bag Letter C stands for ________ (a)computer (b)come (c)cook Letter D

1st Term Examination MATHEMATICS NURSERY 2

1st Term Examination MATHEMATICS NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions Count and write numbers from 51 to 100 (a). 51 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (b). 61 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (c). 71 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ (d). 81

1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2

  1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions ____________ things are things that have life (a)living (b)dead Goat is a living thing (a)yes (b)no Non – living things are things that have no _________ (a)motor (b)life House is a living thing (a)yes (b)no __________ is a vegetable (a)stone (b)okro
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