Mock Examination CRS SS3


1. Jesus was baptized at the .(a) lake (b)River Jordan(c) River Galilee (d) dead sea

2. 2. Jesus was baptized by . (a) John the Baptist (b) St Paul (c) St Peter

(d) St Augustus

3. 3. The statement, “this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”, “Son” here refers to . (a) John the Baptist (b) Peter (c) Paul (d) Jesus Christ

4. 4. John the Baptist was in the wilderness and his food was and

(a) bread and honey (b) locust and wild honey (c) quail and honey (d) beans and honey

5. 5. was the fore runner of Jesus Christ (a) Isaiah (b) John the Baptist

(c) Elijah (d) Elisha

6. Jesus Christ was led by the spirit into the .(a)Galilee (b)Wilderness (c)River Jordan (d) Jerusalem

7. 2. Jesus Christ fasted for days and nights (a) three days and three nights (b) seven days and seven nights (c) forty days and forty nights (d) twenty days and twenty nights

8. 3. Jesus’ reply to the second temptation according to Matthew is .(a) begone Satan (b) man shall not live by bread alone (c) you shall not tempt your Lord your God (d) I will comply

9. 4. When Jesus was tempted he (a) overcame the temptation (b) fell into the temptation (c) yielded to them (d) meditated on them

10. 5. From the third temptation it is obvious that Jesus (a) had political ambition (b) had no political ambition (c) had partial political ambition (d) all of the above

11. The first set of Jesus disciples were .(a) traders (b) fishermen (c) sailors (d) tentmakers

12. Peter and Andrew were called by the sea of (a) Samaria (b) Gannesaret (c) Galilee

13. According to Luke’s account, Matthew was named .(a) Thaddeus (b) Levi (c) Alphaeus (d)

a. Thaddeus

14. The third invited disciple who declined Jesus offer went to (a)Marry a wife (b) bury the dead (c) say farewell to his disciple (d) pack his clothes

15. Peter and Andrew were called by the Sea of (a) Samaria (b) Gennesaret (c) Galilee (d)Bali

16. Saul was introduced to the Christians in Jerusalem as a new convert by (a) Ananias (b) Peter (c)Barnabas (d) John mark

17. Paul was dragged out of the city and stoned at (a)paphons (b)Lystra (c)Iconium (d) Derbe

18, The pronconsul whom Elymas tried to prevent from receiving the gospel was (a)Cornelius (b) Sergius Paulius (c) Barnabas (d) Bar-Jesus

19. The paralysed man Peter healed at Lydda was (a) Elymas (b) Aenas (c) Tabitha

(d) Bar-Jesus

20. Dorcas was raised from death at (a) Derbe (b) Antioch in Pisidia (c) Joppa

21. Herod was happy to see Jesus because (a) Jesus came from Galilee, Herods territory (b) he thought Jesus was John the Baptist reincarnate (c) he hated Jesus greatly (d) He hoped to see Jesus perform signs

22. Who was the first to try Jesus (a) High Priest (b) Sanhedrin (c) High priest (d) Herod

23. The notorious Prisoner released by Pilate instead of Jesus was . (a)Barabbas

(b) Barnabas (c) Barsabba (d)Bar-Jesus

24. Simon who was compelled to carry Jesus cross came from . (a)Judea (b)Galilee (c) Cyrene (d)Cyrus

25. Which of the following did Pilate ask Jesus during the trial (a) What is it that these men testify against you? (b)Are you Jesus the prophet from Galilee? (c) Are you the king of kings (d) I adjure you by God, tell me if you are the Christ.

26. “My Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me” Cup as used here stands for (a)


a. (b) accusation (c) death (d) temptation

27. During the trial of Jesus, the Jews preferred that Pilate should release (a) Bar-Jesus (b)


a. (c) Barnabas (d) Bartholemew

28. All the following were the words of Jesus on the cross except (a)My father if it be possible let this cup pass from me (b)Today you will be with me in paradise (c) Father forgive them for they know not what they do (d) My God, my god why has thou forsaken me

29. Jesus surrendered to his enemies when he was arrested at Gethsemane because(a) his disciples did not support him (b)he did not invite angels to fight for him (c)he was over powered by his enemies (d) The scripture must be fulfilled.

30. At Jesus death, the temple curtain tore into two, Signifying that (a)Jesus fulfilled the old testament (b) believers could have direct access to God (c) Jesus was a Priest (d) God did not support his death.

31. According to Matthew, Jesus first appeared to the women who went to the tomb on their way to . (a) the tomb (b) Damascus (c) Bethlehem (d) Samaria

32. According to Luke, Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples at . (a)Galilee (b)Capernaum (c) Emmanuel (d) Jerusalem

33. In order not for his disciples to steal Jesus body, the Jewish leaders . (a) buried the body themselves (b) bribed the disciples (c)Set a guard at the tomb (d) chained the tomb.

34. The major significance of the resurrection of Jesus to Christians is that . (a) Christians too could die and resurrect as Jesus (b) Christians too can perform miracles

(c) It gives the Christians assurance of life after death (d) It confirms that Jesus is the son of God.

35. The mission of the three women who went to the tomb was to . (a) bribe the soldiers

(b) anoint Jesus body (c)embalm Jesus’ body (d)Cement the tomb.


1. Write short notes on the following in respect of resurrection and appearances of Jesus (a)The soldiers (b)The angel (c)The women (d) The two disciples going to Emmaus.

2. What two lessons can be drawn from the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


1. List Jesus seven words on the cross.

2. Summarize the account of the death of Jesus, pointing out its significance.


1. Write short notes on the role played by the following in the trial, Crucifixion and the burial of Jesus Christ: (i) The chief Priest (caiaphas) (ii) Simon of Cyene (iii) Herod Antipas

2. Justify the reactions of Jesus at his trial with Pilate.


1. Narrate the story of the conversion of Saul and show with two examples the effect of this conversion on the growth of the church.

2. What was the obstacle faced by the apostles in extending the gospel to the gentiles and how it was resolved.


1. Give an account of how Jesus called his first disciples.

2. Enumerate the demands of discipleship.

1. Discuss temptation in contemporary Nigeria.

2. Is temptation avoidable? Discuss.


1. Explain the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist

2. State four significance of the baptism





























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