First Mid-Term Assessment Assessment Components Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes

Mid-Term Assessment

Assessment Components

Part A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)

  1. Lettering is the art of creating _______ letters and text. (a) decorative (b) plain (c) invisible (d) simple
  2. The _______ font has small lines at the ends of strokes. (a) sans-serif (b) script (c) serif (d) display
  3. _______ letters are commonly used for modern designs. (a) Decorative (b) Script (c) Sans-serif (d) Serif
  4. A common use of lettering is for _______ communication. (a) emotional (b) information (c) mathematical (d) artistic
  5. A _______ letter mimics cursive handwriting. (a) serif (b) script (c) monospaced (d) decorative
  6. Monospaced letters are often used in _______. (a) art (b) coding (c) fashion (d) music
  7. The letter A is constructed with two _______ lines and a horizontal line. (a) diagonal (b) vertical (c) curved (d) horizontal
  8. The letter B consists of one vertical line and two _______. (a) lines (b) curves (c) squares (d) circles
  9. The letter “n” has an arch and a _______ line. (a) horizontal (b) vertical (c) curved (d) diagonal
  10. The letter D is formed by one vertical line and a _______. (a) straight line (b) square (c) curve (d) diagonal line
  11. The purpose of motifs in art is to _______ designs. (a) confuse (b) simplify (c) enhance (d) reduce
  12. A motif can be a _______ pattern. (a) color (b) text (c) design (d) noise
  13. The art of creating letters is called _______. (a) painting (b) lettering (c) sketching (d) drawing
  14. A _______ exhibition features one artist’s work. (a) group (b) commercial (c) solo (d) non-commercial
  15. Cultural and Creative Arts help promote _______ awareness. (a) social (b) political (c) economic (d) environmental
  16. _______ is a common method of preparing artwork for display. (a) Framing (b) Discarding (c) Hiding (d) Ignoring
  17. An example of a non-commercial exhibition is a _______. (a) gallery (b) museum (c) trade fair (d) auction
  18. Plant motifs are examples of _______ motifs. (a) decorative (b) abstract (c) traditional (d) geometric
  19. An artist known for contemporary art in Nigeria is _______. (a) Ben Enwonwu (b) Aina Onabolu (c) Demas Nwoko (d) All of the above
  20. The process of creating motifs is important for _______ designs. (a) simple (b) decorative (c) bland (d) unclear

Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer)

  1. Define lettering and explain its importance in art and design.
  2. List and describe the main types of letters used in typography.
  3. What are the main uses of lettering in communication?
  4. Explain how you would construct the letter “M.”
  5. What distinguishes a serif font from a sans-serif font?
  6. Describe the characteristics of script lettering.
  7. What are motifs, and how are they used in traditional art?
  8. Explain the significance of contemporary art in Nigeria.
  9. Name two pioneer artists in contemporary Nigerian art and their contributions.
  10. What is the difference between a solo exhibition and a group exhibition?
  11. Discuss the role of display techniques in showcasing artwork.
  12. What are some common methods of preparing artwork for display?
  13. Describe how you would categorize different types of motifs.
  14. What is the purpose of an excursion in the context of Cultural and Creative Arts?
  15. Discuss the income generation potential through contemporary art.
  16. What are the key features of a successful exhibition?
  17. Explain the role of gallery and museum visits in art education.
  18. How can lettering enhance the aesthetic quality of written communication?
  19. Describe the process of mounting artwork for display.
  20. Explain the importance of cultural and creative arts in fostering national identity.

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. Lettering is only done by professional artists. (True/False)
  2. A display exhibition showcases multiple artists’ works. (True/False)
  3. Plant motifs are never used in traditional art. (True/False)
  4. Contemporary art is defined as art created after 1960. (True/False)
  5. The letter “O” can be constructed as a circle. (True/False)
  6. Motifs are only used in painting. (True/False)
  7. A solo exhibition features the works of one artist. (True/False)
  8. Lettering is not important in education. (True/False)
  9. Framing is a common display technique. (True/False)
  10. Sculptural decoration can be found in public spaces like parks. (True/False)
  11. Bruce Onabrekpeya is known for his contributions to painting. (True/False)
  12. Geometric motifs are only found in modern art. (True/False)
  13. The letter “D” has two curves. (True/False)
  14. Income generation through art is not feasible. (True/False)
  15. The letter “k” can be constructed with one vertical and two diagonal lines. (True/False)
  16. Lettering has no role in advertising. (True/False)
  17. Mounting boards are used to display artwork. (True/False)
  18. Excursions to galleries enhance understanding of art. (True/False)
  19. The letter “q” is formed by a circle with a tail. (True/False)
  20. Traditional motifs are irrelevant in contemporary art. (True/False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (Without Multiple Choice)

  1. Lettering is the art of creating _______ letters and text.
  2. A _______ letter has decorative lines at the ends of strokes.
  3. The letter “A” is constructed with _______ diagonal lines.
  4. Motifs are used to _______ designs in traditional art.
  5. A _______ exhibition features one artist’s work.
  6. Geometric motifs are often used in _______ art.
  7. The letter “C” is formed by a single _______.
  8. The purpose of lettering is to enhance _______ communication.
  9. The letter “B” consists of one vertical line and two _______.
  10. Monospaced letters are often used in _______.
  11. The letter “T” has a vertical line with a _______ line at the top.
  12. An example of a script font is _______.
  13. Plant motifs are often found in _______ art.
  14. Bruce Onabrekpeya is known for his work in _______.
  15. Display techniques include categorizing and _______ artwork.
  16. A _______ letter mimics cursive handwriting.
  17. Framing is a method used to prepare _______ for display.
  18. Lettering can be used in _______ materials for education.
  19. The letter “Z” consists of a horizontal line, a _______ line, and another horizontal line.
  20. The main purpose of motifs is to _______ the visual appeal of artworks.