Mastering Adverbs of Manner in JSS 3 English Grammar JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8


Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 13-14 years
Topic: Adverbs of Manner
Sub-topic: Understanding and Using Adverbs of Manner
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define adverbs of manner.
  2. Identify adverbs of manner in sentences.
  3. Use adverbs of manner to describe how actions take place.
  4. Correctly position adverbs of manner in sentences.

Key Words:

  • Adverbs
  • Manner
  • Verb
  • Object

Set Induction:

The teacher will ask students, “How do you perform your daily activities? For example, do you write neatly or messily?” This will introduce the concept of how actions are performed and lead into adverbs of manner.

Entry Behaviour:

Students have prior knowledge of verbs and sentence construction.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with examples of adverbs
  • Sample sentences on the whiteboard
  • Student notebooks and pens

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students are familiar with using verbs in sentences. This lesson builds on that by focusing on how verbs can be modified with adverbs to give more detail about the action.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Sentence construction
  • Writing skills

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for English
  • “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy

Instructional Materials:

  • Adverbs of manner word chart
  • Example sentences with missing adverbs


What is an Adverb of Manner?
Adverbs of manner describe how something happens or how an action is performed. They answer the question “How?” in relation to the action. For example, words like “quickly,” “slowly,” and “gently” describe the manner in which actions take place.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Sentences:

  1. The boys ran quickly. (The adverb tells us they are in a hurry.)
  2. She spoke softly during the meeting. (The adverb describes how she spoke.)
  3. He solved the puzzle easily. (The adverb describes how the puzzle was solved.)


Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of manner:

  1. The teacher explained the lesson ____. (clearly, angrily, quietly)
  2. He danced ____. (gracefully, loudly, neatly)
  3. The baby slept ____. (soundly, brightly, loudly)
  4. The students worked ____. (hard, poorly, slowly)
  5. She played the piano ____. (beautifully, lazily, carefully)

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs):

  1. What is an adverb of manner?
    An adverb of manner describes how an action is done.
  2. Where should adverbs of manner be placed in a sentence?
    They are usually placed after the main verb or the object but can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis.
  3. Can you give an example of an adverb of manner?
    Yes, “quickly” in “He quickly agreed to help.”
  4. Do all adverbs of manner end in -ly?
    No, not all. For example, “fast” and “hard” are also adverbs of manner.
  5. Why is it important to use adverbs of manner?
    They provide more detail and make sentences more descriptive and interesting.


Step 1: The teacher reviews verbs with students, explaining that adverbs modify verbs by telling us how actions are performed.
Step 2: The teacher explains the definition of adverbs of manner and provides examples of how they are used in sentences.
Step 3: The teacher uses flashcards and examples to illustrate how adverbs of manner change the meaning of a sentence.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain adverbs of manner with examples.
  • Write sentences on the board and guide students to identify and use adverbs of manner.
  • Demonstrate how changing the adverb in a sentence changes the meaning.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in filling in blanks with adverbs of manner.
  • Work in pairs to create sentences using adverbs of manner.
  • Read aloud sentences they have written to the class.


Students will be assessed on their ability to identify and use adverbs of manner correctly in sentences.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is an adverb of manner?
  2. Where should adverbs of manner be placed in a sentence?
  3. Fill in the blank: “She ____ completed her homework.”
  4. Give two examples of adverbs of manner.
  5. Which adverb of manner describes something done with care?


The teacher summarizes the lesson by emphasizing the importance of using adverbs of manner to make sentences more descriptive. Students are encouraged to practice using adverbs in their daily writing.

Captivating Title:

Mastering Adverbs of Manner in JSS 3

Focus Keyphrase:
Adverbs of manner for JSS 3 students

SEO Title:
How to Use Adverbs of Manner for JSS 3 Students


Meta Description:
Learn how to use adverbs of manner to describe how actions are performed. This lesson is designed for JSS 3 students to enhance their descriptive writing skills.