Types of Artisans and Their Services Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5


Vocational Aptitude


Primary 1


Second Term




6 years




Types of Artisans and Their Services


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Identify different types of artisans.
  • Describe the services provided by each type of artisan.
  • Explain the importance of artisans in our daily lives.
  • Illustrate at least one type of artisan and their tools.


Artisans, services, carpenter, plumber, electrician, mechanic

Set Induction

  • Begin the lesson by asking students, “Who fixes things at home?” Encourage them to share their experiences about artisans they have seen or interacted with, such as plumbers or carpenters.

Entry Behaviour

  • Students should have a basic understanding of tools and their purposes from previous lessons on plumbing tools.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of different artisans at work (e.g., carpenter, plumber, electrician, tailor, mechanic).
  • Real-life examples of artisans’ work (if possible).
  • Drawing materials (paper, crayons).

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Relate this lesson to previous lessons on plumbing and other tools, emphasizing how artisans use tools to provide services that help our daily lives.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills through group discussions about artisans.
  • Creative skills through drawing and illustrating artisans.
  • Critical thinking by discussing the services artisans provide.

Learning Materials

  • Flashcards with images of various artisans and their tools.
  • Charts showing different types of artisans and their services.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Vocational Aptitude.
  • Age-appropriate books about different artisans.

Instructional Materials

  • Visual aids (pictures and flashcards).
  • Drawing sheets and colored pencils for student activities.


  1. Definition of Artisans
    • Artisans are skilled workers who create or fix things using tools. They provide important services in our homes and communities.
  2. Types of Artisans and Their Services
    • Carpenter: Works with wood to make furniture and structures.
    • Plumber: Fixes water pipes and drainage systems.
    • Electrician: Installs and repairs electrical systems.
    • Tailor: Sews clothes and makes garments.
    • Mechanic: Repairs and maintains vehicles.
  3. Importance of Artisans
    • Artisans help improve our homes, fix problems, and create useful items. They play a vital role in our daily lives by providing essential services.

Board Summary

  • Artisans are skilled workers who use tools to provide important services like fixing, building, and creating. Understanding their roles helps us appreciate their work.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. A ________ works with wood. (a) Tailor (b) Carpenter (c) Mechanic
  2. A ________ fixes water pipes. (a) Electrician (b) Plumber (c) Painter
  3. An ________ repairs and maintains vehicles. (a) Electrician (b) Mechanic (c) Carpenter
  4. A ________ sews clothes. (a) Plumber (b) Tailor (c) Carpenter
  5. Electricians install ________. (a) Water pipes (b) Electrical systems (c) Furniture
  6. Artisans are skilled ________. (a) Teachers (b) Workers (c) Students
  7. A carpenter makes ________. (a) Clothes (b) Furniture (c) Shoes
  8. A plumber uses tools to fix ________. (a) Vehicles (b) Pipes (c) Clothes
  9. An electrician works with ________. (a) Wood (b) Metal (c) Electricity
  10. A mechanic checks ________. (a) Computers (b) Vehicles (c) Houses
  11. A tailor makes ________ for people. (a) Clothes (b) Tools (c) Furniture
  12. ________ provide important services in our homes. (a) Artisans (b) Students (c) Animals
  13. Artisans use ________ to complete their work. (a) Tools (b) Toys (c) Books
  14. A plumber helps us with ________ problems. (a) Electrical (b) Water (c) Car
  15. A carpenter is a type of ________. (a) Mechanic (b) Artisan (c) Farmer

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is an artisan?
    • An artisan is a skilled worker who creates or fixes things.
  2. What does a carpenter do?
    • A carpenter works with wood to make furniture and structures.
  3. Who fixes water pipes?
    • A plumber fixes water pipes.
  4. What is the job of an electrician?
    • An electrician installs and repairs electrical systems.
  5. Can you name a service provided by a tailor?
    • A tailor sews clothes and makes garments.
  6. Why are artisans important?
    • They provide essential services that help us maintain and improve our homes.
  7. What does a mechanic do?
    • A mechanic repairs and maintains vehicles.
  8. How do artisans help our community?
    • They create useful items and fix problems, making our lives easier.
  9. What tools do electricians use?
    • Electricians use tools to install and repair electrical systems.
  10. Can you draw an artisan at work?
    • Yes, students can draw artisans using tools to show what they do.
  11. What happens if we don’t have artisans?
    • We would have more problems at home, like leaks or broken furniture.
  12. How can we become artisans?
    • We can learn skills and practice using tools.
  13. What type of artisan would you like to be?
    • (Students can answer based on their preferences.)
  14. Do artisans work alone or with others?
    • They can work alone or with teams, depending on the job.
  15. What can we learn from artisans?
    • We can learn skills, problem-solving, and creativity.


Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic, which was about plumbing tools and their uses.

Step 2:

The teacher introduces the new topic, “Artisans and Their Services,” by showing pictures of different artisans at work.

Step 3:

The teacher allows pupils to contribute by sharing their experiences with artisans and correcting them where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures and real examples of different artisans at work.
  • Engage students with questions about the types of artisans they know.
  • Encourage students to illustrate one artisan and explain their services.

Learners’ Activities

  • Students will look at pictures of artisans and their tools.
  • They will share their ideas about artisans they have seen.
  • Students will draw and label at least one artisan and their tools.


Evaluation Questions

  1. Name one type of artisan.
  2. What does a carpenter do?
  3. Why is a plumber important?
  4. Who repairs vehicles?
  5. What service does a tailor provide?


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on the students’ drawings and answers, ensuring understanding of the topic on types of artisans and their services.

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