Mid Term Assessment and Break Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Cultural and Creative Arts JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7: Mid Term Assessment and Break

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 12 years
Topic: Mid Term Assessment
Sub-topic: Assessment on previously covered topics
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of this assessment, the pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall key concepts from topics covered during the first half of the term.
  2. Answer both objective and theory-based questions on those topics.
  3. Identify correct and incorrect statements through True or False questions.
  4. Complete fill-in-the-blank exercises without options.

Key Sections

  • Part A: Objective (Multiple Choice)
  • Part B: Theory
  • Part C: True or False
  • Part D: Fill in the Gaps

Set Induction

The teacher briefly reviews key points from previously covered topics to help the students feel prepared for the assessment.

Entry Behaviour

The pupils are familiar with the topics taught so far in the term, including traditional and contemporary arts.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Past notes
  • Visual aids from previous lessons

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook for JSS 2

Content (Mid-Term Assessment)

Part A: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. The __________ is a traditional Nigerian drum.
    a) flute
    b) dundun
    c) lyre
    d) organ
  2. Greek music is primarily __________ in structure.
    a) monophonic
    b) harmonic
    c) polyphonic
    d) rhythmic
  3. The __________ is an important instrument in Arabian music.
    a) guitar
    b) ‘ud
    c) drum
    d) piano
  4. __________ is used for creating beads.
    a) Wood
    b) Metal
    c) Glass
    d) Cloth
  5. Call and response is a characteristic of __________ music.
    a) African
    b) Roman
    c) Arabian
    d) Greek
  6. The art of creating patterns with beads is called __________.
    a) painting
    b) sculpting
    c) beading
    d) drawing
  7. Roman music was influenced by __________ music.
    a) African
    b) Greek
    c) Egyptian
    d) Arabian
  8. The __________ is a stringed instrument used in Greek music.
    a) lyre
    b) drum
    c) gong
    d) flute
  9. The ‘ud is common in __________ music.
    a) Greek
    b) Roman
    c) Egyptian
    d) Arabian
  10. Beads are often used in __________.
    a) ceremonies
    b) buildings
    c) farming
    d) music
  11. Traditional Nigerian art is often influenced by __________.
    a) religion
    b) dance
    c) science
    d) farming
  12. __________ is a material commonly used for African sculptures.
    a) Stone
    b) Plastic
    c) Metal
    d) Fabric
  13. Beads can be made from __________.
    a) clay
    b) paper
    c) rubber
    d) glass
  14. The art of shaping clay is called __________.
    a) pottery
    b) beading
    c) drawing
    d) music
  15. The __________ is an instrument used in Egyptian music.
    a) harp
    b) piano
    c) guitar
    d) violin
  16. __________ is a dance form from Nigeria.
    a) Ballet
    b) Samba
    c) Bata
    d) Waltz
  17. The ancient Greeks used music in __________.
    a) warfare
    b) religion
    c) farming
    d) law
  18. __________ is a traditional African drum.
    a) Talking drum
    b) Harp
    c) Guitar
    d) Organ
  19. The Romans used __________ in their music.
    a) brass instruments
    b) flutes
    c) violins
    d) organs
  20. __________ are used in bead making.
    a) Scissors
    b) Needles
    c) Knives
    d) Glass

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define bead making.
  2. What are the features of African traditional music?
  3. List three instruments used in Arabian music.
  4. Describe the role of beads in traditional Nigerian culture.
  5. What is the significance of call and response in African music?
  6. Explain how Roman music was influenced by Greek music.
  7. Mention two materials used for bead making.
  8. What is the main characteristic of Greek music?
  9. Describe how beads are made.
  10. Name three types of traditional Nigerian drums.
  11. What instrument is commonly used in Egyptian music?
  12. How is repetition used in African music?
  13. Describe one way Roman music differs from Greek music.
  14. Mention one use of beads in ceremonies.
  15. What is call and response in African music?
  16. How did Arabian music influence other cultures?
  17. What is the ‘ud, and which culture uses it?
  18. Describe the significance of the lyre in Greek music.
  19. What are the steps involved in bead making?
  20. Explain how music was used in ancient Egyptian rituals.

Part C: True or False Questions (20 Questions)

  1. Greek music is mostly polyphonic. (True/False)
  2. Beads are made from glass and wood. (True/False)
  3. Call and response is found in African music. (True/False)
  4. The Romans invented the ‘ud. (True/False)
  5. Repetition is a feature of African music. (True/False)
  6. Egyptian music was influenced by Greek music. (True/False)
  7. Beads are only used for decorations. (True/False)
  8. The lyre is a Greek string instrument. (True/False)
  9. Pottery involves shaping clay into objects. (True/False)
  10. The ‘ud is an African musical instrument. (True/False)
  11. The Bata is a Nigerian dance form. (True/False)
  12. Romans used brass instruments in their music. (True/False)
  13. Beads are made from paper in traditional Nigerian culture. (True/False)
  14. Arabian music includes improvisation. (True/False)
  15. The hydraulis organ was invented by the Egyptians. (True/False)
  16. African music is known for its rhythmic complexity. (True/False)
  17. The flute is a key instrument in Roman music. (True/False)
  18. African drums are only used for ceremonies. (True/False)
  19. Music played a role in Greek religious ceremonies. (True/False)
  20. The ‘ud is a traditional Arabian instrument. (True/False)

Part D: Fill in the Gaps (20 Questions Without Options)

  1. Beads are used in __________ ceremonies.
  2. The Bata is a traditional __________ dance.
  3. Greek music is primarily __________ in structure.
  4. African music features __________ and response.
  5. The __________ is a string instrument used in Greek music.
  6. Beads can be made from __________.
  7. The art of shaping clay is called __________.
  8. Arabian music uses the __________ for melody.
  9. The Romans developed __________ instruments for military purposes.
  10. African drums are used for __________.
  11. The harp is an instrument from __________ music.
  12. The Romans were influenced by __________ music.
  13. Call and response is common in __________ music.
  14. __________ is used to create beads.
  15. The __________ organ was a Roman invention.
  16. Beads are often made from __________.
  17. Egyptian music influenced __________ music.
  18. The __________ is an important stringed instrument in Greek music.
  19. African music is known for its __________.
  20. The Bata dance originates from __________.


The teacher will collect the assessments, mark them, and provide feedback to the pupils before the mid-term break