Unveiling the Past: Understanding Primary Sources in History JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan Presentation: History JSS 1 First Term

Subject: History
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 11-12 years
Topic: Primary Sources in History
Sub-topic: Origin, Examples, and Significance of Primary Sources in History
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain what primary sources in History are.
  2. Mention examples of primary sources in History such as oral sources and physical history.
  3. Describe the origin, features, and reasons for the growth of primary sources in History.
  4. Relate the significance of primary sources in History to historical development today.
  5. Explain the merits and demerits of primary sources in History.


  • Primary sources
  • Oral tradition
  • Oral evidence
  • Artifacts
  • Archaeology

Set Induction

The teacher asks the students how they have learned about past events from older family members and if they have seen objects like old family photos or cultural items.

Entry Behaviour

Students are aware of oral stories and traditional objects in their environment, such as cultural items, dress, and music.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Pictures of artifacts such as pottery and tools
  2. Examples of oral tradition stories or proverbs
  3. Audio recordings of traditional songs or proverbs

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students will connect their understanding of sources of History from the previous lesson to the specific focus on primary sources.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Research skills
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  1. History textbooks
  2. Cultural artifacts (photos, objects)
  3. Audio or video materials related to oral tradition

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Basic History Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials

  1. Whiteboard
  2. Projector to display images of artifacts
  3. Printouts of examples of primary sources


Definition of Primary Sources in History

  1. Primary sources in History refer to original materials or evidence from the time period being studied.
  2. They are first-hand accounts of events, created or recorded by people who directly experienced them.
  3. Examples include oral traditions, artifacts, and written documents created during the time of the events.

Types of Primary Sources

  1. Oral Sources
    • Oral Tradition:
      i. Legends, folktales, and cultural practices like dress, dance, music, poems, and proverbs passed down through generations.
      ii. These traditions preserve the values and history of a community or people.
    • Oral Evidence:
      i. Historical information provided by a participant or witness to an event.
      ii. Examples: Oral accounts of the Nigerian General Elections of 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
  2. Physical History
    • Artifacts:
      i. Objects made by people in the past, such as pottery, bronze objects, iron tools, weaving looms, and other archaeological materials.
      ii. These objects help us understand the daily lives, culture, and technology of ancient civilizations.

Origin and Growth of Primary Sources in History

  1. Origin:
    • Primary sources have existed since human history began, providing the earliest records of human activity and culture.
    • Oral traditions emerged in communities without written records.
    • Artifacts were created and left behind by ancient civilizations.
  2. Growth:
    • Primary sources grew in importance as more historians began to rely on original materials to reconstruct the past.
    • With the development of archaeological techniques, the discovery of artifacts expanded our knowledge of ancient history.
    • Oral traditions continue to grow as they are passed down through generations.

Significance of Primary Sources in History

  1. Primary sources are crucial for understanding historical events as they provide direct evidence.
  2. They offer insights into the culture, beliefs, and practices of people in the past.
  3. Oral traditions, in particular, are important in societies where written records were rare or nonexistent.
  4. Physical artifacts allow historians to learn about the technological advancements and daily lives of ancient people.

Merits of Primary Sources

  1. Authenticity:
    • Primary sources offer direct, first-hand evidence of historical events.
  2. Cultural Insight:
    • Oral traditions and artifacts help preserve the culture and identity of a people.
  3. Rich Detail:
    • Primary sources provide specific and detailed accounts of historical events.

Demerits of Primary Sources

  1. Bias:
    • Some primary sources may reflect the personal opinions or biases of the individuals who created them.
  2. Incompleteness:
    • Many primary sources may be incomplete or damaged, making it difficult to fully understand the event they describe.
  3. Interpretation:
    • Primary sources often require careful interpretation by historians, as they may be difficult to understand without context.


  1. What are primary sources in History?
    a. Second-hand accounts
    b. First-hand evidence from the past
    c. Modern history books
    d. Myths
  2. Oral tradition is an example of __________.
    a. written history
    b. physical artifacts
    c. primary sources
    d. secondary sources
  3. One example of oral evidence is __________.
    a. a letter
    b. a witness account of an event
    c. a textbook
    d. an online article
  4. Artifacts are examples of __________ sources.
    a. secondary
    b. modern
    c. primary
    d. oral
  5. One feature of primary sources is __________.
    a. they provide direct evidence
    b. they analyze past events
    c. they are always complete
    d. they are biased
  6. A disadvantage of primary sources is __________.
    a. they are easy to find
    b. they require interpretation
    c. they are always accurate
    d. they are modern materials
  7. Why are artifacts important to historians?
    a. They offer clues about ancient cultures
    b. They are easy to make
    c. They are second-hand information
    d. They are always written
  8. Oral tradition helps preserve __________.
    a. modern technology
    b. cultural heritage
    c. political systems
    d. economic growth
  9. Why is it important to study primary sources?
    a. They provide detailed, first-hand accounts of history
    b. They are always accurate
    c. They are easy to interpret
    d. They are biased
  10. Which of these is NOT a primary source?
    a. An ancient pottery piece
    b. A legend passed down orally
    c. A textbook written about past events
    d. A letter from a historical figure

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What are primary sources in History?
    • They are original materials or evidence from the past.
  2. Give examples of primary sources.
    • Oral tradition (legends, proverbs), artifacts (pottery, iron tools).
  3. Why are primary sources important in studying history?
    • They provide direct evidence and help us understand the past.
  4. What is one advantage of using primary sources?
    • They offer an authentic, first-hand account of historical events.
  5. What is a disadvantage of primary sources?
    • They may be biased or incomplete.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Sources of History.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Primary Sources in History,” explaining that primary sources are direct, first-hand accounts of historical events.
Step 3: The teacher allows students to share examples of primary sources they know, guiding them in discussing their significance, merits, and demerits.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explain the definition of primary sources in History.
  2. Provide examples of oral and physical primary sources.
  3. Guide students in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of primary sources.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in identifying primary sources in History.
  2. Discuss the importance of oral traditions and artifacts.
  3. Ask questions about the merits and demerits of primary sources.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define primary sources in History.
  2. Name two examples of oral primary sources.
  3. What are artifacts, and how do they help historians?
  4. Mention one feature of primary sources.
  5. List one advantage and one disadvantage of primary sources.
  6. How do oral traditions contribute to historical knowledge?
  7. Why do primary sources need interpretation?
  8. What is the significance of primary sources in historical development today?
  9. Explain how physical history, like artifacts, provides insights into the past.
  10. Why is it important to consider bias when using primary sources?


The teacher goes around to mark students’ work, giving feedback and ensuring that students understand the origin, features, and significance of primary sources in History.

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