Exploring the Meaning and Importance of History JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 and 2

Lesson Plan Presentation: History JSS 1 First Term

Subject: History

Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 1 and 2
Age: 11-12 years
Topic: Meaning and Importance of History
Sub-topic: The Father of Objective History and the Origin of History
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of History.
  2. Mention the Father of Objective History.
  3. Discuss the importance of History.
  4. State the country and continent of History’s origin.


  • History
  • Objective History
  • Herodotus
  • Origin
  • Importance

Set Induction

The teacher will ask students to recall past events in their lives to link it with the study of History.

Entry Behaviour

Students understand the concept of time and past events.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Timeline chart
  2. World map
  3. Historical images

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The students will connect their knowledge of past events to the study of History.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Analytical skills

Learning Materials

  1. Timeline charts
  2. History textbooks
  3. Images of Ancient Greece

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Basic History Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials

  1. Whiteboard
  2. Printed historical events
  3. Map showing Greece


Meaning of History

  1. History is the study of past events.
  2. It involves learning about people, places, and events.
  3. It helps us understand how societies evolved.
  4. It looks at causes and effects of events.
  5. It helps us learn from the past.

Father of Objective History

  1. Herodotus is known as the Father of History.
  2. He was a Greek historian.
  3. He recorded events without bias.
  4. He is regarded as the first person to document History.
  5. His works focused on events and facts.

Importance of History

  1. History helps us understand past societies.
  2. It teaches us about our identity.
  3. We learn from mistakes and successes of the past.
  4. It helps us understand cultures.
  5. It fosters critical thinking.

Country of Origin

  1. History started in Greece.
  2. Greece is in Europe.
  3. Ancient Greeks began recording events.
  4. They introduced the systematic study of History.
  5. Herodotus was one of the pioneers of History.


  1. History is the study of __________.
    a. future events
    b. past events
    c. present events
    d. fiction
  2. Who is the Father of History?
    a. Socrates
    b. Plato
    c. Herodotus
    d. Aristotle
  3. History helps us learn from __________.
    a. mistakes and successes
    b. fiction and myths
    c. movies and songs
    d. stories and poems
  4. The systematic study of History began in __________.
    a. Rome
    b. Egypt
    c. Greece
    d. Persia
  5. Herodotus was known for recording events __________.
    a. with bias
    b. objectively
    c. with myths
    d. creatively
  6. The study of History teaches us about our __________.
    a. identity
    b. future
    c. entertainment
    d. hobbies
  7. Greece is located in which continent?
    a. Africa
    b. Asia
    c. Europe
    d. North America
  8. History helps develop __________ skills.
    a. critical thinking
    b. artistic
    c. cooking
    d. running
  9. One importance of History is __________.
    a. learning from the past
    b. watching movies
    c. traveling
    d. playing games
  10. The systematic study of History began in __________.
    a. Greece
    b. Rome
    c. Egypt
    d. China

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is History?
    • History is the study of past events.
  2. Who is the Father of Objective History?
    • Herodotus is the Father of History.
  3. Why is History important?
    • It helps us learn from the past.
  4. In which country did History begin?
    • Greece.
  5. On which continent is Greece located?
    • Europe.
  6. How does History help society?
    • It teaches us about past mistakes and successes.
  7. What did Herodotus focus on in his writings?
    • Events and facts without bias.
  8. Why do we study History?
    • To understand the past and its impact on the present.
  9. What skills does studying History develop?
    • Critical thinking and analysis.
  10. How can History help us make decisions?
    • By learning from past experiences.
  11. What is Objective History?
    • Recording events without bias.
  12. Which civilization started recording History?
    • The Greeks.
  13. How does History teach about culture?
    • It shows us how different societies evolved.
  14. Why do we study Herodotus?
    • He is the first known historian.
  15. What is the role of History in schools?
    • To educate students about the past.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Introduction to the Study of the Past.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Meaning and Importance of History.” The teacher explains that History is the study of past events, focusing on people, places, and events, and mentions Herodotus as the Father of History.
Step 3: The teacher allows students to discuss their understanding of History, corrects their misconceptions, and expands on the importance of studying the past.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Explains the meaning of History.
  2. Discusses the importance of learning about past events.
  3. Guides students to identify Greece on the map as the origin of History.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Listen to the explanation of History.
  2. Discuss the importance of History with their peers.
  3. Identify Greece on the map.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define History.
  2. Who is the Father of Objective History?
  3. State the country where History originated.
  4. On which continent is Greece located?
  5. Name two reasons why History is important.
  6. What is Objective History?
  7. How does History help us learn from the past?
  8. Which civilization first recorded events?
  9. What skills does studying History develop?
  10. Why should students study History?


The teacher goes around to mark students’ work and provide feedback. The teacher ensures that the students understand the meaning, importance, and origin of History.