Why I Love My New School: A Letter to My Father

Composition English Grammar JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 12–14 years
Topic: Letter Writing – A Letter to Your Father on Why You Like Your New School
Sub-topic: Structure and Format of Informal Letters
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the structure of an informal letter.
  2. Write a letter to a family member expressing their thoughts about their new school.
  3. Use descriptive language to convey their feelings and experiences.
  4. Demonstrate proper letter-writing etiquette.


  • Informal Letter: A letter written in a personal style to friends or family.
  • Greeting: The opening of a letter, usually including “Dear” and the person’s name.
  • Closing: The end of a letter, often including phrases like “Sincerely” or “Yours truly.”

Set Induction

The teacher will ask students to share their thoughts about moving to a new school and how they feel about it, fostering a discussion on the aspects they like most.

Entry Behaviour

Students have prior knowledge of letter writing and have experienced transitioning to new environments.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Sample informal letters
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Charts showing the structure of a letter

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students may have written letters before and can relate to expressing feelings about a new place, making this topic relevant to their experiences.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication: Developing skills to express thoughts and feelings clearly.
  • Writing: Practicing the art of letter writing in a structured format.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • English Language Textbook for JSS 2

Instructional Materials

  • Sample letter to illustrate structure and format
  • Whiteboard for brainstorming ideas


Sample Composition: Letter to Father

[Your Address]
[City, State]

Dear Dad,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take some time to share my thoughts about my new school, and I must say, I absolutely love it!

Firstly, the environment is very welcoming. When I first arrived, the teachers and students greeted me with warm smiles, which made me feel at home right away. The school is beautiful, with spacious classrooms and a lovely garden where we can relax during breaks.

One of the things I enjoy most is the variety of subjects we are learning. The science classes are particularly exciting because we get to do hands-on experiments. I’ve always been curious about how things work, and now I can explore my interests in a practical way.

Additionally, the extracurricular activities are fantastic. I joined the drama club, and we are preparing for a school play. I have met so many new friends who share the same passion for acting. It’s great to be part of a team, and I feel like I belong.

The library is another highlight of the school. It is filled with so many books, and I can spend hours there reading about different topics. This is helping me improve my knowledge and broaden my perspective.

Overall, I am enjoying every moment at my new school. I am grateful for this opportunity and excited about the experiences ahead. I hope to share more stories with you soon!

Take care, and give my love to Mom.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]


  1. The letter is addressed to ______.
    a) My friend
    b) My teacher
    c) My father
    d) My principal
  2. The writer feels ______ about the new school.
    a) Sad
    b) Indifferent
    c) Happy
    d) Angry
  3. The school has ______ classrooms.
    a) Small
    b) Crowded
    c) Spacious
    d) Dark
  4. The writer enjoys the ______ classes the most.
    a) Math
    b) Science
    c) History
    d) Physical Education
  5. The writer joined the ______ club.
    a) Sports
    b) Music
    c) Drama
    d) Art
  6. The school has a beautiful ______.
    a) Kitchen
    b) Library
    c) Hallway
    d) Gym
  7. The writer loves to spend time in the ______.
    a) Classroom
    b) Playground
    c) Library
    d) Cafeteria
  8. The writer hopes to share more ______ soon.
    a) Food
    b) Clothes
    c) Stories
    d) Homework
  9. The letter was written on ______.
    a) January 1st
    b) The first day of school
    c) The weekend
    d) [Insert date here]
  10. The writer’s new school makes them feel ______.
    a) Alone
    b) Welcomed
    c) Disconnected
    d) Bored

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What type of letter is written?
    An informal letter.
  2. Who is the letter addressed to?
    The letter is addressed to the writer’s father.
  3. What is the writer’s opinion about their new school?
    The writer loves their new school.
  4. How does the writer feel about the teachers?
    The writer feels welcomed by the teachers.
  5. What is one exciting subject mentioned?
    Science is mentioned as an exciting subject.
  6. Which extracurricular activity did the writer join?
    The writer joined the drama club.
  7. What does the writer enjoy doing in the library?
    The writer enjoys reading books.
  8. What does the writer hope to share in the future?
    The writer hopes to share more stories about their experiences.
  9. How does the writer describe the school environment?
    The writer describes it as beautiful and welcoming.
  10. What is the writer grateful for?
    The writer is grateful for the opportunity to attend the new school.
  11. How does the writer express their feelings?
    The writer uses descriptive language to express their feelings.
  12. What is the main purpose of the letter?
    The main purpose is to inform the father about the writer’s positive experiences at the new school.
  13. What is the closing of the letter?
    The closing is “Yours sincerely.”
  14. What is the writer’s name?
    The writer’s name is [Your Name].
  15. What does the writer ask the father to do?
    The writer asks the father to take care and give love to Mom.

Presentation (Steps 1-3)

Step 1: The teacher revises the structure of an informal letter, highlighting the greeting, body, and closing.
Step 2: The teacher guides students to brainstorm ideas for their letters about their experiences at their new school.
Step 3: The teacher encourages students to write their letters, emphasizing the use of descriptive language and proper format.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the components of an informal letter.
  • Provide examples of how to express feelings and experiences in writing.
  • Assist students in organizing their thoughts for the letter.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the explanation of letter writing.
  • Write a letter to their father about their new school.
  • Share their letters with classmates if time allows.


Students will write a letter to their father explaining why they like their new school, focusing on structure, clarity, and creativity. The teacher will assess the letters based on these criteria.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic

  1. What is the purpose of writing a letter to your father?
  2. List three reasons the writer likes their new school.
  3. Why is it important to use descriptive language in the letter?
  4. How do you properly address an informal letter?
  5. What should you include in the closing of the letter?
  6. Describe the writer’s feelings about their new school environment.
  7. How does the writer describe the teachers?
  8. Why might a student feel nervous about starting a new school?
  9. What is one way you can make your letter more engaging?
  10. How can you express gratitude in a letter?


The teacher will collect the letters, review them, and provide constructive feedback to help students enhance their letter-writing skills.

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