Uncovering History: Identifying Sources for Historical Research History JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Detailed Lesson Plan: History JSS 1 First Term – Week 9

Subject: History
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 11-12 years
Topic: Identification of Sources in History
Sub-topic: Tertiary Sources, Historical Links, and their Importance
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Describe tertiary sources in History.
  2. Identify the various sources in History.
  3. Relate the importance of the sources to historical development.
  4. Explain the advantages of the identified sources to historical experiences.
  5. Examine the negative use of these sources in History today.


  • Tertiary sources
  • Historical links
  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • Historical development

Set Induction

The teacher begins by asking the students how they gather information when writing a history project (e.g., books, the internet, interviews).

Entry Behaviour

Students are already familiar with primary and secondary sources of history and have some experience in using them for research.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. History textbooks
  2. Encyclopedias
  3. Maps
  4. Newspapers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students will use their understanding of primary and secondary sources to expand their knowledge of tertiary sources and how various sources are linked to historical development.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Research skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Historical analysis

Learning Materials

  1. Textbooks
  2. Encyclopedias
  3. Historical maps
  4. Primary documents

Reference Books

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. JSS 1 History Textbook

Instructional Materials

  1. Printed examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources
  2. Projector for showing examples of historical links


Definition of Tertiary Sources in History

  1. Tertiary sources are materials that summarize or compile information from primary and secondary sources.
  2. They provide an overview of a subject but do not offer in-depth analysis.

Various Sources in History

  1. Primary Sources:
    • Firsthand evidence of historical events (e.g., letters, diaries, artifacts).
  2. Secondary Sources:
    • Interpretations and analyses of primary sources (e.g., books, articles).
  3. Tertiary Sources:
    • Summaries or compilations of primary and secondary sources (e.g., encyclopedias, dictionaries).

Importance of Historical Sources and Links to Historical Development

  1. Understanding Events:
    • Sources provide context and details of historical events.
  2. Preserving Knowledge:
    • They preserve historical records for future generations.
  3. Shaping Perspectives:
    • Different sources help us understand how historical narratives are formed.

Advantages of Identified Historical Sources

  1. Accuracy:
    • Primary sources provide direct evidence of historical events.
  2. Comprehensive Analysis:
    • Secondary sources offer detailed interpretations.
  3. Easy Reference:
    • Tertiary sources provide quick overviews for initial research.

Negative Use of Identified Historical Links

  1. Bias:
    • Historical sources can be used to promote biased perspectives.
  2. Misinterpretation:
    • Secondary sources might misinterpret primary evidence.
  3. Selective Information:
    • Tertiary sources can leave out important details, leading to an incomplete understanding of history.


Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. Tertiary sources are used to __________.
    a. provide in-depth analysis
    b. summarize information
    c. create historical artifacts
    d. give firsthand accounts
  2. Which of these is a primary source?
    a. A history textbook
    b. A newspaper from 1945
    c. An encyclopedia
    d. A biography
  3. Secondary sources are __________.
    a. direct evidence of events
    b. analyses of primary sources
    c. general summaries of topics
    d. collections of documents
  4. Which is a tertiary source?
    a. A history textbook
    b. A diary
    c. An encyclopedia
    d. A speech
  5. One advantage of primary sources is __________.
    a. they offer firsthand evidence
    b. they summarize topics
    c. they provide overviews
    d. they interpret data
  6. Historical sources help us __________.
    a. forget the past
    b. understand historical events
    c. create biased stories
    d. ignore past mistakes
  7. One disadvantage of secondary sources is __________.
    a. they provide too much detail
    b. they are difficult to find
    c. they may misinterpret primary evidence
    d. they are firsthand accounts
  8. The negative use of tertiary sources includes __________.
    a. bias and misinterpretation
    b. providing detailed analysis
    c. being too accurate
    d. offering firsthand evidence
  9. Tertiary sources provide __________.
    a. quick references
    b. direct historical records
    c. historical artifacts
    d. primary evidence
  10. Why are historical sources important?
    a. They allow us to guess about history
    b. They preserve knowledge and shape perspectives
    c. They are not reliable
    d. They confuse historical facts

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What are tertiary sources in History?
    • They are summaries or compilations of primary and secondary sources.
  2. Give examples of the different types of sources in History.
    • Primary sources (e.g., letters, diaries), secondary sources (e.g., history books), tertiary sources (e.g., encyclopedias).
  3. Why are historical sources important?
    • They provide context and help us understand historical developments.
  4. What is one advantage of using primary sources?
    • They offer firsthand evidence.
  5. What is one disadvantage of secondary sources?
    • They may misinterpret primary evidence.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Tertiary Sources of History.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Identification of Sources in History,” explaining the various types of sources (primary, secondary, tertiary) and their significance.
Step 3: The teacher allows students to provide examples of the different sources and discuss their importance to historical development.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Define and explain tertiary sources in History.
  2. Help students identify examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of source.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Identify different types of sources in the materials provided.
  2. Participate in group discussions on the importance of these sources to historical development.
  3. Ask questions about how sources are linked to historical experiences.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What are the three types of sources in History?
  2. Name one example of a primary source.
  3. How do tertiary sources differ from primary sources?
  4. Why are secondary sources important?
  5. What is one advantage of tertiary sources?
  6. Explain how historical sources help us understand events.
  7. Give one example of a secondary source.
  8. What is the main disadvantage of using biased historical sources?
  9. Mention one way primary sources contribute to historical research.
  10. Why is it important to analyze secondary sources carefully?


The teacher goes around to mark students’ work and ensures that they understand the different types of historical sources and their significance to historical studies.