Living Things in the School Environment Basic Science Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 1

Age: 6 years

Topic: Living Things I

Sub-topic: Meaning of Living Things and Living Things in the School Environment

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain that living things can breathe, eat, move, and reproduce.
  2. Give examples of living things.
  3. Identify living things in the school environment.

Key Words:

  • Living things
  • Breathe
  • Eat
  • Move
  • Reproduce
  • School environment

Set Induction:

  • Begin with a song about animals and plants to grab the pupils’ attention.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Pupils are familiar with plants and animals in their homes and community.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of plants and animals
  • Real-life plants and small animals (e.g., potted plants, classroom pet)
  • Chart paper and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Discuss with pupils about pets they have at home and plants they see around.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Observation
  • Communication

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with pictures of living things
  • Charts with characteristics of living things


Explanation of the Topic:

  1. Meaning of Living Things:
    • Living things are things that have life.
    • They can breathe, eat, move, grow, and reproduce.
  2. Examples of Living Things:
    • Animals (e.g., dogs, cats, birds)
    • Plants (e.g., trees, flowers, grass)
  3. Living Things in the School Environment:
    • Plants in the school garden.
    • Birds, insects, and other animals around the school.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Living things can _____ (a) sit (b) breathe (c) jump (d) fly.
  2. A dog is a _____ (a) plant (b) toy (c) living thing (d) chair.
  3. Plants need _____ to grow (a) water (b) cars (c) toys (d) books.
  4. Living things can have babies, this is called _____ (a) eating (b) moving (c) reproducing (d) sleeping.
  5. A tree is a _____ (a) toy (b) book (c) plant (d) table.
  6. Birds are _____ (a) living things (b) toys (c) books (d) chairs.
  7. Living things need _____ to survive (a) food (b) pencils (c) books (d) cars.
  8. Animals can _____ from one place to another (a) move (b) sit (c) read (d) write.
  9. Flowers are _____ (a) plants (b) toys (c) animals (d) books.
  10. Living things grow and _____ (a) sleep (b) eat (c) reproduce (d) read.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are living things?
    • Living things are things that have life. They can breathe, eat, move, and reproduce.
  2. Can you name some living things?
    • Yes, examples are dogs, cats, birds, trees, and flowers.
  3. Do plants move?
    • Plants do not move from place to place, but they can grow and move towards light.
  4. What do animals need to live?
    • Animals need food, water, and air to live.
  5. Can living things reproduce?
    • Yes, living things can have babies.
  6. What does it mean to breathe?
    • Breathing means taking in air.
  7. Are toys living things?
    • No, toys are not living things because they cannot breathe, eat, move, or reproduce.
  8. Why do we need plants?
    • Plants give us oxygen to breathe and food to eat.
  9. What living things can you find in our school?
    • We can find plants in the garden and birds in the trees.
  10. Do living things grow?
    • Yes, living things grow as they get older.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • Briefly review what was learned in the last lesson about plants and animals.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • Explain the meaning of living things and give examples.
  • Show pictures of different living things.

Step 3: Class Contributions

  • Ask pupils to name some living things they know.
  • Let pupils identify living things in the classroom and school environment.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures and real-life examples of living things.
  • Guide pupils in identifying living things around the school.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen and participate in discussions.
  • Identify and name living things in the school.


  • Observe pupils’ participation and understanding during the lesson.
  • Use the fill-in-the-blank questions to assess comprehension.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What are living things?
  2. Name two examples of living things.
  3. What do plants need to grow?
  4. Can living things move? Give an example.
  5. Why do we need animals?
  6. What is reproducing?
  7. Give an example of a living thing in our school.
  8. Do all living things breathe?
  9. How do living things grow?
  10. What happens if living things do not get food?


  • The teacher goes around to check pupils’ work and provide feedback.

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Revision and Recap Basic Science Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11