Who was Samuel Alexander Bill? History JSS 2 Third Term Lesson Notes

  1. Who was Samuel Alexander Bill?
    • Born in 1864, he was an Irish missionary who came to Nigeria to help the Ibibio people.
    • He spread Christianity and education, and his church, originally named OS QUA iboe Mission Church, is now called the United Evangelical Church.
  2. What did Samuel Alexander Bill do?
    • He visited Nigeria in 1887 and met with leaders like the Alake ruler of Egbaland.
    • Bill held religious meetings and wrote books to spread his message.
  3. When did Samuel Alexander Bill die?
    • He passed away on August 12, 1890.
  4. Who was Reverend Henry Townsend?
    • He was an Anglican missionary who also worked in Nigeria around the same time as Bill.
  5. What did Reverend Henry Townsend do?
    • Like Bill, he spread Christianity and education in Nigeria.
  6. Conclusion:
    • Both Bill and Townsend were missionaries who helped bring Christianity and education to Nigeria in the 19th century. 🌍📚✝️


  1. Samuel Alexander Bill was born in _______. a) 1864 b) 1887 c) 1847 d) 1890
  2. Samuel Alexander Bill was a _______ missionary. a) Muslim b) Christian c) Buddhist d) Hindu
  3. The church he worked with, originally named OS QUA iboe Mission Church, is now called _______ recognized church. a) United b) Unified c) Union d) Unique
  4. The mission base was visited by _______ the Alake ruler of Egbaland. a) Shodeke b) Samuel Alexander Bill c) Henry Townsend d) Egbar Ab Abeokuuta
  5. Samuel Alexander Bill contributed greatly to the spreading of _______ in Nigeria. a) Christianity b) Islam c) Hinduism d) Buddhism
  6. Samuel Alexander Bill held _______ and revival meetings. a) education b) religious c) political d) sports
  7. Samuel Alexander Bill wrote _______ to spread his message. a) books b) newspapers c) songs d) speeches
  8. Samuel Alexander Bill died in _______. a) 1864 b) 1887 c) 1890 d) 1847
  9. Reverend Henry Townsend was an _______ missionary. a) Anglican b) Catholic c) Baptist d) Methodist
  10. Both Samuel Alexander Bill and Henry Townsend helped spread _______ in Nigeria. a) Christianity b) Islam c) Buddhism d) Hinduism
  11. The mission base was located in _______. a) Uyo b) Calabar c) Lagos d) Abuja
  12. Samuel Alexander Bill visited Nigeria in _______. a) 1864 b) 1887 c) 1890 d) 1847
  13. Samuel Alexander Bill worked among the _______ people. a) Ibibio b) Yoruba c) Hausa d) Igbo
  14. Samuel Alexander Bill was invited by _______ the Alake ruler of Egbaland. a) Shodeke b) Henry Townsend c) Egbar Ab Abeokuuta d) Uyo
  15. Samuel Alexander Bill’s church is now called the _______ recognized church. a) United b) Unified c) Union d) Unique


Class Activity Discussion

  1. Who was Samuel Alexander Bill?
    • Samuel Alexander Bill was an Irish missionary who came to Nigeria to help spread Christianity.
  2. What did Samuel Alexander Bill do in Nigeria?
    • He held religious meetings, wrote books, and helped spread Christianity and education.
  3. What church did Samuel Alexander Bill work with?
    • He worked with the OS QUA iboe Mission Church, which is now called the United Evangelical Church.
  4. Where was the mission base located?
    • The mission base was located in Uyo, Calabar.
  5. Who invited Samuel Alexander Bill to Nigeria?
    • He was invited by Shodeke, the Alake ruler of Egbaland.
  6. When did Samuel Alexander Bill visit Nigeria?
    • He visited Nigeria in 1887.
  7. What contribution did Samuel Alexander Bill make?
    • He greatly contributed to spreading Christianity and education in Nigeria.
  8. What kind of meetings did Samuel Alexander Bill hold?
    • He held religious and revival meetings to spread his message.
  9. How did Samuel Alexander Bill spread his message?
    • He wrote books to spread his message across Nigeria.
  10. Who was Reverend Henry Townsend?
    • He was another missionary who worked in Nigeria around the same time as Samuel Alexander Bill.
  11. What did Reverend Henry Townsend do?
    • Like Samuel Alexander Bill, he spread Christianity and education in Nigeria.
  12. What was the name of Samuel Alexander Bill’s church originally?
    • It was originally called the OS QUA iboe Mission Church.
  13. When did Samuel Alexander Bill pass away?
    • He passed away in 1890.
  14. What was the location of the mission base?
    • The mission base was located in Uyo, Calabar.
  15. What is the current name of Samuel Alexander Bill’s church?
    • It is now called the United Evangelical Church.
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