Fun with Letters: Verbal Reasoning for Primary 2

Subject: Verbal Reasoning
Class: Primary 2

Complete with letters beginning with tr, sh,wh, th, ch






Form words with these letters.

Sample: Coat = at

Table = lab

C ___ ____ = pa

D___ ___ ____ = kar

F ___ ____ ____ = cea

S ___ ___ ___ = gno

P___ ___ ___ = yal

LM MN NO OP PQ ____ ____ ____

AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ____

OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___

G H I J K ___ ___ ___

N O P Q R ___ ___ ___

Exploring Basic Science for Primary 2: Plants, Soil, and Animals

  1. Complete with letters beginning with tr, sh, wh, th, ch
  • ______________ack (sh) – Shack
  • ______________at (th) – That
  • _____________row (wh) – Throw
  • _____________ange (ch) – Change
  • _____________ip (tr) – Trip
  1. Form words with these letters.
  • C ___ ____ = pa (ch) – Chap
  • D___ ___ ____ = kar (th) – Dark
  • F ___ ____ ____ = cea (wh) – Whale
  • S ___ ___ ___ = gno (sh) – Snog
  • P___ ___ ___ = yal (tr) – Paly
  1. Complete the sequence:
  • LM MN NO OP PQ ____ ____ ____ (QR RS ST) – QR
  • AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ____ (FG GH HI) – FG
  • OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___ (TU UV VW) – TU
  • G H I J K ___ ___ ___ (LMN NOP OPQ) – LMN
  • N O P Q R ___ ___ ___ (STU TUV UVW) – STU


Teacher Evaluations and Inspections: Understanding the Process in Lagos State


Subject: Verbal Reasoning
Class: Primary 2

Complete with letters beginning with tr, sh, wh, th, ch

  • ______________ack
    Answer: Shack
  • ______________at
    Answer: That
  • _____________row
    Answer: Throw
  • _____________ange
    Answer: Change
  • _____________ip
    Answer: Trip

Form words with these letters.

  • C ___ ____ = pa
    Answer: Chap
  • D___ ___ ____ = kar
    Answer: Dark
  • F ___ ____ ____ = cea
    Answer: Whale
  • S ___ ___ ___ = gno
    Answer: Snog
  • P___ ___ ___ = yal
    Answer: Paly

Complete the sequence:

  • LM MN NO OP PQ ____ ____ ____
    Answer: QR
  • AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ____
    Answer: FG
  • OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___
    Answer: TU
  • G H I J K ___ ___ ___
    Answer: LMN
  • N O P Q R ___ ___ ___

Understanding Social Studies for Primary 2 Students



  1. What word starts with “sh” and ends with “ack”? Answer: Shack
  2. Complete the word: “Th__” Answer: That
  3. Fill in the missing letters: “Wh___” Answer: Throw
  4. Which word starts with “ch” and ends with “ange”? Answer: Change
  5. What word starts with “tr” and ends with “ip”? Answer: Trip
  6. Form a word with “ch” and “pa”. Answer: Chap
  7. Combine “th” and “kar” to make a word. Answer: Dark
  8. Use “wh” and “cea” to form a word. Answer: Whale
  9. Make a word using “sh” and “gno”. Answer: Snog
  10. Combine “tr” and “yal” to form a word. Answer: Paly
  11. What letter comes after “PQ” in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST” Answer: QR
  12. Complete the sequence: “AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ___” Answer: FG
  13. Fill in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___” Answer: TU
  14. What letters come after “GHIJK” in alphabetical order? Answer: LMN
  15. What letters come after “NOPQR” in alphabetical order? Answer: STU

Bible Knowledge for Primary 2

  1. What word starts with “sh” and ends with “ack”? a) Shock
    b) Shack
    c) Shape
    d) Shark
  2. Complete the word: “Th__” a) That
    b) Thick
    c) Think
    d) Thumb
  3. Fill in the missing letters: “Wh___” a) What
    b) Whack
    c) When
    d) Throw
  4. Which word starts with “ch” and ends with “ange”? a) Change
    b) Charge
    c) Chance
    d) Chime
  5. What word starts with “tr” and ends with “ip”? a) Trip
    b) Trap
    c) Trim
    d) Trick
  6. Form a word with “ch” and “pa”. a) Chap
    b) Chat
    c) Chip
    d) Chop
  7. Combine “th” and “kar” to make a word. a) That
    b) Dark
    c) Kart
    d) Bath
  8. Use “wh” and “cea” to form a word. a) When
    b) Wheel
    c) Whale
    d) Wheat
  9. Make a word using “sh” and “gno”. a) Sing
    b) Shot
    c) Snog
    d) Shag
  10. Combine “tr” and “yal” to form a word. a) Tray
    b) Trap
    c) Try
    d) Trial
  11. What letter comes after “PQ” in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST” a) OP
    b) QR
    c) RS
    d) ST
  12. Complete the sequence: “AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ___” a) FG
    b) GH
    c) HI
    d) IJ
  13. Fill in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___” a) TU
    b) UV
    c) VW
    d) WX
  14. What letters come after “GHIJK” in alphabetical order? a) LMN
    b) NOP
    c) MNO
    d) KLM
  15. What letters come after “NOPQR” in alphabetical order? a) RST
    b) STU
    c) UVW



Objectives :

  1. What word starts with “sh” and ends with “ack”? a) Shock
    b) Shack
    c) Shape
    d) Shark
  2. Complete the word: “Th__” a) That
    b) Thick
    c) Think
    d) Thumb
  3. Fill in the missing letters: “Wh___” a) What
    b) Whack
    c) When
    d) Throw
  4. Which word starts with “ch” and ends with “ange”? a) Change
    b) Charge
    c) Chance
    d) Chime
  5. What word starts with “tr” and ends with “ip”? a) Trip
    b) Trap
    c) Trim
    d) Trick
  6. Form a word with “ch” and “pa”. a) Chap
    b) Chat
    c) Chip
    d) Chop
  7. Combine “th” and “kar” to make a word. a) That
    b) Dark
    c) Kart
    d) Bath
  8. Use “wh” and “cea” to form a word. a) When
    b) Wheel
    c) Whale
    d) Wheat
  9. Make a word using “sh” and “gno”. a) Sing
    b) Shot
    c) Snog
    d) Shag
  10. Combine “tr” and “yal” to form a word. a) Tray
    b) Trap
    c) Try
    d) Trial
  11. What letter comes after “PQ” in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST” a) OP
    b) QR
    c) RS
    d) ST
  12. Complete the sequence: “AB BC CD DE EF ___ ___ ___” a) FG
    b) GH
    c) HI
    d) IJ
  13. Fill in the sequence: “OP PQ QR RS ST ___ ___ ___” a) TU
    b) UV
    c) VW
    d) WX
  14. What letters come after “GHIJK” in alphabetical order? a) LMN
    b) NOP
    c) MNO
    d) KLM
  15. What letters come after “NOPQR” in alphabetical order? a) RST
    b) STU
    c) UVW
    d) WXY
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