Elements of Drama and theatre Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 4

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Topic: Elements of Drama and Theatre

Sub-topic: Understanding Key Concepts

Duration: 40 minutes

Previous Knowledge: Students have learned about the basics of storytelling and expression through visual arts.

Set Induction: Start the lesson with a short video clip of a children’s play, followed by a class discussion on what they observed in the video.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to define drama and theatre.
  • Students should identify and explain at least three elements of drama and theatre.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Drama
  2. Theatre
  3. Plot
  4. Character
  5. Setting
  6. Dialogue
  7. Conflict
  8. Theme
  9. Stage
  10. Audience

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Creative thinking
  • Communication
  • Critical observation

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Visual aids (pictures of a stage, actors, etc.)
  • Video clip
  • Handout with key terms and definitions


Drama in like acting to be someone else or something else

  1. Drama is like acting on a stage 🎭.
  2. It’s a way to tell stories through characters and dialogues.
  3. People pretend to be different characters in a play 🤡.
  4. Drama can make you feel happy, sad, or excited 😄😢😃.
  5. Examples: Plays, skits, puppet shows, and role-playing games 🎦🎪.
  6. Actors use their voices, expressions, and movements to show emotions.

That’s drama – acting, stories, and emotions on a stage! 😊🎬

Theatre is like a live show where actors perform on a stage 🎭.

  1. It’s a place where people gather to watch live performances.
  2. Actors use costumes, props, and their skills to tell stories.
  3. Theatre can be funny, sad, or full of action.
  4. Examples: Plays, musicals, and even stand-up comedy shows 🎶🤣.
  5. The audience sits in a special area called the auditorium.

In a nutshell, theatre is where live performances happen, and it’s a lot like watching a movie, but it’s happening right in front of you! 🎬👏

What does element mean?

Element means a basic part or component of something. 🧩

For example:

  • In science, the elements are the simplest substances, like oxygen and hydrogen.
  • In art, elements could be colors, shapes, and lines.
  • In nature, elements are the fundamental building blocks of matter, like atoms.

So, an element is like a fundamental piece that makes up something larger. 🔍🧬🎨

Elements of Drama:

  1. Plot: The storyline or sequence of events in a play.
  2. Character: The people or beings who act out the story.
  3. Setting: The place and time where the story takes place.
  4. Dialogue: The spoken words of the characters.
  5. Conflict: The problem or challenge that drives the story.
  6. Theme: The main idea or message of the play.
  7. Symbolism: Objects or actions that represent deeper meanings.
  8. Mood: The emotional atmosphere created in the play.
  9. Tone: The attitude and style of the play, which can be serious, funny, or more.

Elements of Theatre:

  1. Stage: The physical platform where the actors perform.
  2. Audience: The people watching the performance.
  3. Director: The person who guides the actors and the production.
  4. Props: Objects used on stage to enhance the story.
  5. Lighting: The use of lights to create the right atmosphere.
  6. Sound: Music and sound effects to support the performance.
  7. Costumes: Clothing worn by the actors to represent their characters.
  8. Makeup: Used to enhance or transform actors’ appearances.
  9. Curtain: A fabric barrier that opens and closes the stage.

These elements come together to create captivating and meaningful theatrical experiences. 🎭🏟️


  1. Step 1 (Introduction):
    • Welcome the students and show the video clip.
    • Engage the class in a discussion about the video, asking them what they saw and how it made them feel.
  2. Step 2 (Explanation):
    • Define drama as “acting out stories on a stage.”
    • Define theatre as “the place where drama happens.”
    • Introduce key vocabulary words and explain their meanings.
    • Discuss the elements of drama: plot, character, setting, dialogue, conflict, theme.
    • Explain the elements of theatre: stage, audience.
  3. Step 3 (Practice):
    • Use visual aids to help students understand the elements better.
    • Show pictures of stages and actors to illustrate key concepts.
    • Ask students to identify these elements in the video clip they watched.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Guide the discussion and explain key concepts.
  • Use visual aids effectively to support learning.
  • Encourage student participation and questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Watch and discuss the video.
  • Listen to explanations and ask questions.
  • Participate in the discussion and share their observations.


  • Ask individual students to define drama or theatre.
  • Group activity: Have students work in pairs to identify elements of drama and theatre in a short story or play.


  1. Assess students based on their responses during the discussion and the group activity.
  2. Check if they can identify and explain the elements correctly.
  3. The _______ is the sequence of events in a play. A) Character B) Setting C) Plot D) Dialogue
  4. _______ are the people or beings who act out the story in a play. A) Props B) Characters C) Lighting D) Sound
  5. The physical platform where actors perform is called the _______. A) Audience B) Director C) Stage D) Theme
  6. The main idea or message of a play is known as the _______. A) Tone B) Mood C) Theme D) Conflict
  7. _______ represent objects or actions with deeper meanings in a play. A) Lighting B) Symbols C) Costumes D) Makeup
  8. The spoken words of the characters in a play are referred to as _______. A) Dialogue B) Plot C) Setting D) Conflict
  9. The problem or challenge that drives the story in a play is the _______. A) Director B) Setting C) Conflict D) Mood
  10. The emotional atmosphere created in a play is called the _______. A) Setting B) Mood C) Symbolism D) Sound
  11. The attitude and style of the play, which can be serious, funny, or more, is the _______. A) Theme B) Tone C) Character D) Plot
  12. The use of lights to create the right atmosphere in a play is called _______. A) Sound B) Makeup C) Lighting D) Stage
  13. Clothing worn by the actors to represent their characters is known as _______. A) Props B) Costumes C) Symbols D) Tone
  14. The person who guides the actors and the production in a play is the _______. A) Character B) Director C) Plot D) Audience
  15. The objects used on stage to enhance the story are called _______. A) Makeup B) Props C) Theme D) Mood
  16. Music and sound effects used to support the performance in a play are referred to as _______. A) Sound B) Lighting C) Symbols D) Setting
  17. A fabric barrier that opens and closes the stage is known as the _______. A) Stage B) Director C) Audience D) Curtain


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of drama and theatre in storytelling and self-expression.


  • Ask students to find a short story or a scene from a play and identify the elements of drama and theatre within it. They should be ready to discuss it in the next class.

By the end of this lesson, students should have a solid understanding of the elements of drama and theatre and how they are used in storytelling and performances.

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