Dictation For The Week Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Learners are to be guided to learn the following words:

publication, insurance, management, economical, lightning, flight, midnight, python, nylon, thigh


Class: Primary 5

Subject: English

Topic: Dictation For The Week

Sub-topic: Vocabulary Practice

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Previous Knowledge: Students should be familiar with basic vocabulary and spelling.

Set Induction: Begin with a short discussion on the importance of spelling and expanding vocabulary.

Behavioral Objectives:

  1. To improve students’ spelling and vocabulary.
  2. To teach students the meanings of new words.
  3. To assess students’ understanding of the words through dictation.

Embedded Core Skills: Spelling, Vocabulary, Listening, Writing

Learning Materials:

  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard
  • Chalk/markers
  • Slips of paper with words
  • Dictionary

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive discussion
  • Dictation exercises


  1. Introduce 10 words to the students: publication, insurance, management, economical, lightning, flight, midnight, python, nylon, thigh.
  2. Explain the meanings and word classes of these words.
  3. Teach pronunciation using the dictionary.

To help learners learn these words, you can guide them with the following steps:

  1. Break Words into Smaller Parts: Divide the longer words into smaller, manageable parts. For example, “pub-li-ca-tion” can be split into “pub,” “li,” “ca,” “tion.”
  2. Pronunciation: Teach learners how to pronounce each part of the word correctly. For example, for “pub,” emphasize the “p” sound.
  3. Syllables: Explain that words are made up of syllables, and each syllable has a sound. Show how “in-surance” can be divided into “in-surance.”
  4. Use Pictures: Associate each word with a simple picture that represents the meaning. For “flight,” draw an airplane.
  5. Examples: Provide sentences with these words to illustrate their usage. For “midnight,” you can say, “I go to bed at midnight.”
  6. Repetition: Encourage learners to repeat the words several times to commit them to memory. Repeat the word, its syllables, and examples.
  7. Practice: Use games or exercises where they can practice these words in a fun way. For “economical,” they can pretend to shop and discuss saving money.
  8. Mnemonic Devices: Create simple phrases or tricks to remember difficult words. For “python,” say it’s a “p-e-t snake.”
  9. Visual Aids: Use flashcards with the word on one side and a picture on the other. This helps reinforce the association.
  10. Encourage Reading: Provide texts or books with these words, so learners encounter them in context.
  11. Spelling Practice: Let learners practice spelling these words out loud or in writing.
  12. Peer Support: Pair learners up to help each other pronounce and understand these words.
  13. Use in Sentences: Ask learners to create their sentences using these words. For “nylon,” they might say, “I wore a jacket made of nylon.”
  14. Check Comprehension: Ask questions to ensure they understand the meaning and usage of the words.
  15. Regular Review: Keep revisiting these words to ensure they stick in the learners’ memory.

That’s a great approach for home study. Having pupils look up words in a dictionary not only helps them understand the meanings but also encourages independent learning and enhances their vocabulary. Here’s how you can guide them in this process:

  1. Provide the List: Give the pupils the list of words they need to look up. Ensure they understand which words to search for.
  2. Dictionary Access: Ensure that pupils have access to a good dictionary. If possible, suggest online dictionaries with audio pronunciation.
  3. Meanings: Instruct them to find and write down the meanings of each word. This helps them understand the word’s definition.
  4. Word Classes: Encourage them to identify the word class (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) for each word. This helps with understanding how the word can be used in sentences.
  5. Pronunciation: Ask pupils to check the pronunciation of the words. Modern dictionaries often provide audio pronunciations that they can listen to.
  6. Sample Sentences: Once they’ve looked up the word, challenge them to write at least one sentence using that word. This reinforces their understanding and usage of the word.
  7. Record Properly: Make sure they record the meanings, word classes, and their sentences neatly for future reference.
  8. Check Understanding: When they return to class, discuss the words and ask if they have any questions or need clarification about the words they researched.

This approach not only builds their vocabulary but also encourages self-reliance and active learning.


  1. Publication: This is a noun. It refers to the act of making something, typically written work, available to the public. For example, “Her novel is ready for publication.”
  2. Insurance: This word can be a noun. It means a financial arrangement in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. For example, “I have car insurance in case of an accident.”
  3. Management: It is a noun. It means the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. For example, “Good management is crucial for a successful business.”
  4. Economical: This word is an adjective. It describes something that is efficient in the use of resources and doesn’t waste money or materials. For example, “His car is economical because it uses less fuel.”
  5. Lightning: It’s a noun. It refers to the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground. For example, “The lightning during the storm was intense.”
  6. Flight: Flight can be a noun. It means the act of flying, typically in an aircraft. For example, “The flight from Lagos to Abuja was smooth.”
  7. Midnight: This is a noun. It represents the middle of the night or 12 o’clock at night. For example, “The party ended at midnight.”
  8. Python: Python can be a noun. It refers to a type of large snake or, in the context of programming, a high-level programming language. For example, “The python slithered through the grass.”
  9. Nylon: It’s a noun. It refers to a synthetic polymer that is lightweight and resistant. Nylon is often used for making fabrics, ropes, and other materials. For example, “My backpack is made of nylon.”
  10. Thigh: This is a noun. It refers to the part of the leg between the hip and the knee. For example, “She injured her thigh while playing soccer.”

Presentation: Step 1: Start by discussing why spelling is important and the role of vocabulary in writing.

Step 2: Present the 10 new words, one by one, explaining their meanings and asking students to repeat after you. Practice pronunciation.

Step 3: Prepare a dictation exercise with sentences using these words.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain word meanings.
  • Teach pronunciation.
  • Conduct the dictation exercise.
  • Monitor students’ progress.

Learners Activities:

  • Listen and repeat after the teacher.
  • Participate in the dictation exercise.
  • Practice pronouncing the words.


  1. Assess students by grading their dictation exercise.
  2. Ask students to provide meanings for the words.
  3. My favorite book’s ____________ is in the school library. a) publication b) insurance c) management d) economical
  4. You need ____________ in case something happens to your new phone. a) publication b) insurance c) management d) economical
  5. Good ____________ is crucial for running a successful business. a) publication b) insurance c) management d) economical
  6. Using public transport is a more ____________ way to travel. a) publication b) insurance c) management d) economical
  7. The ____________ during the storm was intense. a) publication b) insurance c) management d) lightning
  8. The airplane’s ____________ from Lagos to Abuja was smooth. a) flight b) management c) python d) economical
  9. The party ended at ____________. a) publication b) midnight c) python d) nylon
  10. I saw a huge ____________ in the garden. a) publication b) lightning c) management d) thigh
  11. My backpack is made of ____________. a) python b) lightning c) nylon d) management
  12. She injured her ____________ while playing soccer. a) thigh b) publication c) insurance d) flight
  13. The ____________ is a programming language. a) economical b) python c) flight d) management
  14. Nylon is often used to make ____________. a) lightning b) economical c) python d) materials
  15. What time is it? It’s ____________. a) publication b) midnight c) flight d) management
  16. We learned about ____________ ecosystems in biology class. a) lightning b) economical c) python d) ecological
  17. I keep my keys in my pocket, which is made of ____________. a) lightning b) nylon c) python d) materials


By using this simplified lesson plan, students can improve their vocabulary and spelling skills through interactive and engaging activities.

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