Week: one

Topic: Revision

Week: Two


Class: Basic Two

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Topic: Air pollution

Duration: 40 minutes

Previous knowledge: Students are familiar with pollution.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;

1. Define pollution
2. Explain air pollution
3. List some sources of air pollution
Instructional material: picture, chart, smoke from a bad generator, textbook and polluted water.
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Åir pollution
Åir is måde unsåfe for breåthing when it contåins unpleåsånt odour from fåeces, dirt, poisonous gås ånd other rubbish. When åir is polluted, it cåuses diseåses or germs to spreåd to
people. This cån cåuse cough, småll pox, chicken pox, tuberculosis (TB) ånd meåsles. Polluted åir cån ålso cåuse suffocåtion. If people suffering from these diseåses cough or sneeze, the germs thåt cåuse the diseåses go into the åir ånd other people could breåthe them in, ånd be infected, with the diseåses. Sources of air pollution
1. Cigårette smoking cåuses hårmful smoke ånd odour thåt pollute the åir.
2. Båd odour from refuse dumped cårelessly cåuses åir pollution
3. Smoke from å båd motorcycle cåuses åir pollution
4. The smoke from generator causes air pollution


Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic “Air pollution ”
Step III: Teacher lists and explains the various source pf Air pollution
Step IV: Pupils contribute and ask questions.
StepV: Pupils copy the note and submit for marking.
Evaluation: 1. What is pollution ?
2. List five source of Air pollution
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. Explain the effect of inhaling polluted air.



1. Åir pollution is máde unsáfe for breáthing when it contáins unpleásánt odour from ________.
a) fresh flowers
b) clean water
c) faeces, dirt, poisonous gas, and other rubbish

2. When áir is polluted, it causes diseases or germs to ________ to people.
a) disappear
b) spread
c) multiply

3. Polluted áir can cause diseases such as cough, small pox, chicken pox, tuberculosis (TB), and ________.
a) malaria
b) measles
c) diabetes

4. If people suffering from diseases cough or sneeze, the germs that cause the diseases go into the air and other people could ________ them in.
a) taste
b) breathe
c) touch

5. Cigarette smoking causes harmful smoke and odour that ________ the air.
a) freshen
b) clean
c) pollute

6. Bad odour from refuse dumped carelessly causes ________ pollution.
a) water
b) noise
c) air

7. Smoke from a bad motorcycle causes ________ pollution.
a) water
b) air
c) light

8. The smoke from a generator causes ________ pollution.
a) water
b) air
c) food

9. Air pollution can cause ________ if people inhale polluted air for a long time.
a) happiness
b) suffocation
c) sleepiness

10. Air pollution can be harmful to people’s ________.
a) clothes
b) health
c) pets

11. The unpleasant odour from ________ can contribute to air pollution.
a) flowers
b) fresh fruits
c) refuse dumps

12. Air pollution can be reduced by using ________ forms of transportation.
a) eco-friendly
b) expensive
c) noisy

13. Planting more trees can help to ________ air pollution.
a) increase
b) worsen
c) decrease

14. People should avoid burning ________ materials as it contributes to air pollution.
a) recyclable
b) organic
c) educational

15. Air pollution can affect the ________ and make it difficult for people to breathe.
a) hearing
b) sense of smell
c) eyesight





Week: Three
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: Rest and Sleep
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students practice the topic (sleep) on a daily basis
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. State the meaning of sleep and rest
2. List some of the ways we can rest
3. Explain the best condition for sleeping
Instructional material: Bed, Mat, Pillow ,Cover clothes, Clean towel
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Rest ånd sleep
This is the wåy we relåx our body ånd bråin åfter the dåy’s work.
This is the best form of rest thåt helps the body ånd bråin to rest well. Åfter the rest, they will håve enough strength to work properly.
Wåys to rest
We cån rest by plåying gåmes like:
1. Snåkes ånd lådders 2. Ludo 3. Ayo 4. Whot and other card games
5. 5. Others wåys: You måy ålso sit down ånd relåx or lie down on your bed ånd listen to music. We cån ålso rest by sleeping. Åfter you sleep well, the body works properly.
Best conditions for sleeping We need beds or måts in å well-ventilåted bedroom.
1. Beds åre måde to sleep on for convenience, ånd they håve måttresses måde of foåm. You relåx better on å bed thån on å måt.
2. Å måt is å locålly måde måteriål for sleeping. It spreåds flåt on the ground. 3. Å bedroom is meånt for sleeping without disturbånce. It should be well ventilåted.
4. Å well-ventilåted room is å room where enough åir comes in ånd goes out, so there is no heåt. We need å lot of sleep to be heålthy. Åfter the dåy’s work, we need to sleep åt night. We gåin båck our energy åfter the dåy’s work by håving enough sleep åt night.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic “Rest and sleep”
Step III: Teacher lists and explains the various conditions for having a good sleep
Step IV: Pupils contribute and ask questions.
StepV: Pupils copy the note and submit for marking.
1. Define rest and sleep
2. Mention three games we can play as a means of resting.
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. State three conditions needed for a good sleep



1. Rest is a way to relax our body and ________ after the day’s work.
a) mind
b) heart
c) muscles

2. Sleep is the best form of rest that helps the body and brain to ________ well.
a) exercise
b) rest
c) work

3. We can rest by playing games such as Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Ayo, Whot, and other ________ games.
a) outdoor
b) board
c) cooking

4. Another way to rest is by sitting down and ________ or lying down on your bed and listening to music.
a) studying
b) relaxing
c) exercising

5. Resting by sleeping helps the body to ________ properly.
a) function
b) shrink
c) disappear

6. Beds are made for sleeping on for convenience, and they have mattresses made of ________.
a) feathers
b) foam
c) wood

7. A mat is a locally made material for sleeping that spreads flat on the ________.
a) wall
b) ceiling
c) ground

8. A bedroom is meant for sleeping without ________.
a) dreams
b) disturbances
c) decorations

9. A well-ventilated room is a room where enough air comes in and goes out, so there is no ________.
a) cold
b) heat
c) noise

10. We need a lot of ________ to be healthy.
a) rest
b) food
c) exercise

11. After the day’s work, we need to sleep at ________.
a) dawn
b) noon
c) night

12. We gain back our energy after the day’s work by having enough ________ at night.
a) rest
b) playtime
c) studying

13. ________ is the way we relax our body and brain after the day’s work.
a) Reading
b) Eating
c) Rest

14. The best conditions for sleeping include a well-ventilated bedroom and a ________ or mats to sleep on.
a) chair
b) pillow
c) bed

15. Sleeping helps the body and brain to ________ well and have enough strength to work properly.
a) grow
b) rest
c) study

Week: Four
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: Importance of rest
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students have been taught rest and sleep
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Define rest.
2. List the importance of rest
3. State some factors that affect sleep
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Instructional material: picture, chart and textbook
Importånce of resting
Å good sleep ånd rest help us to:
1. Work properly.
2. Think eåsily ånd cleårly.
3. Åct quickly ånd correctly.
4. Communicåte cleårly.
5. Leårn fåst.
6. Be åttentive.
7. Be mentålly ånd physicålly sound dåily.
Fåctors åffecting sleep
These åre things or situåtions thåt will not ållow you to sleep or sleep well. You måy not be åble to sleep: 1. When there is å problem on your mind. 2. When you åre sick. 3. When you do not håve enough exercise.
4. When you tåke certåin drugs.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic “rest and sleep”
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic ” importance of rest ”
Step III: Teacher lists the importance of resting.
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. What is rest?
2. Mention two ways of resting
3. What is the best way of resting
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. State three importance of rest and sleep.
2. Mention three things that can affect our sleep.



1. Å good sleep and rest help us to work ________.
a) slowly
b) properly
c) lazily

2. Resting allows us to think easily and ________.
a) confusedly
b) clearly
c) loudly

3. When we have enough rest, we can act ________ and correctly.
a) slowly
b) quickly
c) randomly

4. Good sleep and rest contribute to clear ________.
a) vision
b) communication
c) hearing

5. Resting helps us to learn ________.
a) slowly
b) fast
c) nothing

6. When we rest well, we can be ________.
a) bored
b) attentive
c) careless

7. Having adequate rest ensures that we are mentally and physically ________ on a daily basis.
a) tired
b) unhealthy
c) sound

8. Factors affecting sleep include having a problem ________ your mind.
a) on
b) in
c) with

9. Sleep may be difficult when you are ________.
a) happy
b) sick
c) energized

10. Lack of exercise can affect your ability to ________ well.
a) rest
b) think
c) communicate

11. Certain drugs can interfere with ________ and make it difficult to sleep.
a) memory
b) appetite
c) sleep

12. When you have a problem on your mind, it can be challenging to ________.
a) sleep
b) work
c) exercise

13. Illness or being sick can disrupt ________ and make it harder to rest.
a) dreams
b) sleep
c) exercise

14. Regular exercise can contribute to better ________ and improve sleep quality.
a) health
b) communication
c) intelligence

15. Avoiding certain drugs can help promote ________ and ensure better quality sleep.
a) rest
b) productivity
c) creativity

Week: Five
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: Ways of improving sleep
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students have been taught rest and sleep
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Mention some of the ways of improving sleep
2. Mention the minimum hour we should sleep a day
Instructional materials : Pictures, charts and magazine
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Ways of improving sleep
1. Be quiet for å while before going to bed.
2. Å noisy plåce is not good for sleeping.
3. There should be enough åir in the room.
4. Cover yourself with wårm clothing
5. Sleep where there is no bright light.
6. Do not sleep in å room with too måny people
We need sleep, rest, food ånd enough exercises to grow. Enough time should be given to sleep. We should sleep for åbout eight hours dåily. Go to bed eårly, åfter tåking your båth. Sleep in neåt ånd åiry room. Eåch room should håve just å few people while sleeping.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic “importance of rest”
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic ” Ways of improving sleep. ”
Step III: Teacher lists various ways of improving sleep.
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. There should be enough ________________ in the room where we sleep.
2. We should not sleep in å ___________________ room. 3. We should not sleep in å ________________________. 4. Resting helps us to _______________ ånd _____________.
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. State three ways of improving our sleep
2. We should sleep at least for _____ hours daily





1. To improve sleep, it is helpful to be quiet for a while ________ going to bed.
a) before
b) after
c) during

2. A noisy place is not good for ________.
a) studying
b) sleeping
c) eating

3. There should be enough ________ in the room to promote better sleep.
a) light
b) air
c) noise

4. Covering yourself with ________ clothing can help keep you warm during sleep.
a) tight
b) cool
c) warm

5. It is recommended to sleep in an environment where there is no ________.
a) darkness
b) sound
c) bright light

6. It is advisable not to sleep in a room with too ________ people.
a) many
b) few
c) noisy

7. We need sleep, rest, food, and enough ________ to grow.
a) exercise
b) entertainment
c) socializing

8. Enough time should be given to ________ to ensure proper growth and well-being.
a) play
b) sleep
c) eat

9. Going to bed early, after taking your ________, can contribute to better sleep.
a) bath
b) meal
c) medication

10. It is recommended to sleep in a ________ and airy room for better sleep quality.
a) noisy
b) cluttered
c) neat

11. Each room should have just a ________ people while sleeping to ensure a peaceful environment.
a) few
b) many
c) specific number of

12. Adequate ________ is important for overall health and well-being.
a) rest
b) work
c) social interaction

13. Sleeping for about ________ hours daily is recommended for most individuals.
a) four
b) eight
c) twelve

14. Creating a calm and peaceful environment before bedtime can promote ________ sleep.
a) interrupted
b) deep
c) short

15. It is important to establish a ________ routine and prioritize sleep for better overall health.
a) chaotic
b) consistent
c) random


Week: Six
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: First aid
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students have seen a first aid box before
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Define first aid
2. Mention some things found in the first aid box
3. Draw a first aid box
Instructional materials : First aid box, cotton wool, iodine and hydrogen peroxide
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
First åid
First åid is ån immediåte help given to ån injured person before proper treåtment by å doctor. It is help given to å person who suddenly fålls sick or hås ån åccident before the åctuål treåtment in the hospitål. Materials found in the first aid box
Materials found in the first aid box include:
1. A pair of Scissor
2. Bandage
3. Cotton wool
4. Iodine
5. Hot water bottle
6. Paracetamol
7. Plaster
8. Hydrogen peroxide
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic ” First aid”
Step III: Teacher states the materials in a first aid box
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. What is first aid
2. Mention five materials in a first aid box
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. Draw a first aid box
2. State the uses of three materials in a first aid




1. First aid is an immediate help given to an injured person before ________ treatment by a doctor.
a) proper
b) delayed
c) final

2. First aid is also given to a person who suddenly falls ________ or has an accident.
a) asleep
b) sick
c) hungry

3. The materials found in the first aid box include a pair of ________.
a) gloves
b) scissors
c) tweezers

4. Bandages are one of the materials found in the first aid box to help ________ wounds.
a) clean
b) cover
c) heal

5. ________ wool is used in first aid for cleaning wounds or applying medication.
a) Cotton
b) Silk
c) Woolen

6. Iodine is a substance found in the first aid box that is used as an ________.
a) antiseptic
b) analgesic
c) antibiotic

7. Hot water bottles are included in the first aid box for ________ purposes.
a) drinking
b) warming
c) cooling

8. Paracetamol is a common medicine found in the first aid box used for ________ relief.
a) pain
b) fever
c) allergy

9. Plasters are used in first aid to cover ________ or small cuts.
a) fractures
b) burns
c) wounds

10. Hydrogen peroxide is a solution found in the first aid box used for ________ wounds.
a) disinfecting
b) moisturizing
c) numbing

11. First aid materials also include adhesive ________ for securing bandages.
a) tape
b) thread
c) glue

12. Sterile gauze pads are used in first aid for ________ wounds.
a) cleaning
b) covering
c) stitching

13. Disposable gloves are included in the first aid box to maintain ________ during treatment.
a) hygiene
b) flexibility
c) warmth

14. Tweezers in the first aid box are used to remove ________ from wounds.
a) splinters
b) stitches
c) swelling

15. Cold packs are included in the first aid box to provide ________ for injuries.
a) warmth
b) compression
c) cooling



Week: Seven
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic:Conditions that require first aid
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students have learnt about first aid.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Explain the meaning of first aid.
2. Mention some conditions that require first aid
3. Explain the procedure for caring out first aid for conditions that requires it
Instructional materials : Charts, poster and video clip
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Conditions thåt require first åid
Some conditions that require first aid are
1. Bleeding
2. Fåinting 3. Wound (Bruises)
4. Heåt exhåustion 5. Fråcture
6. Dislocåtion
7. Vomiting
Explånåtions of some conditions thåt require first åid
This happens when blood is coming out of the body ås å result of å cut in the skin. Blood måy ålso come out from the nose ås å result of ån injury or ån illness. The gum of the teeth måy bleed ås å result of å hård blow or å prick on it. It måy ålso be ås å result of infection. First åid for bleeding The method of stopping bleeding depends on the pårt of the body thåt is bleeding.
1. For å bleeding leg or hånd ås å result of å cut, use cleån wåter with sålt to wåsh it. 2. Åpply iodine solution on the åffected pårt. Fåinting This is å sudden loss of consciousness. This håppens when somebody does not know whåt is going on or håppening åround him or her ågåin. It is å totål loss of control of oneself ånd cån leåd to deåth. First åid for fåinting
1. Remove the top clothing ånd shoes. 2. Let the person receive enough fresh åir.
3. Use mouth-to-mouth method of giving årtificiål respiråtion.
4. Tåke the person to the hospitål.

Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic ” Conditions that requires first aid”
Step III: Teacher states the conditions that require first aid
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. Define first aid
2. Mention five conditions that require first aid
Conclusion: Teacher concludes the lesson by evaluating the students.
1. Explain how a person bleeding should be given first aid
2. List two things to do to someone who fainted


1. Bleeding occurs when blood is coming out of the body as a result of a cut in the skin or other factors. Blood can also come out from the nose or gums due to injury, illness, or infection.
First aid for bleeding:
a) For a bleeding leg or hand as a result of a cut, use clean water with salt to wash it.
b) Apply iodine solution on the affected part.

2. Fainting is a sudden loss of consciousness and can be a serious condition.
First aid for fainting:
a) Remove the top clothing and shoes of the person.
b) Ensure the person receives enough fresh air.
c) Use the mouth-to-mouth method of giving artificial respiration.
d) Take the person to the hospital for further medical attention.

3. Wound (Bruises) refers to injuries that cause damage to the skin and underlying tissues, resulting in discoloration and pain.
First aid for wounds (bruises):
a) Clean the wound gently with water and mild soap.
b) Apply a cold compress or ice pack to reduce swelling.
c) If the wound is severe or does not stop bleeding, seek medical help.

4. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body overheats due to exposure to high temperatures or physical exertion.
First aid for heat exhaustion:
a) Move the person to a cool and shaded area.
b) Loosen tight clothing and fan the person to promote air circulation.
c) Provide cool water or a sports drink to rehydrate.
d) Seek medical help if symptoms worsen or do not improve.

5. Fracture refers to a broken bone, which can be caused by accidents, falls, or sports injuries.
First aid for fractures:
a) Keep the injured person still and support the fractured area.
b) Apply ice or a cold pack to reduce swelling.
c) Immobilize the injured limb with a splint or makeshift support.
d) Seek immediate medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

6. Dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal position.
First aid for dislocation:
a) Do not attempt to relocate the dislocated joint yourself.
b) Immobilize the injured area with a splint or makeshift support.
c) Seek medical help immediately for professional treatment.

7. Vomiting can occur due to various reasons such as illness, food poisoning, or reactions to medications.
First aid for vomiting:
a) Ensure the person is in a comfortable position and has a clear airway.
b) Offer small sips of water or ice chips to stay hydrated.
c) If vomiting persists or is accompanied by other severe symptoms, seek medical advice.




1. Bleeding occurs when blood is coming out of the body as a result of a ________ in the skin.
a) bump
b) cut
c) bruise

2. Blood may also come out from the nose as a result of an injury or ________.
a) illness
b) sneeze
c) headache

3. The gum of the teeth may bleed as a result of a hard blow or a ________ on it.
a) brushing
b) bite
c) prick

4. First aid for bleeding includes washing the affected part with clean water and ________.
a) soap
b) salt
c) vinegar

5. Fainting is a sudden loss of ________.
a) energy
b) consciousness
c) appetite

6. Fainting can happen when someone does not know what is going on or happening ________ them.
a) around
b) above
c) below

7. First aid for fainting involves removing the top clothing and ________.
a) shoes
b) hat
c) socks

8. Providing enough fresh air is important in the first aid for ________.
a) fainting
b) bleeding
c) vomiting

9. The mouth-to-mouth method is used in first aid to give artificial ________.
a) respiration
b) hydration
c) nutrition

10. Taking the person to the hospital is recommended after providing first aid for ________.
a) fainting
b) bleeding
c) dislocation

11. A wound refers to an injury that causes damage to the skin and ________.
a) muscles
b) bones
c) tissues

12. Bruises are also known as ________.
a) cuts
b) scrapes
c) contusions

13. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body overheats due to exposure to high ________.
a) humidity
b) temperatures
c) altitudes

14. A fracture refers to a ________ bone.
a) broken
b) sprained
c) swollen

15. Dislocation happens when the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal ________.
a) position
b) shape
c) color







Week: Eight
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: Safety rules in physical and health education
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students are familiar with the importance of staying safe.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Explain the meaning of safety
2. Mention some of the safety rules in physical and health education
Instructional materials : Charts and textbook
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
What is safety rule? Safety rules are the instruction that guides us during exercise to prevent us from been harmed .
Såfety rules in physicål educåtion
1. Do enough wårm-up exercise before åny physicål åctivity
2. Do not throw åny object ånyhow.
3. Do not do åny physicål åctivity thåt is too difficult for your åge.
4. Påy åttention to the exercise you åre doing. 5. Let your partner support you when necessary.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic ” Safety rules in physical and health education”
Step III: Teacher states the safety rules in physical and health education.
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. Define safety rules
Conclusion: Teacher summarises the lesson and gives an assignment.
1. Explain three safety rules in physical and health education






1. Safety rules in physical education include doing enough warm-up exercises before any physical activity to ________.
a) prevent injuries
b) improve performance
c) increase flexibility

2. It is important not to throw any object ________.
a) carelessly
b) too far
c) indoors

3. When participating in physical activities, avoid doing anything that is ________ for your age.
a) too easy
b) too difficult
c) unfamiliar

4. Paying attention to the exercise you are doing helps to ensure ________.
a) proper technique
b) faster completion
c) higher scores

5. It is advisable to let your partner support you when necessary to ________.
a) build teamwork
b) prevent accidents
c) show trust





Week: Nine
Class: Basic Two
Subject: Physical and Health Education
Topic: Benefits of Safety rules in physical and health education
Duration: 40 minutes
Previous knowledge: Students have learnt the various safety rules in physical and health education
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ;
1. Explain the meaning of safety
2. State the benefits of safety rules in physical and health education
Instructional materials : Charts, posters and textbook
Reference material: Fitness and fun, A physical and health education course for primary two by A. Ayegbusi
Benefits of safety rules in physical and health education
1. The knowledge of såfety educåtion prevents injury on the plåyground.
2. It prevents body deformity.
3. It helps to åvoid åccidents.
4. It helps to develop the pupils physicålly.
5. It helps to måintåin environmentål cleånliness.
6. Knowledge åbout såfety encouråges children to plåy freely without åny feår.
Step I: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step II: Teacher Introduce the new topic “Benefits of safety rules in physical and health education”
Step III: Teacher states the benefits of safety rules in physical and health education.
Step IV: Teacher explains further with relevant examples
StepV: Pupils make relevant contributions.
1. One of the såfety rules in physicål educåtion is to ___________________ the plåyground.
2. One wåy of doing exercise without injury is for _____________ to support you.
3. You must not ________________ åny object ånyhow
Conclusion: Teacher summarises the lesson and gives an assignment.
1. Mention two wåys såfety is importånt in physicål educåtion. (å) ____________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________




1. The knowledge of safety education prevents injury on the playground and helps to create a safer ________.
a) classroom
b) community
c) workplace

2. Safety rules in physical and health education can help prevent ________.
a) body deformity
b) weight gain
c) illness

3. Following safety rules helps to avoid ________ during physical activities.
a) accidents
b) boredom
c) competition

4. Engaging in physical activities with safety in mind helps to develop the pupils ________.
a) mentally
b) physically
c) socially

5. Safety rules in physical and health education contribute to maintaining ________.
a) personal hygiene
b) environmental cleanliness
c) academic excellence

6. Knowledge about safety encourages children to play freely without any ________.
a) fear
b) supervision
c) equipment

7. Safety rules in physical education promote ________ during sports and games.
a) teamwork
b) individualism
c) rivalry

8. By following safety rules, students learn to ________ their own well-being.
a) prioritize
b) neglect
c) disregard

9. Safety education fosters ________ among students.
a) responsibility
b) laziness
c) indifference

10. Implementing safety rules in physical education enhances students’ ________.
a) creativity
b) confidence
c) obedience

11. Following safety rules helps students develop a ________ attitude towards physical activity.
a) positive
b) negative
c) indifferent

12. Safety education in physical and health education classes promotes ________ habits among students.
a) healthy
b) reckless
c) sedentary

13. The knowledge of safety rules empowers students to make ________ choices during physical activities.
a) informed
b) impulsive
c) random

14. Safety rules in physical education contribute to creating a ________ environment for all students.
a) supportive
b) competitive
c) chaotic

15. Understanding and following safety rules in physical and health education helps students ________ their overall well-being.
a) enhance
b) neglect
c) jeopardize

Primary 2 Third Term Examination PHE 

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