Acting Properly In The Face Of Danger Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

First Term Lesson Notes Security Education Primary 6


Security Education







Primary 6/Basic 6


Acting Properly In The Face Of Danger


Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Emergency Phone Numbers

that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson


Behavioural objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Explain the meaning of dangers
  • Explain what to do in the situation when someone is in danger
  • Act properly when faced in dangers
  • Improve on how to fight dangers


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards
  • Cctv camera



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Cyber cafe
  • Free security video



What is danger ?

Danger is the potential for harm or injury. It can refer to a situation or activity that has the potential to cause harm or injury to a person or group of people, or it can refer to something that is potentially harmful or destructive, such as a hazardous chemical or a natural disaster. It is important to be aware of and to take precautions to minimize the potential for danger in our daily lives.


Here are some synonyms for dangers:

  1. Threats
  2. Risks
  3. Perils
  4. Hazards
  5. Dangers
  6. Menaces
  7. Pitfalls
  8. Liabilities
  9. Vulnerabilities
  10. Weaknesses

Note that these words can have slightly different connotations and may be more or less appropriate in different contexts. For example, “risks” might refer to potential negative outcomes that are uncertain or hard to predict, while “hazards” might refer to physical dangers or obstacles that are present in the environment. “Perils” might suggest a more serious or dire level of danger, while “vulnerabilities” might refer to points of weakness or susceptibility


What are we expected to do whenever we find ourselves in dangerous situations .

When you are faced with a dangerous situation, it is natural to feel fear and anxiety. However, there are certain steps that you can take in order to minimize the risks and make yourself more resistant to danger. Here are some tips to help you stay safe when you find yourself in a perilous situation:

1. Stay calm and focused. It can be difficult to think clearly when you are in a stressful or dangerous situation, but taking some time to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand can help you make better decisions. Try deep breathing exercises or visualization techniques that help you stay calm, grounded, and centered.

2. Avoid making rash decisions. When faced with danger, it can be tempting to react impulsively or take risks that you normally wouldn’t. However, taking the time to carefully consider your options and weigh the potential consequences of your actions can help you make safer choices.

3. Prioritize safety over comfort. In some dangerous situations, your first priority should be protecting yourself from harm. This might mean putting your own safety first and abandoning a project, task, or relationship that is no longer safe. It may also mean seeking help from others or taking other actions to increase your personal safety.

4. Practice resilience and self-care. No matter what happens in a dangerous situation, it is important to remember that you have the strength and resilience to get through it. Try practicing self-care strategies like exercise, meditation, or journaling to help you stay calm and focused no matter what challenges come your way. With these tools in place, you can face danger head on and emerge unscathed.








The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic. Pupils are encouraged to explain personal security. Pupils in pairs are to suggest people that they can reach out to when in harm, fear or danger.


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise. The class teacher makes the pupils to know the reasons for person security



1. What should you do if you find yourself in a dangerous situation?

A. Panic and try to run away

B. Stay calm and try to find a way to safely escape

C. Try to fight back against the threat

D. Ignore the danger and continue on as if nothing is happening


2. If you are being threatened by someone, what should you do?

A. Try to reason with the person and calm them down

B. Scream and try to draw attention to yourself

C. Run away as fast as you can

D. Try to disarm the person


3. If you are in a building that is on fire, what should you do?

A. Stay where you are and wait for help to arrive

B. Try to put out the fire yourself

C. Run out of the building as quickly as possible

D. Hide in a room with the door closed and windows open


4. If you are lost in the wilderness, what should you do?

A. Try to find your way back by following your tracks

B. Stay in one place and wait for rescue

C. Keep walking in a straight line until you find help

D. Try to find shelter and make a fire


5. If you are in a car accident, what should you do?

A. Get out of the car and run away

B. Stay in the car and wait for help to arrive

C. Try to move the car off the road if it is safe to do so

D. Check on the other driver and call for help


6. If you are being chased by an animal, what should you do?

A. Climb a tree or other high place

B. Try to outrun the animal

C. Stand your ground and try to scare the animal away

D. Play dead


7. If you are caught in a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake, what should you do?

A. Stay inside and wait for the disaster to pass

B. Try to find shelter and wait for the disaster to pass

C. Try to outrun the disaster

D. Ignore the danger and continue on as if nothing is happening


8. If you are in a hostage situation, what should you do?

A. Try to escape if possible

B. Try to disarm the hostage taker

C. Follow the hostage taker’s instructions

D. Try to reason with the hostage taker


9. If you are being mugged, what should you do?

A. Hand over your valuables

B. Try to fight back

C. Run away

D. Try to reason with the mugger


10. If you are in a situation where someone is threatening to harm themselves or others, what should you do?

A. Try to calm the person down and get them to seek help

B. Leave the area and call for help

C. Try to disarm the person

D. Ignore the situation and hope it resolves itself.




Answer to the questions. 


1. What should you do if you find yourself in a dangerous situation?

B. Stay calm and try to find a way to safely escape


2. If you are being threatened by someone, what should you do?

A. Try to reason with the person and calm them down


3. If you are in a building that is on fire, what should you do?

C. Run out of the building as quickly as possible


4. If you are lost in the wilderness, what should you do?

B. Stay in one place and wait for rescue


5. If you are in a car accident, what should you do?

D. Check on the other driver and call for help


6. If you are being chased by an animal, what should you do?

A. Climb a tree or other high place


7. If you are caught in a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake, what should you do?

B. Try to find shelter and wait for the disaster to pass


8. If you are in a hostage situation, what should you do?

A. Try to escape if possible


9. If you are being mugged, what should you do?

A. Hand over your valuables


10. If you are in a situation where someone is threatening to harm themselves or others, what should you do?

A. Try to calm the person down and get them to seek help








The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.



Scheme Of Work Security Education Primary 6 Lesson Notes Third Term



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