Agricultural Science SS 3 Second Term Examinations

Agricultural Science


Second Term


Senior Secondary School Year 3




Ss3 agric 2nd que.


1. Establishing a specified characteristics that your product must conform to is ____

(a) sorting (b) pricing (c) standardization (d) promotion

2. ____ buys produce from farmers in raw state and coverts them to usable or consumable forms (a) Middle men (b) Marketing board (c) Processors (d) Wholesalers

3.The disadvantage of buy produce directly from farmers is (a) the produce are usually at the freshest state (b) produce price is at the cheapest (c) produce are purchased at inflated prices if there is scarcity (d) none of the above

4. ____ enables a marketer generate adequate information about targeted market

(a) Research (b) Sorting (c) Standardization (d) Promotion

5. Which of these is not a method of identifying farm animals a) chaining b) tattooing c) candling d) ear-notching

6. The following are routine practices in poultry farm except a) incubation b) brooding c) tattooing d) de-beaking

7. Identification and removal of unfertilized eggs from the incubator is aided with the use of as a) candler b) culler c) hatcher d) incubator

8. Which of these is not a reason for carrying out selection in animal farms a) good meat production b) resistance to diseases c) maximize genetic gain d) cannibalism

9. Disease causing organisms are referred to as a. vectors b. pathogens c. pests d. insect

10. Animal diseases are generally caused by the following except a. protozoa b. nematode c. virus d. fungi

11. An animal is said to be resistant to a disease if the a. animal easily succumb to infection by the disease. b. presence of the disease pathogen does not cause expression of disease symptoms. c. animal is able to endure the effect of the disease. d. animal has no antibodies in its blood.

12. The factors that can predispose animals to diseases include the following except

a. poor housing b. immunity c. malnutrition d. unfavourable weather

13. The part of the body affected by newcastle disease of poultry are the a. nervous system and respiratory tract b. digestive and circulatory system c. reproductive and excretory tracts d. air sac and the comb

14. The general symptoms of malnutrition in animals include the following except

a. retarded growth b. increase in body size c. low production d. susceptibility to disease.

15. Newcastle disease affects the following animals except a. goat b. chicken c. turkey

d. duck

16. Which of the following is not a viral disease? a. Anthrax b. Fowl pox c. Gumburo

d. Rinderpest.

17. Which of the following livestock diseases is transmitted by tick? (a) Coccidiosis

(b) aspergillosis (c) brucellosis (d) red water fever

18. Which of the following diseases is not caused by protozoa (a) trypanosomiasis

(b) Coccidiosis (c) red water fever (d) aspergillosis

19. When a cattle is observed to be sleeping constantly among the flock, it’s most likely suffering from (a) trypanosomiasis (b) coccidiosis (c) red water fever (d) aspergillosis

20. The disease that causes abortion in cattle at the later stage of pregnancy is (a) milk fever (b) pneumonia (c) brucellosis (d) foot and mouth

21. The following are endoparasites of livestock  except a. insect bug b. roundworm

c. liver fluke d. tapeworm

22. The primary host of tapeworm is a. man b. sheep c. goat d. pig

23. The head of tapeworm is otherwise referred to as a. sucker b. scolex c. hook d. anchor

24. The following are economic importance of tapeworm except a. causing reduced growth b. causing indigestion c. causing death d. causing increased weight in animals

25. The following are ectoparasites of livestock except a. tick b. louse c. flea d. roundworm

26. Which of these livestock diseases is transmitted by ticks? A) red water b) Coccidiosis c) Aspergilosis d) trypanosomiasis e) Brucelliosis

27. The commonest ectoparasite of birds are a) lice b) fleas c) mites d) ticks d) houseflies

28. An unproductive animal completely removed from the rest of the stock is said to be a) quarantined b) culled c) isolated d) confined e) sold.

29. What type of pasture practice is used for controlled parasite vector a) overgrazing b) zero-grazing b) rotational grazing c) reseeding

30. All these are controls of parasites in piggery except a) disinfecting pens b) regular cleaning of feed and water troughs c) isolating sick animals d) weekly vaccination of pigs



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