Nigerian National Symbols

Nigerian National Symbols

Edu Delight Tutors

Subject   :  Civic Education


Class  : Basic 3 / Primary 3  / Class 3


Term : First  Term


Week  : Week 1


Topic  :  Nigerian National Symbols


Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of things around them in their previous classes

Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • mention some Nigerian National Symbols
  • mention some places where some Nigerian National Symbols may be found
  • Give examples of Nigerian National Symbols
  • Describe some Nigerian National Symbols

Instructional Materials 

  • Pictures of objects commonly seen at home
  • Objects seen at home
  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks

Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation

Content :  

Nigerian National Symbols are logos , items , emblems or objects that are used by Nigerians at national level to show their identity , commitment , loyalty, respect  or faithfulness to Nigeria as a country . Nigerian National symbols are held in high esteem by Nigerians to show their patriotisms .  These symbols are respected because their symbolise unity and authority .


Examples Of Some Of Nigerian National Symbols are 

  • The Nigerian National Flag
  • The National Anthem
  • The National Pledge
  • The National Coat Of Arm
  • The Nigerian Map
  • The Nigeria National Constitution
  • The Mace of Authority
  • The Nigerian Currency
  • The Nigerian Armed Forces
  • The Super Eagles
  • The Nigerian passport
  • The Seal Of The Federal Government Of Nigeria



 Places where some Nigerian National Symbols may be found

  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Courts
  • Hospitals
  • Offices
  • The Senate Building




Meaning of national identity

National identity can be refered to as the symbols, actions and behaviour, beliefs, languages and feelings that makes people from one country different from people from other countries. It also means accepting and belonging to a country by taking part in its activities, and obeying the rules and regulations of that country.



Elements of national identity 

The are are certain things that makes it possible for people to identify themselves as members of one country or another.

These includes the following:

1. National anthem: This is a song which has a special importance for a country. It tells the way the people feel about their country.


2. Citizenship of a nation: The citizens feel special abou their nation. They enjoy certain rights and are expected to do certain things for their country.



3. Payment of taxes and dues: The people pay taxes which are used for the development of their country.


4. Working to make the society better: All citizens of a country strive towards making their country better.



5. Showing respect for national symbols:

People who identify with their country show respect for the national symbols of their country. For example, in Nigeria, many offices and organizations fly the national flag always. Some have the coat of arms, the pictures of the president, and the sate governor. We stand at attention when we say the national pledge and when we sing the national anthem.



The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher And Pupils Activities. Interaction or  Participation 

This involves class teacher  and pupils interaction , conversation , imitation or modeling through discussion , play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher will take the pupils round the school compound and make the pupils point to the map or flag and describe the colour and shape of the flap and map
  • Pupils are made to recite the National anthem
  • The class teacher may tell the pupils to write out the national pledge
  • Some pupils may not want to pay attention , The class teacher may gain the pupil’s attention by calling the pupil’s names and ask him or her some question like :

John : Who designed the National flag ? ,

Alabi : Who compose the National anthem  ?

James : What is the slogan of the Nigerian Army ?


  1. I pledge to Nigeria my _________
  2. To be faithful , Loyal and _________
  3. The colour of the Nigerian flag is green , white and ______
  4. The Nigeria flags are always seen on top of Mosques in Nigeria . ( True / False )
  5. The Nigerian flag can be seen in some churches in Nigeria . ( True . Fasle )
  6. The slogan of the Nigerian Army is _______
  7. NPF stands for ____________
  8. The mace stands for authority in the house . ( True / false )
  9. Now thy day is over , please kindly tell the time keeper to ring the _____
  10. How many denominations of the Naira notes do we have in Nigeria
  11. What is national identity?
  12. Mention three elements of national identity
    • (a) ________________________________
    • (b) ________________________________
    • (c) ________________________________



All Classes  Examination Question Links


The class teacher does the necessary corrections and he or she goes round to mark .



The class teacher should stimulate the pupils’ interest  on  Types of roads within and outside the school

Primary 3 Civic Education First, Second and Third Term Lesson Notes And Lesson Plans With Scheme of Work

Edu Delight Tutors

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