Second Term Mathematics Primary 2


Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Weekly Lesson Plan

Lesson Notes With Teaching Aids and Teaching Methodology


Week 1 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Revision of first term’s work works


Week 2 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Addition of 2 digit numbers without exchange or remaining



Week 3 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Subtraction of 2 digit numbers with exchanging or remaining



Week 4 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Addition of 3 digit numbers without remaining or exchanging



Week 5 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Subtraction of 3 digit numbers without remaining or exchanging



Week 6 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Odd and even numbers



Week 7 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Open sentences involving addition and subtraction



Week 8 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Multiplication by using repeated addition (Additive multiplication)



Week 9 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Multiplication of 2 digit numbers by 2 or 3 without remaining or exchanging



Week 10 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Practical work



Week 11 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2

Revision of first term’s work Primary 2



Week 12 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2



Week 13 Second Term Mathematics Primary 2





First Term Mathematics Primary 2




Primary 2 Mathematics Third Term




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