Paul’s Conversion Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Week: 3

Topic: Paul’s Mission to Damascus

Sub-topic: Reasons for Paul’s Mission, Paul’s Encounter on the Way, Importance of Paul’s Conversion

Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to explain why Paul wanted to go to Damascus.
  2. Students will describe what happened to Paul on his way to Damascus.
  3. Students will understand the importance of Paul’s conversion.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Damascus
  2. Persecution
  3. Conversion
  4. Baptism
  5. Missionary

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Bible (Acts 9: 1-19)
  2. Pictures depicting Paul’s encounter on the way to Damascus
  3. Whiteboard and markers
  4. Textbooks: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Bible Stories for Children

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Review with students what they learned in the previous lesson about the early Christian church and the persecution faced by believers. Connect this to the story of Paul’s mission to Damascus, emphasizing the context of his persecution of Christians.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Oral communication


Reasons for Paul’s Proposed Mission to Damascus:

  1. Persecution of Christians: Paul, originally known as Saul, strongly opposed the followers of Jesus Christ. He wanted to stop the spread of Christianity and believed that arresting Christians in Damascus would help achieve this.
  2. Fear of the Spread of Christianity: Christians were sharing their faith in Jesus in places like Damascus, which threatened Saul’s beliefs and authority. He saw this as a danger to Judaism and wanted to stop it.

What Happened to Paul on the Way to Damascus:

  1. Encounter with a Divine Light: While traveling to Damascus with his friends, Paul experienced a blinding light and heard a voice asking why he was persecuting Jesus. This encounter left him blinded and confused.
  2. Conversation with Jesus: Paul heard the voice identify itself as Jesus, revealing his persecution of Christians as an offense against Jesus himself. Jesus instructed Paul to enter the city and await further instructions.

Importance of Paul’s Conversion:

  1. Transformation of Beliefs: Paul’s conversion from persecutor to follower of Jesus was a dramatic change. It showed the power of Jesus to transform even the most fervent opponents into believers.
  2. Missionary Work: Following his conversion, Paul became one of the most influential figures in early Christianity. His missionary journeys spread the message of Jesus throughout the Roman Empire, significantly impacting the growth and development of the Christian faith.
  3. Influence on New Testament: Paul’s letters, written after his conversion, form a significant portion of the New Testament. His theological insights and teachings continue to shape Christian doctrine and practice to this day.

Class Activity Discussion 

Asked Questions about Paul’s Mission to Damascus:

  1. Why did Paul want to go to Damascus?
    • Paul wanted to go to Damascus to arrest Christians because he didn’t like their beliefs.
  2. What happened to Paul on the way to Damascus?
    • Paul saw a bright light and heard a voice speaking to him. This light blinded him temporarily.
  3. Why was Paul blinded on the way to Damascus?
    • Paul was blinded by the bright light that he saw while traveling to Damascus.
  4. What did Paul ask when he heard the voice on the way to Damascus?
    • Paul asked, “Who are you, Lord?” because he was surprised and confused.
  5. How did Paul’s friends react to the voice on the way to Damascus?
    • Paul’s friends became afraid because they heard the voice but didn’t see anyone.
  6. What was the importance of Paul’s conversion?
    • Paul’s conversion was important because he stopped persecuting Christians and became a follower of Jesus.
  7. What did Paul do for three days in Damascus?
    • Paul prayed without eating for three days in Damascus.
  8. Who did Jesus send to help Paul regain his sight?
    • Jesus sent a man named Ananias to help Paul regain his sight.
  9. What did Ananias do to help Paul?
    • Ananias laid his hands on Paul, and Paul regained his sight.
  10. What did Paul receive after his baptism?
    • After his baptism, Paul received the Holy Spirit.
  11. What did Paul become after his conversion?
    • After his conversion, Paul became a Christian missionary.
  12. How did Paul feel after receiving his sight back?
    • Paul felt happy and strong after receiving his sight back.
  13. What did Paul do after his conversion?
    • After his conversion, Paul traveled to many places to tell people about Jesus.
  14. Did Paul’s friends support him after his conversion?
    • Paul’s friends were initially afraid, but they supported him after seeing the change in him.
  15. What did Paul learn from his encounter with Jesus?
    • Paul learned that persecuting Christians was wrong and that Jesus was the true savior.


  1. Why did Paul want to go to Damascus? a) To visit friends b) To arrest Christians c) To buy new clothes d) To see the sights
  2. What happened to Paul on the way to Damascus? a) He saw a rainbow b) He heard thunder c) He was blinded by a bright light d) He met a friendly stranger
  3. What did Paul hear while traveling to Damascus? a) Music playing b) Birds singing c) A voice asking why he was persecuting Jesus d) People shouting
  4. Why was Paul blinded on the way to Damascus? a) Because he was sleeping b) Because he looked at the sun c) Because of a bright light d) Because of a magic spell
  5. What did Paul ask when he heard the voice on the way to Damascus? a) “Who are you, Lord?” b) “Where am I?” c) “What’s happening?” d) “Why me?”
  6. What did Jesus tell Paul to do after their conversation? a) Run away b) Go back home c) Enter the city d) Jump in a river
  7. How did Paul’s friends react to the voice on the way to Damascus? a) They laughed b) They ran away c) They became afraid d) They danced
  8. What was the importance of Paul’s conversion? a) He became a famous painter b) He started a new job c) He became a follower of Jesus d) He learned to ride a horse
  9. What did Paul do for three days in Damascus? a) Ate a lot of food b) Prayed without eating c) Slept all day d) Played games with friends
  10. Who did Jesus send to help Paul regain his sight? a) Peter b) Ananias c) Mary d) John
  11. What did Ananias do to help Paul? a) Gave him money b) Gave him new clothes c) Laid hands on him d) Gave him food
  12. What did Paul receive after his baptism? a) A new name b) A new house c) The Holy Spirit d) A map
  13. What did Paul become after his conversion? a) A baker b) A doctor c) A teacher d) A Christian missionary
  14. How did Paul feel after receiving his sight back? a) Sad b) Confused c) Happy and strong d) Angry
  15. What did Paul do after his conversion? a) Traveled around the world b) Started a new business c) Spread the message of Jesus d) Became a soldier
  16. Paul’s mission to Damascus was driven by his strong opposition to ________________. a) Judaism b) Islam c) Christianity
  17. One of the reasons for Paul’s mission to Damascus was to ________________ the spread of Christianity. a) promote b) suppress c) ignore
  18. On the way to Damascus, Paul encountered a bright ________________ from heaven. a) voice b) light c) person
  19. Paul fell to the ground when he experienced the bright light and heard the voice of ________________. a) Moses b) Jesus c) Paul
  20. As a result of the encounter, Paul was temporarily ________________. a) deaf b) blind c) mute
  21. Paul was led into the city of Damascus by his ________________. a) disciples b) companions c) enemies
  22. During his time in Damascus, Paul fasted and ________________. a) prayed b) ate c) slept
  23. Paul’s conversion led him to become an apostle to the ________________. a) Jews b) Gentiles c) Samaritans
  24. One of the important contributions of Paul’s conversion was his authorship of ________________. a) the Gospels b) the Epistles c) the Psalms
  25. Paul’s conversion played a significant role in the expansion of ________________ beyond its Jewish roots. a) Islam b) Hinduism c) Christianity

Presentation :

  1. Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic
    • The teacher revises the previous lesson on the early Christian church and persecution faced by believers.
  2. Step 2: Introduction of New Topic
    • The teacher introduces the topic of Paul’s mission to Damascus, explaining why Paul wanted to go there and what happened to him on the way.
  3. Step 3: Pupil Participation
    • The teacher allows students to share their knowledge and understanding of the topic.
    • Students are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification.
    • The teacher corrects any misconceptions and provides additional information as needed.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead the discussion by asking questions and providing explanations.
  • Show pictures depicting Paul’s encounter on the way to Damascus.
  • Facilitate the class discussion and encourage student participation.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
  • Participate actively in the class discussion by asking questions and sharing their thoughts.
  • Look at the pictures provided and discuss what they see.


  • Observe students’ participation and engagement during the discussion.
  • Ask individual students questions to assess their understanding of the topic.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why did Paul want to go to Damascus?
  2. What happened to Paul on the way to Damascus?
  3. Why was Paul blinded on the way to Damascus?
  4. What did Paul ask when he heard the voice on the way to Damascus?
  5. How did Paul’s friends react to the voice on the way to Damascus?
  6. What was the importance of Paul’s conversion?
  7. What did Paul do for three days in Damascus?
  8. Who did Jesus send to help Paul regain his sight?
  9. What did Ananias do to help Paul?
  10. What did Paul become after his conversion?


  • The teacher goes around the class to assess students’ understanding and correct any misconceptions.
  • Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of Paul’s conversion in spreading the message of Christianity.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the lesson and its relevance to their own lives. 🌟
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