Tag: Third Term


AGRICULTURAL  SCIENCE THIRD TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS 1 WEEK 1 WEED WEEK 2 Uses and control of weed WEEK 3 Economic importance of weed WEEK 4 CROP PESTS Classification and control of crop pests WEEK 5 ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT THROUGH AGRICULTURE Ways of economic empowerment WEEK 6 MARKETING OR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT Meaning of marketing

Senior Secondary School Scheme Of Work

Senior Secondary School    SSS 1   First Term Senior Secondary School  1   (SSS 1)      Second  Term Senior Secondary School 1 ( SS 1)     Third Term Senior Secondary School (SS 1)       SSS 2   First Term Senior Secondary School  2 {SSS 2)      Second  Term Senior Secondary

Form an anagram from each of the following words.

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:::Verbal– Reasoning. TOPIC:::Assessment Test.   Form an anagram from each of the following words.   (1)Form an anagram from the first five letters of the word TEACHER ________.   (2)Form an anagram from the first four letters of the word SENTENCE________.   (3)Form the anagram from the last six letters of

Block Graphs

  Class:Basic 2     Subject:Mathematics   Topic:Block Graphs   Contents:   Meaning of block graph   Examples of block graph   Block graphs are graphs that give information without pictures   Examples   The block graph below shows the number of children born each month of the year from January to December.This kind of

4 Conditions That Require First Aid Treatment

    Class: Basic 2       Subject:Basic Science   Topic:First Aid   Contents: Meaning of first aid   CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE FIRST AID TREATMENT      First aid is the first immediate assistance or treatment given to an injured or sick person before arrival of a medical doctor.   The purpose of first

Modern Day Means of Communication.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: Social-Studies.   TOPIC:: Modern Day Means of Communication. Content The world has come a long way in developing communication technology. Nowadays most of the methods of communication are fast and powered by electricity. Tools of modern day means of communication. (1)Radio (2)Television (3) The internet (4)Billboard (5(Newspaper (6)Magazine Advantages

Mention five income yielding Cookery

    Class :Primary 6     Subject :Home Economics   Topic : income Yielding Cookery   Income yielding Cookery involves petty cooking that are done for commercial purposes.   It involves preparation, cooking and selling of food in order to make money.   Examples of income yielding Cookery are   Small chops Plantain chips

State three uses of farm records

    Class :Primary 6     Subject : AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Topic :Review   Content : Revision   Answer the following questions   List five types of markets for Agricultural produce   1……………….   2………………..   3…………………   4………………….   5………………….     What is cash record used for     What is a

Complete the following expressions by filling in the missing words

  Class :Primary 6   Subject : Verbal Reasoning Instructions : Complete the following expressions by filling in the missing words Busy is to bẹẹ as sharp is to………… (needle, mouth, razor, car) Dawn is to morning as…….. is to evening (day, afternoon, dusk, night) Wings are made to fly as legs are made to……