Tag: Third Term

Features Of An Email

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 7 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of.   Page Setting-Different types of page set up-correct page alignment-production of documents That was taught during the last lesson Topic : Memorandum-meaning, features and format.

Memorandum-meaning, features and format.

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 6 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of.   Page Setting-Different types of page set up-correct page alignment-production of documents That was taught during the last lesson Topic : Memorandum-meaning, features and format.

Page Setting

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 5 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Paragraphing: method of paragraphing that was taught during the last lesson Topic : Page Setting Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the

Methods of Paragraphing

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 4 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Techniques Development in Keyboarding-math table techniques of wing -the space regulator-description,uses,techniques that was taught during the last lesson Topic : Methods of Paragraphing Behavioural objectives

Techniques Development in Keyboarding

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 3 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Speed Development and Accuracy Skills Alphabetical Sentence drill outline sentence drill that was taught during the last lesson Topic : Techniques Development in Keyboarding-math table

Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy

Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 2 Class : JSS 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Printer’s correction signs. proof readers marks and signs Identification that was taught in their previous lessons Topic : Speed Development and Accuracy Skills Alphabetical Sentence


Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 1 Class : Jss 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics taught in their previous lessons Topic : PRINTERS CORRECTION SIGN Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

Senior High School Year 3 or SSS 3 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Senior High School  Senior Secondary School  SSS 3                   Senior Secondary School  or SSS 3   Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  SSS 3     Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  SSS 3     Senior Secondary School 

Senior High School Year 2 or SSS 2 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Senior High School  Senior Secondary School  SSS 2                   Senior Secondary School  or SSS 2   Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  SSS 2     Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  SSS 2     Senior Secondary School 

Senior High School Year or SSS 1 Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work For  Senior High School  Senior Secondary School  SSS 1                   Senior Secondary School  or SSS 1   Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work First Term  SSS 1   Senior Secondary School  Scheme of Work Second Term  SSS 1     Senior Secondary School  Scheme