JSS 3 EXAMS QUESTIONS SECOND TERM PHE SECTION A Which of the three types of group/combined events is for women? A. Decathlon B. Heptathlon C. Octathlon D. Pentathlon The following events are common to the three types of group/combined events except _____ A. 200m race B. javelin C. long jump D. 1,500m Which of these

JSS 3 Second Term Social Studies

Edu Delight Tutors SECTION A Instruction: From the options lettered A-D, choose the letter that is most appropriate for the following questions. Answer all the questions. The application of scientific knowledge is termed A. science B. technology.  c. Philosophy D. transportation. Aircraft, cars and boats are products of A. science B. technology C. Philosophy D.

Creative Art Second Term Jss 2

Edu Delight Tutors SECTION A Cloth weaving that entails interlacing yarns takes place on what equipment. (a) Loom (b) Canvas (c) Turning wheel (d) Street Which of these set of materials is suitable for weaving? (a) Grasses, cane, thread, raffia (b) Rubber , straw, tissue paper, clay (c) Cotton, raffia, palm fronds , wood (d)

Second Term JSS 3 Computer Studies ICT

Edu Delight Tutors SECTION A …….. is a pictorial way of representing data which had been in tabular form. A. Picture B. Graph C. Worksheet D. All …….. is a type of graph A. Pie Chart B. Pie Sheet C. Translator D. Work MS Excel is an example of ……. program A. Graph B. Binary

Fine Art Exams Jss 1 Second Term

Edu Delight Tutors Fine Art Exams Jss 1 Second Term Section A …..is the raw material or medium required in presenting three dimensional statues in stone carving (a) Wood (b) Bronze (c) Ivory (d) Soapstone Pottery is a craft that deals purely with the modeling of ceramic wares from ………..(a) brass (b) clay (c) a

Basic Science Exams Questions JSS 2 SECOND TERM

Edu Delight Tutors JSS 2 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A ——— is the sum of (usually macroscopic) kinetic and potential energies A. Mechanical B. Mechanical Wave C. Mechanical Advantage d. Potential ——— Results when a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement (or a motion) or, in some instances,

Joyeux Noël FRENCH Exams Pry 5

SUBJECT: FRENCH CLASS: GRADE 5 Section 1: Reponder aux expressions de souhaitsuivantes en utilisantsoit “ Avous au tant” ou “merci” 1. Joyeux Noel ______________________ 2. Bonne annee _____________________ 3. Bonne vacances ____________________ 4. Bonne chance ______________________ 5. Bon-anniversaire ___________________ 6. Bon – appetit _______________________ 7. Bonne arrive _______________________ 8. felicitation ____________________________ 9. Bonne journee _________________________

Second Term Security Education Exams JSS 1

Edu Delight Tutors  Online scheme, Past Questions and Other Resources SUBJECT: SECURITY EDUCATION CLASS: JSS 1 TIME: 1HRS OBJECTIVES All these crimes are very common among youths except (a) Rape (b) Examination malpractice (c) Weapon smuggling (d) Robbery and stealing An act of intentionally taking another person’s property without permission is called (a) Gang robbery

Tennis game

Edu Delight Tutors  Second Term Examinations SUBJECT: PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION CLASS: JSS TWO TIME: 2HRS OBJECTIVES 1. The striking games include the following except___(a)Baseball (b)Cricket (c) Long jump (d)Tennis. 2. The activity of the Tennis game is governed by? (a)Traditional rules (b)Delegation (c)Doctrine (d)Rules and Regulations. 3. Tennis game is played by___ players on

What did God create on each day

——- is a thing that is wanted or required. (a)Scarcity (b)Shift (c)Need (d)Option God provides our need because He —— us. (a)hates (b)values (c)struggles with (d)forbids God wants us to _____ first. (a)seek his kingdom (b)search for good (c)struggle for food (d)be lazy We make our requests known to God through _____. (a)electronic mail (b)wailing