Exam Questions Second Term SSS 2 Accounting

S S ACCOUNTING 1. The term “accounting period” is used to refer to the A. time span during which taxes are paid to the inland revenue board B. budget period, usually one year, relied on by the accountant C. time span, usually one year, covered by financial statement D. period within which debtors are expected

Exams Questions Chemistry SS 2 Second Term

CLASS: S S 2 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY 1. What is the electronic configuration of sodium? 1S2522P6352 (b)1522522P6352 (c)1522522P6351 (d) 1522522P6350 (e) 1522P63523p6451 2. Which of the following statements is true? (a)An increase in temperature increases number gas molecules. (b)Increase in temperature does not affect kinetic energy ©Increase in temperature is proportimal to volume (d) decrease in

Exam Questions Physics SS 2 Second Term

CLASS: S S 2 SUBJECT: PHYSICS   Which of the following is not a vector quantities? (a) Speed (b) force ©Velocity (d) Acceleration. Which of the following is not a scalar quantity? (a)Density (b) speed (c) Temperature (d) weight   Two force, whose resultant is 100N, are perpendicular to each other. If one them makes

Poetry Basic 4

POETRY – BASIC 4 1. If I’d as much money as I could ______. (a) buy (b) mend (c) spend 2. I never would _______ “old chairs to mend”. (a) smile (b)laugh (c)cry 3. A little _______ frog lived under a log. (a) red (b)green (c) black 4. A ______ lived by the water side.

Physics Exams Questions Second Term SS 1

Class: SSS 1 Subject: Physics Name: Section A: Objective Questions Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the correct option from the choices lettered a – d. Which of the following is not an effect of heat? a. Expansion b. Contraction c. Change of state d. Increase in weight Temperature can be measured in the

Social Habits KG Class Exams

Social Habits Kindergarten First Term Lesson Notes Subject: Social Habits Class: Kindergarten Term: First Term Week: 1 Topic: Introduction to Social Habits Sub-topic: Greeting People Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Understand the importance of greeting. Identify different ways to greet people. Practice greeting their

Science Exams KG Second Term

SUBJECT: SCIENCE CLASS: K.G 1. What type of food are these 2. Mention the uses of water i. _____________________________ ii. ______________________________ iii.______________________________ iv. ______________________________ 3. Do we have 2 types of water? (a) yes (b) No 4. Mention 2 types of water i. ________________________________ ii. _______________________________ 5. Is it good to drink dirty water (a)

KG Number Work Exams

SUBJECT: NUMBER WORK CLASS: K.G 1. Oral counting 1-10 2. Identify these numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Trace these numbers 4. Count and write 1-10 5. Identify and match these numbers 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1


Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: C.R.K CLASS: K.G 1. Who is God? (a) daddy and mummy (b) Heavenly father (c) sister and brother 2. Mention 2 things created by God i. ________________________________ ii. _______________________________ 3. Who were our first parents (a) Adam and Eve (b) Joseph and Mary (c) Mummy and daddy 4. Do you love


SOCIAL STUDIES 1.The study of man and his interaction with his social and physical environments is———A. geography B. social studies C. music D .basic science Which of the following is not an example of physical environment? A. Hills B. Lake C. Family D. Oceans All BUT one of the following are the three areas /