Tag: Primary 6

basic six vocation

CLASS: PRIMARY 6                                              SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE       NAME:……………………………………………………………………………… 1.)   The person who produces drug is a ___________ (a) curator           (b) doctor      (c) librarian   (d) pharmacist   2.)   Which of the following is made from wood ______ (a) biro (b) key (c) paper (d) pot 3.)   A _________ may be used to

English 3rd term basic six

Instruction: Read the passages below carefully answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the option letter A to E   AKIN AND THE STOLEN MEAT Once upon a time, there was a boy called Akin. Akin had a bad habit of dipping his finger into the soup pot’s, whether it was